Wei Mo smiled weakly, and his mouth blew out his mouth: "A thousand, occasionally let me protect you."

He is actually very satisfied, because he finally protects her, even if he returns a hundred times, a thousand times, he will still do so.

When someone sees something bad for her, his body has made a choice faster than his brain.

Lu Yiqian is full of blood, hot, bright red, dyed his entire chest, dyed a place...

She had a glimpse of her heart, and she did not know how it felt. She hurriedly took the golden sore medicine from the storage bag to feed Wei Mo, but he was too hurt, and the medicine could only supplement his lost blood.

She looked at the **** who was settled with anger, and said coldly: "Today, I am swearing by Lu Yiqian. I will set aside your people behind the scenes. No matter what conspiracy you have, I will personally smash it! I am Lu Qianqian, I will report This hatred!"

She can not care about herself, but she must not care about the people who are included under her guard!

She is like a meteor in the scorpion of a starry sky, breaking into everyone's heart!

People can't help but be silent.

Some people have a strong gas field. When she laughs, like spring blossoms, when she cries, if the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, when she is angry, people will break into the cold winter, and the cold will pass through.

It is true that Lu Yiqian is such a person!

Wei Mo quietly looked at Lu Qianqian, his body hurt so badly, but his heart was very sweet. He didn't know how happy he was now. He saw it. He saw that she was angry with her. He saw her distress, and Now, he is still lying in her arms, what else is not satisfied, he is really happy!

"Ah, thousand, I am so happy..." He reached out and tried to touch her face, but the strength was weak, and the hand could not reach her face.

Lu Yiqian clasped his hand to his face and put on a **** handprint.

Her other hand trembled and grabbed a bottle of medicine. She couldn't stop his blood, so much, it was so fierce.

She has to find a quiet place to use the fire of creation to heal him, she can't let him have something!

Summon the phoenix bird to give Weimo a second time to heal the healing skills.

She picked up Wei Mo and went to Dongshu College.

"The traitor, do you want to go?" A young man blocked Lu Yuqian.

Lu Yiqian is cold and cold: "Who is stopping who!"

She is full of blood, murderous, like the same god!

People could not help but be shaken by this momentum and retreated.

The executor came over and threw a bottle of medicine: "This is the medicine of our world. It can cure the bones and cure the wounds and wounds." After that, the person who took him took a few moments and disappeared.

Lu Yiqian caught the bottle of medicine and said, "Thank you."

Death took the clothes of Lu Yiqian: "Master, how to deal with that person?"

Lu Yiqian said coldly: "Set his eternal life here, let him see his aging decay and death."

The **** of death nodded: "Well."

This poison is really too poisonous!

It’s just that life is not as good as death!

Lu Yiqian did not want to stay here too much. He tried the medicine given by the performer. It was indeed the best. This was fed to Wei Mo and went to the East Academy.

Going back to the college, too late and leaving the country to explain a lot of them will open the enchantment and start treatment.

Wei Mo's face is like gold paper, and he is seriously injured. He is only a superior god. After being attacked by the gods, it is fortunate that there is no shattering of the gods. Even though the **** of death has stopped most of the power of the man, he still seriously injured him.

If there is no Lu Jinqian's super gold sore medicine hanging, if it is not the implementer's medicine hanging, Wei Mo is now estimated to have lost its soul.

The anger in the heart was unspeakable, and Lu Qianqian’s movements were very gentle. She gently put down the ink, thought about it, and reached out to untie his clothes.

Unfolding the palm of the hand, the red, orange, red, purple, blue, blue, green, and yellow souls of the soul flutter around her, exuding mysterious, unpredictable brilliance.

The fire of the soul can create everything, and the healing effect is self-evident.

But the human being is the spirit of all things, and its physical soul is so sophisticated that it is hard to tell. Although Lu Qianqian can control the fire of the soul, it is just making some dead things. The first time he treats a living person, she is not not nervous, especially this person is her recognized, intimate person. She sinks her heart, no matter how worried she is at the moment, she has to be steady.

She pressed her hand on the body of Wei Mo and slowly moved.

The fire of the soul shines brightly, enters and exits his body, repairs, and heals.

"Well..." Wei Mo sent a scorn.

Wei Mo mixed with chaos, and his mind ran through a picture.

He was born to be a two-body body. He did not know whether he occupied the soul of his brother (brother) in his mother's stomach, or whether his brother (brother) occupied him. He knew another existence.

At that time his family was a wealthy home. Besides him, there were many brothers who were not favored. When he was two years old and the other one appeared in front of his relatives, they always called him "monster" in fear. Even if she was born to her mother, she was afraid of him, blamed him, yelled at him and said that he was a monster. . But, he is really not a monster, no!

When he was three years old, he was thrown into the snow, the cold that was abandoned, he still remembers.

He didn't know where he was going. At that time, he didn't know what kind of concept he was. He only knew that the body was getting colder.

Until a pair of hands took him out of the snow, the man who saved him smiled and said: "What a funny little guy, I want to make him a peerless genius."

When he was five years old, he knew that the name of the person who saved him was called departure.

Then, he was desperately learning spells on a snow-capped mountain. At that time, he was fighting hard, just wanting to let those who abandoned him regret it. This is particularly evident in the other. .

Until the age of eighteen, his teacher who was like a wild crane in the wild gave him a pile of gold coins. Several magic stones drove him down the mountain to pick up the magic jade fruit. He lost his way and met her.

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