The father did something wrong. For such a woman, marrying a man who is destined to marry a lot of wives is an insult, and the father is taking his own humiliation. Such a woman, originally, can make people abandon everything to follow!

The heart is stinging and gratifying. It is a life that can meet such a strange woman. It is his sorrow and his luck!

The owner of Qiuhe was stunned by Lu Yi’s words: “You don’t want to toast or eat fine wine!”

Lu Yiqian gave him a big white eye.

Qiu He Ning coldly said: "Father, you go out first, I have something to say to Miss Lu."

Although he is the head of the family, he is absolutely vocal about the son of this genius. He screams and slams his face and gives the decision to Qiu Hening.

"You have to go, then you have to wait for the debt between us to write off."

Lu Hao was wondering: "What debt do we have between us?"

Qiu He Ning seems to be unwilling to mention, but has to say: "Hey toe!"

Lu Yu’s mouth is awkward, and this child is too honest: “No, I just said it.”

Qiu Hening was cold and cold, and suddenly she was in trouble. She hit Lu Yiqian on the chair. In the twinkling of an eye, she lifted her delicate white feet like jade, quickly took off her shoes, and hooked her tongue, and kissed her toes.

Lu Hao’s eyes widened. She almost doubted whether there was any special hobby between the teenager and the young man. After all, she said that she was a joke. How could he take it seriously?

Under the slightest, Qiu Jining has already licked her pink five toes.

Lu Yiqian was shocked. He pulled back his feet and lost money. It was too bad!

Qiu Jining was a little lost, stood up, looked at her deeply, and quickly turned away.

He insisted on this, but in fact it was just to get in touch with her. I knew that this matter could not be done, but it was partial to life. He was poisoned and had a poison called "Lu Yiqian"!

"Freak!" Lu Hao thousand.

This woman, without any sense of self-consciousness, she unconsciously, but also took away the heart of a man.

Even if she knows, she will not be responsible. Her position is not much, only for the most important people!

The **** of death stared at Lu’s feet and swallowed two salivas: “Master, I want to marry you at night.”

Lu Yiqian: "..."

Out of the room, Lu Qianqian was going to join the men to leave the Qiuhe family, but he heard a "squeaky" sound, his head slightly stunned, and a poison dart was inserted on the door panel behind her.

Lu Yiqian didn't care: "This is not the hospitality of the ball family!"

Thirty steps away, standing with her eyes wide, the face of the gorgeous autumn Herlan, she walked step by step, with some kind of mad and cruel smile on her face: "I know you can't beat you, but I am injured in my autumn home. The next day, you said that I will let the Qiu Hezu people let you go?"

Lu Yiqian honestly said: "No!"

Qiu Helan smiled hatefully: "That's great, you pick up!" He said, it was already rushing over.

Lu Hao said with a smile: "However, in addition to hurting you, there are so many ways to keep you from moving, and to ensure that all methods are extremely effective!"

Enough, she is really fed up with the people of Qiuhe!

Move like a rabbit, close to the autumn of Helan, a breezy like a sway, they will pass by, Bi yarn slightly moved, the action is flowing.

The time during this period is only a moment.

Qiu Helan only felt that his body was slightly stiff, and he was stunned by acupuncture. He wanted to move, but he couldn’t move at all, let alone find Lu Yuqian trouble.

At this moment, even if she is a fool, she can find something wrong: "What did you do to me, you are a woman!"

Lu Yuqian’s voice came from afar. Xu was separated from each other. There was a feeling of embarrassment: “I have an illusionary beast from the western swamp. There are many toxins in the body, one of which makes the poisoned person unable to be emotional. Can't be angry, even the mood swings can't be done." Lu Yiqian back, there is a kind of invisible in the eyes, like the dark night sky devours the influx of people: "Especially, when the person has a tangled taboo love in his heart This poison will be made faster."

Qiu Helan’s face was pale and she thought of a person’s figure.

"In this poison, as long as it involves love, it will be heartbroken and not self-sustaining, gradually weakening hands and feet, and the magic power will be lost. The closer the lover is, the more obvious the utility will be. Don't slap the poison, except me, anyone Unable to formulate an antidote..." Lu Yiqian gradually drifted away, but when he said it, he took Qiu Helan into the bottomless abyss.

"噗通!" She fell to the ground and looked up again, but it burst into tears.

So punished, so punishable, now, she can't even see the back of that person?

Lu Yiqian, how cruel you are!

Lu Yiqian, is this the punishment you have repeatedly provocative against her?

Forbidden love, there is no day-to-day taboo love... That person, heart hurts...

Lu Yiqian did not return to the ballroom, and went straight out of the Qiuhe family, walking forward.

Her heart is quiet at this moment, blue sky and white clouds, when the two rounds of sun hangs in the air, the evening sky is like blood.

She needs to go on like this, without a burden, take a walk with ease, temporarily unload the burden, and then go forward.

Even the giants will feel tired, and she is not a tired robot.

Hey, since then, I am afraid that there will be no Ningri, expose yourself to the world, and be prepared to experience all kinds of killings and calculations... Well, she is not alone. Fortunately, she can now take a break, sneak in the busy, look at the clouds and clouds, see the flowers drifting in the wind, see the strange buildings on the Wan. Speaking of it, she has not simply appreciated the sky.

She and the **** of death quietly took their hands and walked on the street. The sunshades made their shadows grow old and elders, and eventually they gathered into a little bit, and they were in harmony.

"Master..." Death seems to have something to say.

"Hmm?" Lu Hao is lazy.

"I will protect you." Death said seriously.

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