Jianfeng is actually a dragon head, tiger claws, and the tail of the Warcraft, but he has a cold and cold atmosphere, can feel it far!

Behind them, nine high-end World of Warcraft have shown their original shape, they are all different, the only one is beautiful, powerful!

Fortunately, the enchantment of the wreckage is done big enough, otherwise, I am really afraid that they will not open it!

The Millennium King saw that they all revealed the true chapter, and they were no longer polite. They showed the original shape. He was a swamp beast. He was extremely attractive, and he had a thousand tails. He was attacking sharp, tens of thousands of venoms, and he was good at him. !

Seven thousand six hundred stars, playing these little devils, that is to play in general!

However, he also knows that these young devils are so young and have such a climate, the blood is noble, the strength of talent is beyond the reach of other World of Warcraft, their origins must be extraordinary!

However, if you want to take care of him, then the master will be the king of heaven, and he will do the same!

Thousands of long tails, rolled up in all directions, the intensity of the attack, the sharpness of the attack, the eyes open.

However, those teenagers are not vegetarian. They must have been subjected to the most rigorous training, because even such a strong attack, the pressure of more than a thousand stars higher than them, did not make them fight down.

These little boys, the future is limitless!

You need to know how hard it takes to get a World of Warcraft that is stronger than yourself. World of Warcraft is inherently fearful than its own existence, but they can overcome this. This is their great, whether it is based on blood, or for other reasons. Think of it here, Lu Yiqian receives their minds more intensely!

Longxing six wings micro-display, six big light **** attacked with the power of destruction, four white hooves micro-step, a burst of fire blade will be issued, his family is rare, but attack power, It is a strong one! Single attack or group battle, all invincible!

There is a burst of pollen, which has the effect of making people sleepy and confused. The pollen is overwhelming. If it is inhaled, it will be embedded in the skin immediately. At that time, he will be scraped!

The attack of Jianfeng is more direct. He believes in the strength of the body. Therefore, his attack makes him like a knife, like a sword, like a hook, a needle, an extreme speed, an extremely keen judgment, and a strong war!

No one at all is a fuel-efficient lamp!

The Millennium King is not flustered. To be honest, as long as it is not a metamorphosis to the master, he is still very confident in dealing with such a few teenagers. The whole body is flashing with layers of brilliance, and hundreds of tails are used to hold Longxing's light wave attack. Hundreds of tails flap up and down, and the fireblade is scattered. The huge sounds of the rumble are endless, oh, oh, spark four. Splash, the wind is top! Hundreds of tails gather to form a hurricane-like effect, which blows away the illusion and pollen brought by Mo! Hundreds of tails deal with the sword, as fast as lightning, and the rest of the tail holds the rest of Warcraft!

This is a battle between monsters, but equally exciting!

Although the Millennium King seems to be easy, but he knows his own situation, the strength of these little guys far exceeds their star rating, their talent makes him marvel, can not help but doubt their way, but the more In this way, the more he is fighting, the more he decides to leave these children to the owner!

"Bunny rabbits, let me take a break from you!" The Millennium King screamed, and the huge sound shock made people stand unsteadily.

"Don't think that we will be afraid of you!" Longxing is more and more brave, and it is also a whistling. The six wings are closed and re-expanded. Its shadows show a number of weights, overlapping one by one, phantoms layer by layer, but Each layer of shadows emits light waves, which are incomparably beautiful, extremely magical, but also extremely powerful. This is his trick, the skywheel lore!

"We will never admit defeat!" In the voice of Mo, there are bursts of flowers, and the blossoming flowers form a beautiful pavilion. However, this is definitely not a fantasy. Anyone who walks in can only be trapped in it forever. To be born and die, it is just a matter of his words!

"Look at the trick!" Jian Feng's words have always been very few, he turned into a variety of weapons, attacking sharp and extreme, the sky and light, it is his masterpiece!

The rest of the juveniles have put a variety of blessings on each other.

The Millennium King saw the teenagers all motivated and showed their own tricks. I saw him swaying in the wind, the whole body was rolled up on the head, and the head was slightly glowing. At first glance, the treasures were solemn and the light was scattered. Then, a fierce bang, meet the teenager's tricks, the impact of the big, so that the enchantment is slightly shaking!

The ground has long been ruined!

This is awkward, both lose!

The Millennium King often crouched on the ground and restored the appearance of the blue octopus. The Warcraft also restored the appearance of a beautiful young boy. However, after this war, there was a half-sexual beauty, and the faces were dark and all over the body. It’s messy, it’s awkward.

Lu Hao thousand hit a haha, called the phoenix bird to treat the Millennium King, walked to the juvenile side, kneeling beside Longxing, patted his face: "Let's say, what are you looking for?"

Even though Longxing was full of dust, he was still very expensive. He stared at Lu Yi’s eyes and turned his head: “Oh! I lost, I want to kill, I will follow you!”

Lu Yiqian raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly: "Follow me?" She hugged Longxing's jaw and stared up and down his body: "Are you sure?"

Long Xing was so blushing, but his face was covered with dust at this time, and he couldn’t see it at all. See you again, Lu Yiqian’s eyes, arrogant: “I’m not here to find you ugly!”

Lu Yanqian smiled and said: "Is it?" Stretched his hand to buckle the collar of Longxing, and slammed it down, and the clean chest immediately showed it.

"Oh..." Suddenly, inhaling again and again, all the teenagers widened their eyes and looked at this incredible scene of horror!

Long Xing was a glimpse, then his face was redder and eventually turned into anger. He shouted: "Dead woman, what do you want?!"

Lu Yi’s palm was attached to the young man’s chest, and he smashed the Zhuguo on his chest. He squeezed it slowly: “What do you do, nothing to do!”

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