In many rumors of later generations, the origin of Tiansu Shangxian Xiao Fuxuan is always very mysterious. He seems to have appeared in this world out of thin air, with no father, no mother, no family, no sect, ruthless and no desire.

These rumors are actually true.

His spirit is attached to too many bodies.

Everyone is him, and no one is him.

He looked at the impermanence and joys and sorrows of life in different bodies at the same time, and he was both an authority and a bystander. All the fiery emotions of ordinary people feel that he is always indifferent here, just like the vast and boundless sea, even if a storm suddenly appears in a certain place, the entire sea will still not waver.

Really ruthless.

Until one day, different bodies met the same person, and the split emotions became complete at that moment.

It was like a silent undead suddenly opened its eyes.

Every time one of the chaotic lines of Jingguan is broken, every time those bodies are destroyed, the broken soul will leave.

After the chaotic lines were cut, there was Xiao Fuxuan in the world.

When the last piece of debris was detached from the body, he was among the tens of thousands of dead souls in Jingguan. He looked back at the man and asked, Who are you? But there were too many sounds of death, he drowned in them, and the other party didn't hear them.

It wasn't until he was summoned to become an immortal, and after three years in Xiandu, he finally heard from someone else that there was a person in immortals, and whenever he went to the world to do business, he would always wear a silver silk mask.

He had raised his sword and was about to leave, but when he heard the words, he stopped again, so shocked that the envoys thought they had said something wrong.

He took the name of the other party - Spirit King, and the word Zhao was given by God.

People in Xiandu are often curious, what exactly does King Ling do every time he takes over the heavenly edict to be sent to the world. And he has not yet met the Spirit King, so he is the only one who knows, just because he has seen—

King Ling always went back to the past to cut the line, so it was amazing that the former Xiao Fuxuan had seen the later Wu Xingxue.

Later, he could always hear that name, Spirit King, Spirit King, Spirit King. Lingtai will mention it, the immortal envoy will mention it, the Lige will mention it, and the occasional immortal will also mention it.

He passed by with a sword in his hand, his expression indifferent and his footsteps stopped, but he always listened to those words.

They said that the king of spirits is not always in Xiandu, but the king of spirits often goes to the world.

He suddenly realized that the person who came to Jingguan wearing a mask was a deep entanglement for him. But to the other party, he is only a part of the countless chaotic lines that he has cut, and he is no different from anyone else, and he will not even leave any impression.

The moment he realized it, a very subtle emotion flashed in his heart.

He often had such subtle emotions later, always because of the same person. Most of the time it doesn't show, it's well covered. There are also times when the person will see him, and then the other person will laugh, with a star of slyness in his vividness, and ask him as if he is grabbing something: Are you unhappy, Lord Tiansu?

That kind of sly smile is rarely shown in front of other people, so he will be in a good mood again. But in order to make the other party proud for a longer time, he will let the unhappy show for a longer time.

For a long time, he hoped that someone would suddenly realize that he was missing some initial entanglement, that they had actually met earlier.

In his imagination, that scene always happens when sitting in the spring breeze or under the south window, on the roof of the eaves or by the window, when there is wine or falling flowers, peace or comfort.

That person's expression is likely to be surprised, dumbfounded and a little annoyed, and then he will promise some so-called apology...

But he never thought it would be in such a scene.

He swept over Wu Xingxue's pale and tightly clenched fingers, looked at those eyes, and remembered the figure of the Spirit King standing silently in Jingguan with a sword... Suddenly he didn't want to let the other party know.

He wiped the corner of the other's tightly pursed lips with his thumb, and used his energy to transmit his voice: Who do you remember?

He was fortunate that he could sense what Wu Xingxue was thinking at this time, but the other party could only hear what he intended to pass on.

He heard Wu Xingxue say, Many people...I have killed and watched them die, I remember...

Originally remembered.

He thought to himself, and then heard himself say, Those are not me.


Well, really.

Tiansu does not speak falsehood, but he always makes exceptions with the same person.


Wu Xingxue kept staring at Xiao Fuxuan's eyes, and slowly felt soreness in his knuckles. It wasn't until then that he realized how hard he had just grabbed.


Fortunately, Xiao Fuxuan is not one of them...

The blood on Wu Xingxue's fingers returned a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried and asked, Where were you then?

He thought about it carefully, and then said, I remember that there were no other living people in Jingguan at that time...

Xiao Fuxuan: Not a living person.

Wu Xingxue was taken aback: What is that?

Xiao Fuxuan said, Whatever is in the Jingguan, I am what I am.

Wu Xingxue subconsciously thought of the dead. Jingguan was indeed buried in the battlefield, but...

