At noon the next day, the 608 box of Fuman Restaurant was noisy and lively.

Ling Jinyu said to Chen Tiannan bluntly: "Mr. Chen, how are you thinking about the matter we discussed last time?"

Chen Tiannan looked embarrassed, put down the steaming teacup in his hand, and responded: "Mr. Ling, this really makes me a little embarrassed, my old friend has visited the door more than once, and he has also taken a fancy to this batch of materials, the supply is limited, if you agree to him, I am afraid it will not be able to meet the big demand on your side." "

"We do business fairly and justly, and in view of your greater demand, I have prioritized working with you. "

"But, you know, that old friend is offering you a lot more than I'm giving you now. "

After Ling Jinyu heard this, her willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and she thought to herself: This old fox is performing the art of weighing again.

She is well versed in the way of a businessman, and has doubts about the so-called old friend Chen Tiannan and the authenticity of his bid.

But the other party has no choice but to hold the key source of goods, and he can only see the move.

What's even more tricky is that Party A's requirements for this batch of materials are almost harsh, and even if an alternative is proposed, it is severely vetoed, which makes Ling Jinyu double the pressure.

Just when the atmosphere was tense, the door of the box was gently pushed open, and a middle-aged man with a shy stomach and an anxious face stepped in.

"Brother Chen, you are not kind like this, didn't we discuss it a long time ago? I want to buy this batch of materials at a high price, why do you talk to others again?".

As soon as the man entered the door, he began to complain, and his eyes did not forget to sweep towards Xiao Liu, the department manager of Chen Tiannan's subordinates, who followed closely.

Chen Tiannan glared at Xiao Liu to show reproach, and then changed to a warm smile and explained to Brother Zhou: "Brother, you also understand my brother's distress, the quantity you want is stuck in the middle, the quantity of this batch is limited, and it cannot be replenished in a short time." "

"If I only give you a part, I won't be able to handle the rest. So you see, the demand on Mr. Ling's side is moderate, so I will negotiate with her first. "

When Brother Zhou heard this, his expression became even more eager, and he retorted: "You can't favor her just because she wants more, the business comes first, and I contacted you earlier than her." "

"In this way, I will add 1% to the price we agreed before, what do you think?".

Ling Jinyu intervened in a timely manner, and her voice was dignified: "Mr. Zhou, you are breaking the rules of the market, and according to the rules, it is indeed Mr. Chen who found this batch of materials first." "

Although she was surprised by Brother Zhou's sudden intrusion and claim to buy this batch of materials.

But she knew how important the materials were to the project, and she couldn't give them away.

"Brother Chen, did she really come before me?" Brother Zhou turned to Chen Tiannan suspiciously for confirmation, and quickly decided to express his determination with cash sincerity, "Then did she sign a contract?"

Chen Tiannan hesitated slightly: "This ...... Not yet. "

Brother Zhou seized the opportunity and decisively put the lockbox full of cash on the table: "Since I haven't signed it, I haven't decided yet, I urgently need this batch of materials here, and she won't sign it!"

However, how could Ling Jinyu watch the materials fall into the hands of others, she immediately made a decision and firmly stated: "Who said I wouldn't sign it?

She grabbed the contract prepared by Chen Tiannan and quickly signed and sealed.

Although this move will greatly compress her profit margins, this batch of materials is related to the company's strategic layout of whether it can successfully enter the Yanjing market.

However, when Ling Jinyu was engrossed in signing the contract, she didn't notice the subtle look exchanged between Chen Tiannan and Brother Zhou.

After Ling Jinyu's formalities were completed, Chen Tiannan said to Brother Zhou with an apologetic face: "Brother Zhou, you see, Mr. Ling has already signed, I'm really sorry, honesty is the foundation in business, and we still have to follow the principle of first come, first served." "

"Oh, it's a pity, Brother Chen, you have to help me pay more attention to the supply of goods during this time, I'm also in a hurry here!" Brother Zhou was full of regret, and then got up to say goodbye.

"Mr. Chen, I look forward to our happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Ling Jinyu replied, but there was a hint of imperceptible bitterness in her tone.

"Why don't we celebrate and have a meal?"

"I'm sorry, I made an appointment with a friend to meet here, next time. Please also ask Mr. Chen to arrange the delivery as soon as possible. "

"Don't worry, I'll go back and deal with this matter!"

Seeing that Ling Jinyu was in a hurry to end the conversation, Chen Tiannan was also interested, and happily agreed, after all, he had just made a lot of money, and his mood couldn't be better.

Just as Chen Tiannan stepped out of the hall on the first floor of the restaurant, he bumped into an acquaintance walking towards him.

"Lin Dong, why are you dining here?"

"Lao Chen, are you also eating here? I have a friend who asked me to come over to discuss something. "

"Your friend?".

"Yes, it is said to be in the 608 box, what floor is this 608 box on?".

"This ...... I take the liberty of asking, Lin Dong, is that friend of yours Miss Ling Jinyu Ling?"

"yes, how do you know?".

As soon as Chen Tiannan heard this, his face changed drastically in an instant, and his body couldn't help but be shocked.

"Mr. Chen, I suddenly remembered that I was in a hurry, so I went to the bathroom first. "

As soon as the words fell, Chen Tiannan turned around and walked upstairs quickly, not even bothering to take the elevator.

"Strange, didn't you say go to the bathroom? Isn't there a bathroom downstairs?".

Lin Fan looked at the sign pointing to the bathroom in the restaurant, his face full of confusion.

At this time, the door of box 608 was violently pushed open, and Ling Jinyu, who was in the box, was alarmed.

Looking back, it turned out to be Chen Tiannan who turned back, and locked the box door.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean by this, why are you back?"

"Miss Ling, I just received a call from the purchasing department, and found that the cost accounting of this batch of materials was wrong, and after recalculation, we can reduce it by 10 percentage points on the basis of your original quotation, so I hurried over to re-sign the contract with you. "

"Really, and such good things?".

Ling Jinyu listened to Chen Tiannan's words, and was a little stunned for a while.

"Look at this new contract, the price has been adjusted. "

Chen Tiannan quickly took out two blank contracts, filled in the new price, and handed them to Ling Jinyu with an anxious expression.

Ling Jinyu looked at the price on the new contract, and it was really 10 percentage points lower than the original offer.

"Really sell it to me at this price?".

"Yes, yes, you have to be honest in doing business, and you should be as much as you want. Miss Ling, do you think you are satisfied with this price? If you are satisfied, we will sign it now, right? After signing it, I still have an urgent matter to deal with. "

Despite her doubts, in the face of such a favorable new price, Ling Jinyu did not hesitate to sign her name and seal it, without delving into why Chen Tiannan suddenly changed her decision.

The two parties successfully signed a new contract and destroyed the old one.

"Mr. Chen, this cooperation is really surprising!" Ling Jinyu's smile this time was sincere and bright.

"If I can satisfy Miss Ling, then I will miss the company first. "

Chen Tiannan left in a hurry as he spoke, and when he opened the door, he secretly looked left and right, for fear that Lin Fan would find out that he had cheated his friend, and he would only be afraid of reaping the consequences.

This series of actions made Ling Jinyu feel very strange, but since the result was beneficial to her, she didn't bother too much.

So, she hummed a cheerful tune, enjoying this rare good mood.

"Hey, what makes Miss Ling so happy?".

At this time, Lin Fan finally pushed the door in, still complaining: "The box in this hotel is designed like a maze, almost so that I can't find the north!".

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