The **** of forging, like Ling Tian said, he has to be omnipotent!

Although Lu Yiqian inherited the inheritance of the **** of forging, he also acquired all kinds of knowledge contained in the fire of creation. Although she is also practicing hard with the materials in the space bracelet, she can not be the **** of creation, even though her starting point The height has reached the point of metamorphosis, but her experience is there, can any of them compare with Ling Tian’s hard work for millions of years? ! Ling Tian gave him the object to create life with the meaning of existence.

Going under the house, the strange house put down two strange robots, holding the individual in one hand and holding the door.

Arriving inside, the lobby, the main room is in front, but the back is full of various materials, the side is the forging room plus the experimental room, and the last is the room where the finished product is placed.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the equipment forged by Ling Tian is invaluable. Lu Yanqian looked at it. No one piece of equipment was below the artifact. It was amazing! The variety of performances of the weapons and equipment he has made is even more eye-opening!

In addition to the general purpose of defensive attack, some equipment even has invisibility, transformation, telescopic, perspective, etc., the attached attributes are also very strange, and so on. There is a piece of equipment used to observe the cavity of the worm, and I don't know what to do.

In addition to equipment, more are creative works, submarines, rocket launchers, space transfer instruments...

"I recently developed a public utility for flying in the sky, capable of carrying many people, flying twice as fast as the line..." Ling Tianyi talked about his creation, and he couldn’t stop it. It’s hard to imagine this. In the presence of Gaohua, the noble person in front of the world is actually a voice.

The loneliness of the **** of forging is hard to tell. Apart from the same kind, it is almost impossible for him to find any topic. Even if he is a forgemaster, they will only listen to the teachings with humility, and where they can express their opinions. The realm is different, and the distance is also thousands of miles. Although there are many students, most of them don’t know what he said and what it means. Si Kongyun, who only worshipped him a few months ago, was still appetizing for him. The talent of the child was the highest he saw. The two had something to say. Later, Si Kongyun gave Lu Tian a confession to Ling Tian. When she said that her talent was beyond his reach, Ling Tian had already taken care of the woman.

More than Yun's talent, what kind of person is that?

"That thing, the plane is good." Lu Yiqian quickly drew a graphic on the paper: "Use magic power as the source of power, can be divided into civil aviation and fighters... If you add intelligence and deformation factors, this is a horror The air power!"

Ling Tian simply listened to the blood, and at the same time deeply impressed, but he made a creative idea, it can be seen that Lu Hao thousand handed a few drawings, has raised the idea to an executable height... Sikong Yun that child did not say wrong!

This child, although not as good as his experience, can grow up in the past, how amazing her achievements will be? !

He excitedly grabbed Lu’s hand!

At this moment, he has a deep feeling of encountering a revolutionary compatriot and encountering a friend of friends!

He feels that Lu Haoqian is the person who can stand in the same height with him! All of a sudden, Lu Yuqian rose from the status of the student to his loved one!

Forgive him, genius is such an axis!

Lu Yiqian is a little embarrassed. Actually, this knowledge is in the fire of creation. She just added a little thought. Ling Tiancai is a real talent, she used the power of props. At the time of some worry, a big bear hugs suddenly, and a warm and elegant face is presented to her.

...not who is Sikongyun? !

"You are coming, I miss you, with the crystal spar, the star iron, the dragon queue, the flame magic core (hereinafter omitting the 10,000 kinds of the best forging materials)... did you bring it with you? I really want to You, really!" Si Kongyun was full of enthusiasm and smile.

"I think you think that I am a fake. Do you think my material is true?" Lu Yiqian looked around and did not make a mistake. There is no material here. He also escaped from the refugee caves. He has not seen forging for hundreds of years. Material like ground.

"Oh, I am just used to having you have enough materials." After being poked, the person was extremely cheeky and didn't even have a red face.

When it comes to materials, Lingtian is like a cat that only smells astringent: "Materials? Does she have a lot of materials?"

Si Kongyun sold her without any obstacles: "A lot, and they are the best materials!"

Ling Tian’s narrow eyes suddenly rose brightly, and he grabbed Lu Yuqian: “Walking away, let’s go to the forging room.”

Before Lu Yiqian had not had time to oppose it, he was promoted to the forge by two "passionate" guys. As soon as they entered, the two looked at her with eager eyes. Ling Tian proposed: "Start with the equipment headdress, one piece. Come to the ground."

The two guys figured out that she had to count her, and she was not allowed to take other materials. If she didn't forge it, the two would come up with various means. Lu Yiqian couldn't, and had to start forging.

However, once she took out the material from the space belt and began to forge, she entered the state of selflessness, and with the trust of Sikongyun and the state of this forging atmosphere, she could not help but reveal her hand. Without the fire of the soul, forge a magical instrument, attaching five attributes.

"You try to keep the mercury dissolved for a thousand degrees, add mercury after adding the blood of the beast." Ling Tian said with a shot.

Lu Yiqian thought a little, and then did it according to Lingtiandi. Sure enough, the equipment that was released again was better than the previous one, and it attached seven attributes.

Then, the second piece of equipment, the third piece of equipment... Ling Tian always pointed out the key point, Lu Yuqian summed up and made it again.

Since he knows that Ling Tian is interested in guiding, how can Lu Yiqian be polite and absorb his knowledge in a sponge.

The students were so clear and exquisite, and the teacher was very happy. Soon, he discovered that Lu Yiqian could not only listen to his opinions, but even give inferences, even questions and even constructiveness. He was immediately triggered by passion and he also invested in forging. Among them.

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