"Gu Lan is a local, do you have a place you often go?"




This was Gu Yu's first impression.

Without God's organization that could attack at any time, the atmosphere was no longer depressed.

Seeing Gu Yu coming in, the girls stopped talking instantly.

With a smile on his face, Element Heart took the lead and said, "Our hero is here!"

Shi Gulan continued, "Beautiful work! Gu Yu!"

Meng Shihan said with emotion: "Anubis, you and Ye Tianwang have both killed you! Your strength is really getting stronger and stronger!"

Shi Gaofei and the others also cast a look of admiration, emotion, or admiration at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu also smiled and began to respond to the crowd.

At 9 o'clock, the radio sounded on time.

"Please all contestants get ready to play!"

Everyone in the lounge looked at Gu Yu at the same time.

Everyone knows that the audience at the scene and in front of the TV are waiting for who will appear first.

Under everyone's attention, Gu Yu slowly got up and walked out of the lounge first.

Then Yuan Xin, Shi Gaofei and others also got up and left behind Gu Yu.

The moment Gu Yu walked out of the player channel, hundreds of cameras on the scene were all aimed at Gu Yu.

A handsome figure in a black T-shirt also appeared on the big screen.

The entire Poseidon Gymnasium was instantly boiling, and the cheers on the scene rose from wave to wave, and the audience shouted Gu Yu's name!

"Gu Yu!!!"

"Gu Yu!!!"

"Gu Yu!!!"


The live commentary also screamed loudly with excitement!

"All the audience at the scene expressed their welcome to Gu Yu with their actual actions!"

"The audience in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast online! Let's give a round of applause to Gu Yu, the hero who saved Hai Province!!!"

The audience who is watching the live broadcast online instantly paralyzed the live broadcast room with the barrage!

"Applause! Gu Yu is awesome! (broken voice)!"

"Brilliant! Forgive me for not reading much. Besides being awesome, I really don't know how to use other words to describe Gu Yu!"

"This is someone's 20-year-old! All kinds of champions are soft-handed, subdue the beast, and defeat the leader of the evil organization to become a hero of Hai Province!"

"If you cover Gu Yu's name, I will believe Gu Yu's record if you say that you are the champion of Fang Jianming!"

"Looking up! I can only look up at Gu Yu now! Gu Yu is so awesome!"


After receiving the applause and cheers from the audience, Gu Yu also acted as an audience member.

It was interrupted after the first game of the quarter-finals.

After Gu Yu was promoted, there were still three games to be played.

After today's three quarterfinals are over, it will be Gu Yu's turn to play tomorrow.

After being a spectator for a day, Gu Yu also knows his opponent tomorrow.

The nephew of the Four Heavenly King Yan Nianyan, Yan Chengye! .

Chapter 239 The Final Four Begin!Everyone's appreciation!An underappreciated opponent!

6 month 21 day.

Poseidon Stadium.

Today is the Final Four of the Tenno Challenge Qualifiers.

After addressing the threat of God's Organization, today's game also became the focus of everyone's attention.

at the guest seat.

Ye Hongyi, Tong Zhen, Shi Wenbin, Gu Wenyao, Leng Rushuang and other senior leaders of the alliance all came to the scene at this time.

Before waiting for the start of the game, a few people in a good mood also started chatting.

Tong Zhen was the first to speak: "I don't know, can Yan Chengye defeat Gu Yu in today's match?"

Shi Wenbin shook his head: "Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

Three difficult words spit out in one breath, which is enough to show that Shi Wenbin is not optimistic about Yan Chengye.

"As far as the elves of the two are concerned, Yan Chengye has cultivated no worse than Gu Yu, but there is a problem with the top elves!"

"Gu Yu's Nianmeilong and Zeraora, in terms of strength, are obviously stronger than Yan Chengye's strongest elves!"

"Even if Yan Chengye can stalemate with Gu Yu in front, but with the appearance of Nianmeilong and Zeraora, Yan Chengye will undoubtedly lose." Gu Wenyao was not optimistic about Yan Chengye at this time.

Whoa! ! !

Just as they were chatting, the applause and cheers from the scene instantly sounded like a volcano erupting!

Immediately on the big screen at the scene, a picture of Gu Yu appearing with a fairy spirit appeared.

"It's Gu Yu! He's so handsome!"

"Come on Gu Yu! Win the championship!"

"Come on! Gu Yu! The fairies and elves have to do their best!"


Amid the applause and cheers of the audience, Gu Yu and Yan Chengye came to the arena.

After the referee confirms that both sides are in place.

"The game is about to start! Start drawing the field now!"

On the big screen of the scene, the lottery for the venue of the game begins!

Geotechnical site!


After the results were released, the floor of the Poseidon Gymnasium cracked 380 in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 3 levels, composed of rocks and soil, slowly rose.

Listening to the cheers from the scene, Yan Chengye looked at Gu Yu opposite with a solemn expression.

"Gu Yu, although I'm not as good as you in terms of strength, I've already reached the semifinals!"

"It's impossible for me to admit defeat!"

"Even if the hope of victory is slim, I will try my best!"

"The playing field is in place! The game starts now!"

As the referee's voice fell, both sides sent their own elves.


Coconut egg tree!

The coconut palm tree is 2 meters tall and looks a lot like a coconut or pineapple tree, except that the coconut palm tree has legs.

Coconut egg trees have thick legs, with two toes on the feet and light yellow pads on the lower part of the feet.

Coconut egg trees have three to six round, buff heads that look like coconuts.

And each head has a different facial expression.

[Coconut egg tree (wood) (super power)]

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV70 (King of Heaven)]

[Feature: Chlorophyll (In fine weather, the speed will increase.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Trample, Absorb, Super Absorb, Parasitic Seed, Solar Beam, Mind Power, Hypnosis, Reflective Wall, Ultimate Absorption, Photosynthesis, Noise, Supernatural Power, Seed Machine Gun, Troubled Seed, Seed Bomb, Flying Leaf Storm, Mallet, Mental shock, sword dance, destroying light, kicked down, mental strength, light wall, reflection wall, self-destruction, sleep, snoring, hold, sludge bomb, hold on, sleep talk, sunny day, predict the future, noisy, hard support, Magic Leaf, Meditation, Energy Ball, Spiritual Blade, Mind Hammer, Grass Knot, Stomp, Grass Field, Dream Eater, Destruction Death Light]

【Carrying item: Miracle Seed】

[Potential: King of Heaven]

Among the Four Heavenly Kings, Yan Nianyan is the only Heavenly King who does not have a quasi-god.

It is to rely on super power elves as the main combat power.

As his nephew, Yan Chengye is also good at super spirits.

"Pokkis! Air Slash!"


Hearing Gu Yu's order, Pokkis shouted and flapped his wings.

A five-meter-long air blade went straight to the coconut egg tree.

"Coconut egg tree! Block the air blade! Then cast the seed machine gun!"

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