Hearing what Qi Yun said, Sang Xia also stopped where he was.

Soon, Li Ran lied and got into the campus. Just when he thought he had succeeded, he smiled with contempt and disdain.

On the way, Cheng Yaojin shot out.

"You are Long Hai Steve Jobs."

Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway was naturally Lei Ming.

He patted Li Ran on the shoulder. When Li Ran turned around, Lei Ming took Li Ran's backpack. He opened the backpack and threw out Li Ran's red dragon Hai school uniform.

He also took advantage of the situation and pulled out the mobile phone hidden in the book.

Li Ran was instantly angry and went to hide his backpack.

However, Lei Ming easily subdued him, pushed him to the ground, and lifted his shirt, revealing He had dozens of mobile phones strapped to his body.

"Evened out."

Lei Ming chuckled and walked away. When he came to Qi Yun, he nodded to Qi Yun.

Qi Yun also smiled and nodded back, and then said to Sang Xia next to him.

"Come on, sister, it’s a bit boring. I thought there would be some new plot."

"Ah, oh."

Sang Xia looked at Lei Ming and was stunned for a moment. She then reacted after hearing Qi Yun's words.

She followed Qi Yun and walked towards the Moral Education Department.

"Qi Yun, do you know that person just now?"

Qi Yun replied truthfully:"I just met him at the breakfast shop."

"Then, how do you know that he will expose Li Ran?"

Sang Xia asked doubtfully.

After hearing this, Qi Yun stopped and turned around to face Sang Xia.

He showed a secretive smile.

"Sister Sangxia, if I said I could tell fortunes, would you believe it?"

"Count you in."Sang Xia immediately curled her lips and said dissatisfied

"If you don’t want to say it, forget it. Just study hard for me when you come to school."

"By the way, where's your cell phone? Give it to me and ask me for it after school."

Facing Sang Xia's sudden change of attitude, Qi Yun laughed.

He quickly took a few steps back, avoiding Sang Xia's hand that wanted to dig into his pocket for his cell phone.

"Sister, I really know how to tell fortunes and won’t lie to you."

"If you have anything you want to settle in the future, just ask me. I won’t charge you."

"But marriage doesn’t count. Qi

Yun said that and ran towards the Moral Education Department with a smile.

"I'll go by myself, Sister Sang Xia, you go back to work"

"Hey, do you know where the moral education department is?"Sang Xia shouted at Qi Yun.

"You know, all the students who haven't been caught have gone to the Moral Education Department, just follow them."

Qi Yun said and ran towards the Moral Education Department without looking back.

Sang Xia looked at Qi Yun's leaving back and couldn't help but smile.

"This brat has really grown up."

Halfway to the Moral Education Department, Qi Yun ran into Li Ran who was being dragged away by the teacher.

Since he didn't know the specific location of the Moral Education Department, Qi Yun planned to follow Li Ran.

As a result, Li Ran saw Qi Yun. Finally, he remembered that Qi Yun was the person who sat with Lei Ming in the breakfast restaurant just now. He immediately hated Qi Yun as well.

He glared at Qi Yun fiercely, the hostility in his eyes not hidden at all.

Qi Yun Qi Yun was unmoved upon seeing this, still smiling.

Qi Yun would not take it to heart at all for Li Ran's unprovoked and mentally retarded hatred.

"Li Ran, what are you doing?"

"Just treat him as a typical violator when he comes here, and leave quickly."

Qi Yun didn't react, but that didn't mean that the teacher on the side didn't react.

He scolded Li Ran severely, then looked at Qi Yun, an unfamiliar face who was not wearing school uniform, and asked

"Classmate, which class are you in?"

"Hello teacher, I am a new transfer here. My name is Qi Yun."

Qi Yun answered truthfully, but when he said his name, he looked at Li Ran. He didn't know whether he wanted the teacher to know or whether he wanted Li Ran to remember it.

"Oh, I know you are from the Imperial Capital. You are reporting in, right? Come with me."

The teacher is Grandma Rong as the students call her, and she is also their dean. Of course

, Grandma Rong already knew about this student who transferred from the imperial capital.

Soon, Qi Yun followed them to the Moral Education Department.

Along the way, Li Ran, who was shirtless and with a mobile phone wrapped around his body, was watched by students passing by from time to time.

There were also many girls who saw Qi Yun and discovered that a handsome classmate had arrived at the school, so they ran over to join in the fun.

Li Ran There were seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied.

Qi Yun, on the other hand, smiled and said hello to the pointing classmates.

Thanks to Qi Yun's leadership, the onlookers became more courageous.

This made Li Li Ran could no longer hide his hatred for Qi Yun.

He wished he could teach Qi Yun a lesson on the spot.

But Qi Yun completely turned a deaf ear to Li Ran and could be said to have turned a blind eye to Li Ran.

Soon, the three of them arrived. Moral Education Department.

At the door of the Moral Education Department, a bunch of students who had been arrested or were watching the fun gathered.

Among them was naturally Bian Xiaoxiao.

Taking advantage of the gap between Grandma Rong and Li Ran being dragged into the office,

Qi Yun got close to Bian Xiao In front of Xiao:"Hey, Xiaoxiao, even if you bring breakfast, you don't know how to bring me one."

At this time, Bian Xiaoxiao was drinking soy milk. When she saw Qi Yun coming over, she was about to hide, but was stopped by Qi Yun.

Bian Xiaoxiao's hiding was ineffective. She was still thinking about how to speak when she heard Aunt Rong holding Qi Yun. Yun was called into the office.

This made Bian Xiaoxiao breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his three sisters were not there.

Otherwise, he would have revealed his secret by saying that he did not know Qi Yun.

Qi Yun walked into the office, and Li Ran followed Several male classmates stood in a corner, being lectured by the teacher.

Not far away, a girl wearing a red Longhai school uniform was squatting on the ground.

Using scissors, she cut open the wide trouser legs that she had tightened with needlework..

Because the school uniforms are too fat, many girls will tighten their trouser legs by themselves.

And the beautiful girl squatting is naturally one of them.

Moreover, the girl Qi Yun also knows her, and she is very familiar with her.

This beautiful girl is Yes, Cheng Yushan......... ps: Good morning everyone, it’s a new day, flowers, and reviews.

Thank you very much, I will definitely update it.

Also grateful to: Brother Cheng Tianyu Dazz for the reward, thank you!!!

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