Fortunately, he and she are both daring characters!

Lu Haoqian slightly sucked his mouth: "You are right." She just thinks this is different from other monsters, only to hold it.

Of course, the beat of the season is undoubtedly a provocation for it. It feels like being crazy: "Hey, hey!"

Duel, coward!

"I guess, it is estimated that wanted to hit our meal!" Son Season keenly watching, black foot on the land of the city.

"Is it?" Lu Yiqian put the monster on the ground consistently: "Come on!"

The monster was insulted and abused. He stood up very quickly and stood up. The claws soared three inches, and the phantom attacked. It was determined by the size, and it was extremely small and more agile.

This guy has the power of the king level!

Lu Yiqian did not have a polite relationship with him. He flew up and turned around. He was extremely sharp and quick, and he took it out three feet away! With her perversion, even without the Eudemons and weapons, the unarmed strength surpassed the King of God.

Stand tall!

The monster immediately understood the difference between the two strengths, waiting for the fate of being eaten by the other party. Isn't it, after they have reached this level, it is a matter of course to be eaten if they encounter a powerful person to provoke. If you see strong people, the weak should detour. Evolution to his level, more or less know how to avoid disadvantages, save yourself, and then powerful! Only it was smeared today, and even compared to his powerful existence, he launched a provocation and was eaten, which is the end result.

Lu Yiqian walked over and poked its sharp, yet smooth head: "It seems very frustrating."

The sub-season took his chin and gave it a slap in the face. It didn't move: "Well, indeed."

The two can't help but look at each other. This monster is too different.

The street... For the time being, the monsters coming and going on the streets have seen Lu Yi’s feet kicking and flying, and he is very cautious not to provoke two people. Although they can't interpret the strength of Lu Yiqian and Zizi, they have some understanding of the strength of the same kind. Make sure you are not the opponent of the two, have detoured.

This is better, if the other monsters here do not want to attack, the two really can't afford it. Who knows that there is no hidden metamorphosis? ! The two are coming to explore, not to seek revenge!

With such a thought, Lu Haoqian picked up a frustrated monster: "Lead the way, cover!"

There is a strange monster acting together, at least to make the two less prominent, although in terms of looks, the two are enough "shocking", enough to attract the attention of the monster! But fortunately, there are so many strange monsters in this grotesque shape, and the monsters can accept the two people's "ugly and horrible" appearance. Being able to come to the Black City is proof of strength!

Waiting for the monster to be eaten... Let's call it A. When it sees that the two don't eat it, they automatically stand up spontaneously and walk forward. In this world, the vast majority of the defeated are eaten, and a small part is enslaved. Since it is not eaten, it must be another. The two and A, reached a certain consensus in a certain strange situation.

"Weird, why doesn't this guy use parasitic attacks?" Lu Yiqian muttered his shoulders and whispered to himself, like this level, using parasitic attacks to feed her a pot.

She does not know that the monsters entering the Black City have a strange "civilized monster" mentality, which is the same as the "low-level barbarian monster", and it is not suitable for the "low-level barbaric" parasitic attack. This is called the difference, or the pride of the "city" monster. In any case, this has greatly facilitated Lu Yiqian and reduced many dangers.

Naturally, the monsters don't know that there are people from different circles who have broken into their headquarters. Otherwise, the treatment of the two of them will definitely not be the case. Now they are recognized by them as peers or compatriots.

After entering the Black City, A's injury is better at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the strength is also increasing rapidly. This makes people have to say that this black city has great benefits for these monsters and can bring them many benefits. It is no wonder that they will come to death. Walking through the city, Lu Yiqian can feel its big and feel wide! Seeing from afar, I feel that the city is boundless, and it’s no exaggeration. She has a feeling that this city may be comparable to a Daewoo!

So, this is definitely not a fantasy!

Where are the illusions so huge, boundless, and vast? !

In other words, two people really came to a different world through the passage of the night!

Looking up at the height of tens of millions of kilometers, the white palace is the end of Lu Yiqian’s trip.

Drive A and walk up quickly.

The number of monsters seen on the road is so amazing that the monster's strength is so high that it is strange... There are few gods below the level! And the more you go up, the bigger the rating, the higher the strength!

It is completely foreseeable, how terrible is the existence above the absolute!

However, the support of A's blessing, although the monsters on the road from time to time to give Lu Yiqian and Zizi "ugly can not say" similar shocked eyes, but did not encounter any trouble. Strength is respect, and appearance is second. Moreover, they all have an idea, provocative, and swallowed by such "ugly", which cannot be accepted by them. So it’s still safe all the way.

However, Enron is only temporary. The more you go up, the higher the strength of the entrenched monsters. In the middle, you have already surpassed the peak of the gods, and then go ahead, it is dangerous.

In this paragraph, the strength of the monsters are very strong, the field is strong, if there are low-level people around them, it will be considered provocative and intercepted!

Therefore, when it comes to this location, how to drive A, it will never go forward. Their loyalty is limited, they will only surrender to the more powerful, and once it is dangerous, it will also think about retreating.

In the words, they have already begun to pass by a dinosaur-like monster. If it is not this strange guy with a mouth full of mouths, it will be more like a dinosaur.

Now it is called B for the time being.

Despite the speed of Lu Qianqian and Zizi, it is still touching the sensitive field and edible nerves of this guy. You must know that the strange material is called a monster. One of them must have a bad temper. B knows that there is a stranger. Close, and then chased it up, the surrounding monsters know that B is extremely greedy, so after it is dispatched, the general monsters are very wise to keep a wait-and-see attitude.

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