Every word Qi Yun said was very plain.

But to Zhou Weifeng's ears, it sounded so frightening.

It is true that Qi Yun can't do anything to him, but he can't guarantee that Qi Yun won't do anything to his son.

If it is true as Qi Yun said, then his precious son will be doomed!

Although he didn't believe that Qi Yun could really do such a thing, he didn't dare to bet, not at all.

It can be said that his son is his greatest weakness and his most precious thing.

"you dare!"

Zhou Weifeng scolded

"You can try it. Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?"

Qi Yun spread his hands and said very innocently


"After all, he is also Yushan's younger brother. You, you can't do this."

Zhou Weifeng played the family card, but Qi Yun did not accept this trick.

Qi Yun curled his lips disdainfully:

"It's none of my business, he's not my brother"

"You are so old, why are you still so naive? Zhou

Weifeng looked at Qi Yun and said earnestly:"But he is just a child. You can't involve him. He is innocent.""

The calmer Qi Yun behaves, the more timid he feels.

"Oh, Zhou Weifeng, your son is a child, your son is innocent"

"What about Cheng Yushan? She is not innocent, she is not a child?"

Qi Yun stood up and looked at Zhou Weifeng condescendingly, with burning eyes and stern words.

"Yushan is a good girl. If you treated her as your own daughter, would she be where she is today?"

"I care deeply for my son and give him whatever he wants. I pay for the school selection fee of more than 100,000 yuan when I ask!"

"You treat your daughter like a weed and don’t even pay her 380 yuan for school uniforms. Tell me, what qualifications do you have to say innocent?"

Seeing Zhou Weifeng's eyes dodge, he hesitated to speak.

Qi Yun did not give him a chance to speak, but sneered again

"I know what you want to say"

"You want to say that Yushan is not your biological daughter and has no blood relationship with you, right?"

After hearing this, Zhou Weifeng wanted to nod, but he didn't dare. Qi Yun became even more disdainful when he saw this.

"Haha, you dare not admit this, you are still a weakling who bullies the weak and fears the strong."

Qi Yun sneered and continued.

"Cheng Yushan is not related to you by blood, so you really don’t need to raise her."

"However, this question is not enough reason to spy on her privately!"

Qi Yun slapped the table hard

"From today on, Cheng Yushan, if you don’t feel pain, I will!"

"If you don’t favor Cheng Yushan, I will!"

"Cheng Yushan, you don’t care, I care!"

"That’s all I have to say, it’s up to you how to choose!"

Qi Yun's words were so precious that Zhou Weifeng couldn't help but tremble. With trembling hands, he pointed to the shelf next to the computer desk.

Qi Yun pulled out a CD with a white cover and saw Zhou Weifeng nodded.

Qi Yun didn't even verify it, so he put it away.

"Any more?"

Qi Yun looked at Zhou Weifeng, but Zhou Weifeng did not dare to look at Qi Yun and pointed at the computer case with a trembling finger.

"There is another one in the computer."

Qi Yun pressed the eject button, took the disc inside into his hand, and looked at Zhou Weifeng again.

However, Qi Yun did not notice that after he ejected the disc, the red light on the camera in his hand turned on. darkened

"No more, no more, I swear."

Qi Yun naturally did not believe what he said. Although Qi Yun expected that Zhou Weifeng did not dare to deceive him at this time.

Therefore, Qi Yun used the system and simulated the deduction to check.

It was confirmed that except for the computer hard drive and two discs, there were no archives. After that, and there were no other monitoring equipment in Cheng Yushan's room, he nodded to Zhou Weifeng.

Seeing Qi Yun nodding, Zhou Weifeng finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground.

What Qi Yun had just brought to him The overwhelming aura was so overwhelming that he almost couldn't breathe.

Qi Yun put away the two discs, opened the computer case, and pulled out the hard drive inside.

After putting one piece away, Qi Yun He put on his standard bright smile again

"Okay, the matter is settled"

"Uncle Zhou, why are you sitting on the ground? It's so cold. Get up quickly."

Qi Yun helped Zhou Weifeng up and grabbed Zhou Weifeng's trembling arm.

"I don't want Yushan or anyone else to know, do you understand?"

"I think you should expect so too."

Zhou Weifeng, who was frightened by Qi Yun at this time, how could he dare to say no?

He nodded crazily.

"now it's right."Qi Yun showed a bright smile.

Let's go out. They will get suspicious after a while.

"Be enthusiastic and smile."

Zhou Weifeng immediately showed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Okay, be natural and let's go."

After Qi Yun said that, he and Zhou Weifeng walked towards the living room.


After Qi Yun and Zhou Weifeng walked out, Cheng Yushan's mother immediately looked over.

She had heard a movement in the room just now.

But she couldn't hear what it was and couldn't check it. She waited until now.

Except Seeing that her husband's face was not very external, Qi Yun was still smiling and looking very sunny as before.

"It's done, the hard drive is broken, it's a minor problem, just replace it later."

Qi Yun said with a smile. When Zhou Weifeng didn't speak, he touched him with his hand without leaving any trace.

"Ah, okay, yes, hehe. Zhou

Weifeng smiled bitterly:"Thanks to classmate Qi Yun, otherwise I really don't know what the problem is.""

Qi Yun didn't bother to talk nonsense to them anymore and said goodbye directly.

"That uncle and aunt are fine, I'll leave first."

As Qi Yun spoke, he proposed to resign.

"Let's finish eating together and then leave."

Cheng Yushan's mother invited

"No need, I just told classmate Cheng Yushan and asked her to cook two bowls of wontons for me. I usually like to eat this. Qi

Yun said, and was about to leave. He happened to bump into Sang Xia who came out of the toilet and was looking at the photos on the wall of their house.

"Teacher Sang left and went down together."

Qi Yun greeted Sang Xia and walked downstairs together.

"Oh, this kid, go down and talk to Yu Shanshang and just tell her what I said. She won’t be allowed to collect money for the wontons."

Cheng Yushan's mother stood up and took two steps away and shouted

"Got it, Auntie, then I’m not welcome."

After hearing this, Cheng Yushan's mother returned to her seat at the dining table and continued to eat.

Zhou Weifeng complained dissatisfiedly.

"Why did you say you left him to eat?"

"Look at how stingy you are, what's wrong with helping others and leaving food behind?"Cheng Yushan's mother complained dissatisfied.

Then she looked at Zhou Weifeng's face and asked with concern:"Look at you, your forehead is sweating and your face is pale. What's wrong?"

"Even if you tell me, you don’t understand."Zhou Weifeng cursed angrily.

Then he picked up the glass of white wine on the table and drank it in one gulp. After drinking a glass of hot white wine, Zhou Weifeng felt that his limbs and body had warmed up.

Just now Qi Yun gave His sense of oppression is really too strong!

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