"Me, I have no money."

Bian Xiaoxiao replied subconsciously, but accidentally said what was in her heart.

"It doesn't matter, I can take care of you."

Qi Yun gave a bad laugh, reached out and grabbed Bian Xiaoxiao's hand.


Bian Xiaoxiao realized this and immediately blushed.

"I, I have to go back to clean up, so I won’t tell you anymore."

Then he ran away quickly and ran upstairs.

When Qi Yun saw this, he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head slightly.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before the daily sign-in reward can be doubled again. However

, this It's such a long distance, it came very quickly when I think about it...............

【Ding, you signed in successfully today and will be rewarded with 20 deductions.】

【The current number of simulation deductions remaining: 103 points. ]

Early the next morning, Qi Yun's alarm clock rang several times, but Bian Xiaoxiao hadn't come yet to ask Qi Yun to go to school together.

Qi Yun had to get up and wash up first.

Just when he was wondering whether Bian Xiaoxiao had forgotten or was too shy to face him because of his nurturing remarks yesterday.

The door of my house was knocked again

"Qi Yun, let's go. We'll be late for school."

At the same time, Bian Xiaoxiao's familiar voice came from outside the door, but this time, although Bian Xiaoxiao's speaking speed was urgent, she deliberately lowered her voice.


Qi Yun took her schoolbag, opened the door, and walked to school with Bian Xiaoxiao.

"Why is it so late today?"

Qi Yun asked

"Hey, don't mention it, I went out early in the morning and queued up to buy egg pancakes"

"I thought I would be able to wait in line for an hour, but it took more than an hour."

"Qi Yun, try it quickly. Their egg pancakes are delicious. I told you last time."

Bian Xiaoxiao was holding four portions of egg cakes in her hands. She took out one and handed it to Qi Yun. She asked Qi Yun to try it quickly to see if it was delicious.

Qi Yun did not show politeness to Bian Xiaoxiao and ate it directly. stood up.

And under Bian Xiaoxiao’s expectant gaze, Qi Yun gave a thumbs up


"Hehe, that’s great, it’s not in vain that I waited in line for so long."

Bian Xiaoxiao laughed happily

"Why did you buy so much? Can you come over with food?"

Qi Yun was eating the egg pancake and pointed at the other three portions in Bian Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Me, I brought this for my classmates."

Bian Xiaoxiao said, but Qi Yun saw a hint of reluctance in her smile.

Qi Yun naturally knew who she brought it to.

Bian Xiaoxiao had been playing with the other three girls in their class.

Only However, those three girls are not good examples of students.

They don't listen in class, don't study after class, they like to get together to discuss popular celebrities, and they also ask Bian Xiaoxiao to vote and sign in under the celebrity's scarf every day.

In fact, Bian Xiao Xiao didn't like that traffic star at all.

Just in order to blend in and be friends with them, she had to force a smile every day and pretend that she was interested.

Even Bian Xiaoxiao waited in line for so long to buy These egg cakes are only because she mentioned to them that this egg cake is delicious.

And the three of them showed the slightest interest, that's all.

"It must be for the three of them again."

Qi Yun said something

"You, how did you know?"Bian Xiaoxiao's eyes widened.

Qi Yun did not answer, but pointed to the other egg cakes in Bian Xiaoxiao's hand:"Are you not willing to eat one yourself?"

"Me, I've eaten."Bian Xiaoxiao argued, but there was obviously a lack of confidence in her words.

"It’s strange that you are willing to eat it."Qi Yun said to her angrily.

"It might even cost you a few days of living expenses."

Seeing that Qi Yun was a little angry, Bian Xiaoxiao panicked for a moment. She quickly explained, but didn't know how to speak.

"Are you afraid that I will be angry? Qi Yun asked back.

Bian Xiaoxiao nodded gently.

Qi Yun smiled when he saw this:"Then you can eat one by yourself, and I won't be angry.""

Seeing that Bian Xiaoxiao was still a little hesitant, Qi Yun took the initiative to reach out and took another portion from Bian Xiaoxiao's hand.

After opening it, he took the egg cake and reached out to feed it to Bian Xiaoxiao's mouth.

"Open your mouth."

Bian Xiaoxiao opened her mouth subconsciously, and a sweet taste instantly filled her mouth.

"He still insisted that he had eaten it."

Qi Yun blamed again.

Then he fed Bian Xiaoxiao another mouthful.

At this time, Bian Xiaoxiao's face was red, and she took the egg cake from Qi Yun's hand.

"I'll do it myself"

"Um."Qi Yun nodded and handed the egg pancake to Bian Xiaoxiao.

Then he ate his own portion and praised it.

"It's really delicious. Xiaoxiao, how did you discover it?"

Speaking of this, Bian Xiaoxiao became interested. She quickly told Qi Yun how she discovered this store and how she discovered that their egg cakes are the most delicious.

As everyone knows, just now, Qi Yun The scene of Bian Xiaoxiao eating an egg pancake was filmed by someone in a commercial vehicle passing by.

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