Before he could think about it, Xiao Fuxuan said again, I don't know why my soul is scattered there, but what you did at the time freed some dead souls.

Wu Xingxue froze for a moment: Freedom?


For a long time, as long as he thought of Jingguan, he would fall into a long silence. That was the response that the liveliness of Luohuashan City and the language of the people could not change, until this moment finally changed...

He was enveloped by Xiao Fuxuan's energy, and he heard the other person's voice say warmly, You saved a lot of people.

He blinked lightly.

I have saved a lot of people...

You have freed many people, and I am one of them. Xiao Fuxuan said, I also said a word to you.

Wu Xingxue replied in a daze: What?

Xiao Fuxuan said, You shouldn't remember, I asked you 'who are you' before I left.

Wu Xingxue was stunned for a moment, then said softly, I remember.

He really remembered that even though the voice was too vague and drowned in too many shrill screams and cries of the dead, he did remember being asked Who are you.

This sentence, vaguer than anything else, suddenly became the clearest confirmation at this moment.

The moment he heard this sentence, Wu Xingxue calmed down.

I once thought of those silent and silent moments in Beijing, but at this moment hundreds of years later, just because of a few words from one person, it has become less painful...

Xiao Fuxuan.

He suddenly wanted to call the other party's name, and he did.

It was just that before he could continue to speak, the entire Feng Family Tower shook a few times.

Ning Huaishan was caught off guard, staggered two steps, and was about to smash into his own city lord.

Hey, I-- He was startled, but he couldn't stop the momentum, and he simply closed his eyes and said that he would die if he died. As a result, he felt a head-on blow, like a wall, slamming into his nose.

He slammed against the wind wall, opened one eye, and saw that he was only half a step away from the city lord, but he could not enter.

And Tiansu glanced at him blankly.

Ning Huaishan: ?

Tiansu's hand is still beside the face of the city lord.

Ning Huaishan: ???

His sentence what's wrong with this tower got stuck in his throat, and after a while he gulped back. Then he supported the wind wall and silently took two steps back.

As a result, the tower shook a few times, and Ning Huaishan slapped it back again.


He swallowed the foul language, and finally couldn't help shouting in the wind: Is this tower going to collapse completely?!

At first Wu Xingxue thought that the tower was about to fall and the secret land of the Feng family was about to be broken.

However, when the scene in front of him became confused for a moment, he suddenly realized that it was wrong! It's not about towers and secret places.

It's the whole past. Xiao Fuxuan said with a frown.

When he heard this sentence, Wu Xingxue also reacted: It was the chaotic line caused by the Feng family's patriarch that was disappearing, so the scene was chaotic.

He didn't know if he, as a demon, still had the ability of the Spirit King to set things right back then. Even if he had, it would be very wrong, because he hadn't done it yet.

Will the messy line collapse on its own?

Wu Xingxue thought to himself, it was impossible, otherwise he would have to do what the Spirit King would do.

Then there is only one answer -

This chaotic line itself has not collapsed, and the current change is that the scenes at different times have begun to become chaotic. This line wanted to expel them, and wanted to let a few of them leave here and return to the world before they were cut off.

Lines don't think, only people do.

Someone didn't want the line to be destroyed, so there were arrangements and hands and feet that, if touched, would sweep the trespasser out and hide themselves again.

Wu Xingxue had wondered before: He clearly came to this line hundreds of years ago and appeared in Luohuashan City and Feng Family, why didn't he cut it directly.

At this moment, he finally understood...

I am afraid that I have encountered a similar situation back then.

As if confirming his idea...

Just after the interrogation ended, Xiao Fuxuan's sword with the word free was still buzzing, and the spirit of the head of the Feng family was still shaking. The light in Feng Huiming's eyes is slowly extinguishing, the thousands of dead souls that have been in the ground for a long time are breaking out of the ban in a scream, and the two black coffins are also rattling.

Everything was going on, but Wu Xingxue felt a sudden flash in front of him.

At that moment, a burst of unbearable pain hit him, as if two forces were holding him, each holding on to one side, and then ripping apart violently.

The moment this severe pain appeared, he actually felt a sense of deja vu. Immediately afterwards, he realized that it was the pain that would come when the past and the present were tossing back and forth.

When he was still the Spirit King, he often felt this way, but at that time he was at ease between the chaos and the world.

But this time is different, this time is long and repeated, and it is really difficult.

He laughed at himself, thinking that it would be better to continue the decline of the five senses. It's okay now, it seems like he can't stand the pain.

After all, it's a devil...

He suddenly lost consciousness in the overwhelming pain, and fell into a warm embrace at the moment of falling into darkness.

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