Qi Yun didn't say a word, just looked at Cheng Yushan.

Cheng Yushan originally pretended to study and write test papers, but soon she was defeated.

The face gradually turns red

"Look what I do. Cheng

Yushan said dissatisfiedly

"I thought you looked good, but I drank too much that day and didn’t look carefully."

Qi Yun said with a smile.

Cheng Yushan's face turned even redder with a swipe. She said angrily to Qi Yun.

"If you keep talking, I will go on a blind date and drop out of school."

She really didn't know how to threaten Qi Yun, so she could only say this.

"Haha, I won’t say it anymore."

Qi Yun laughed and stretched out his hand to Cheng Yushan.

Cheng Yushan was stunned when he saw this, and handed Qi Yun the twenty yuan that Qi Yun had just given to him from his pocket.

"Don't worry, I will definitely return it to you"

"This is not what I want."Qi Yun shook his head.

He put the money back into Cheng Yushan's hand, and then grabbed Cheng Yushan's hand with his backhand.

"Do you know why I chose Songbai Class 4 when the principal asked me to choose a class?"

Cheng Yushan subconsciously wanted to take her hand back, but was held tightly by Qi Yun.

Cheng Yushan's hands are not as smooth as Cheng Yushan's face.

Her hands are very beautiful, but because she has been helping out at home for a long time, her palms are a little bit... Rough, Qi Yun couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she saw this.

After all, she was her own woman, how could she be bullied like this.

Cheng Yushan originally wanted to pull her hand back with force, but when she saw the distress in Qi Yun's eyes, her heart She couldn't help but become soft.

So she gave up the idea of ​​withdrawing her hand and let Qi Yun hold it.

In fact, when she heard Qi Yun ask why she chose Songbai Class 4, Cheng Yushan knew what Qi Yun would say.

But she still followed Qi Yun's words and asked a sentence


Sure enough, what Qi Yun said was almost the same as Cheng Yushan imagined.

"Stupid, of course it’s for you"

"However, you know why I know that you are in Songbai Class 4."

Cheng Yushan saw that Qi Yun actually said that he was stupid, and he suddenly cursed in his heart: 'How dare you call me stupid? Do you think I don't know what you are going to say?’

‘If it wasn't to satisfy your vanity, who would ask you why. Cheng

Yushan couldn't help but twitch his hand as he thought about it, not wanting Qi Yun to hold it.

But how could Qi Yun let her pull her hand away? Cheng Yushan gave up after trying it, but did not continue to cooperate with Qi Yun and asked why.

Cheng Yushan didn't ask, and Qi Yun didn't force it. He spread Cheng Yushan's hand in his palm and said

"Because I did some calculations and figured out that you were in Songbai Class 4, so you came naturally."

Hearing Qi Yun's words, Cheng Yushan couldn't help but snorted, a little scornful. It would be more touching to say that he asked someone specifically for his own sake.

Fortune telling? Just lie to the primary school students.

"Don't you believe it?"

Cheng Yushan's reaction was within Qi Yun's expectation. He asked a question with a smile, and then continued.

"Since you don’t believe it, I’ll give you a hexagram for free."

Qi Yun said, looking at Cheng Yushan's face seriously, and then looking at his palm.

Cheng Yushan's slender fingers were held by Qi Yun in his hand, and he couldn't put it down.

"Hey, have you finished reading this?"

Cheng Yushan saw Qi Yun babbling and thought he really had some skills. After all, he wasn't taking advantage of him. After that, he wanted to take his hand back.

"Ahem, it's coming soon, it's coming soon, it's going to be fine soon."

Qi Yun's thoughts were exposed by Cheng Yushan. Even though he was thick-skinned, he felt a little embarrassed.

So he corrected his attitude and said to Cheng Yushan

"I see your brows are furrowed and you feel depressed. I'm afraid there is a villain at work."

"The palms of the hands are slightly rough, which is caused by working at home for a long time. This little man should come from home."

"And today, you are involved in the school uniform matter again"

"To sum up, there should be a villain snooping on your privacy, and they are coming from your home."

"As for the location, it should be in your room, near the closet. You can look for it when you get home."

Cheng Yushan originally thought that Qi Yun was just teasing her, but when he saw Qi Yun's face was stern and serious, he looked serious.

This made Cheng Yushan couldn't help but murmur, could Qi Yun really know fortune telling?

Qi Yun Seeing that Cheng Yushan's expression was a little solemn and she thought about it seriously, she knew that she had taken her words to heart. So she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. As for Cheng Yushan's adoptive father putting a camera in her room to spy on her, Qi Yun It's hard to tell him directly.

Otherwise, if Cheng Yushan asks how he knows, he can't say that he has traveled through time and has watched TV series.

So I can only warn you in this way.

But there is still some time before school is over. , Cheng Yushan couldn't be allowed to wait anxiously until school was over.

So Qi Yun put on that smiling look again

"Classmate Cheng Yushan, now you owe me a hexagram, but the money for this hexagram is fine."

"But, if my hexagram is correct, you have to kiss me."

After hearing this, Cheng Yushan's nervousness disappeared immediately, and she took her hand back from Qi Yun's hand. She pretended to look coldly and glanced at Qi Yun, and she knew that Qi Yun was not so kind.

He was not making plans of her own.

This made Cheng Yushan couldn't help but snort secretly in his heart.

He took out the textbook and read it carefully, and turned slightly sideways to avoid Qi Yun's gaze.

Qi Yun smiled when he saw this, still minding his own business. Chatting with Cheng Yushan.

However, Cheng Yushan looked like she was reading a book most of the time. In fact, Qi Yun could tell from her perked ears that Cheng Yushan basically heard every word she said. It was in.

A lot. The afternoon was over and it was time to go home from school.

Just when Cheng Yushan was worried whether Qi Yun would offer to take him home after school, Qi Yun got up first and stretched.

He said lazily:"Yushan, I have an appointment and I have to leave first."

"By the way, remember my hexagram, don’t forget it, see you tonight."

Qi Yun said with a smile, got up and left the classroom.

Cheng Yushan still didn't talk to Qi Yun, and didn't think about what Qi Yun meant by meeting him in the evening.

He just glanced at Qi Yun's leaving figure and left in silence. She began to pack her things.

Although the expression on her face was as cold as ever, she couldn't help but have some delicious reveries in her heart.

‘Qi Yun said he had an appointment, so he probably went to see Bian Xiaoxiao, right?’

‘Huh, you know Qi Yun is an unreliable scumbag!’......... ps: Guys, please give me some data, please, please!!!

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