Drive all the way, cross the street and reach the Qiuhe House.

Qiuhe House, on the west corner of Wan Guan, said that it is a high house compound, it is too small to see it!

From east to west, it is only its front yard within 30 miles. From south to north, there are at least 10 million high-rise buildings!

However, these mansions are a whole, backed by the green hills, the water in the house, including more than 500 lakes, can enter and attack, retreat and defend, fully reflects its grand momentum!

Seeing it, Lu Yiqian’s first thought was: spend money, the second thought is: how many people in Qiuhe’s family.

At the wide gate of Qiuhe, at this time, thousands of taxis have been parked. It seems that people are almost there.

Lincoln parked at the door, it was like a little red in the green grove, very noticeable.

Two young ladies dressed in silk satin walked down the river and glanced at Lincoln. They were very scornful: "How can Qiuhe’s family invite such a poor guest, even the driver can’t afford it? It’s really vulgar.”

The rest of the people sneered at the low point of approval.

I have to say that no matter which world, there is such a snobbery that looks at people.

As soon as the Miss finished, Lincoln’s car door opened, and a green-eyed green eye came from inside. A very handsome and pretty elf came. His eyebrows were dynamic. He had a noble elf, he was because of Unknown joy and exudes a more charming aura, wearing a neat white shirt, handsome, like a prince.

People who saw the people who came down were so good and suddenly glimpsed.

"Is it there?" A very nice childish voice came out, and a young boy with purple eyes and purple eyes was on the car. This boy was noble and extraordinary, and his appearance was so delicate that it was completely exaggerated and fully foreseeable. How charming this child will be. God, how can there be such a lovely child in the world!

"Don't wear it like this, it's not very good." The sound of a screaming voice came out, and then, a man with a seductive temperament and a sultry heart, the long hair of the corn color, his facial features are not very different. Excellent, can be combined, but it is so attractive. Today, he wore a robes embroidered with silver, low-key luxury.

"Hey!" A cold glimpse of a glimpse of the red hair, sharp eyes, faint young boy with a royal style, the boy is so beautiful, it is the woman standing next to him will be self-satisfied.

People have already seen it, and they don’t know how many excellent people there are in this car.

"Oh, everyone's clothes are wrinkled." With a charming and charming, out of the eyes of a black-haired, green-eyed, charming, he is wearing a peach-studded robes, more charming than a woman, than a woman. There are so many colors, but this is the case. This body is so worthy of him. As soon as he winks, even men can't help but feel good.

"I haven't attended the banquet for a long time!" A silver-haired, silver-brown squat, long silver-tailed teenager walked out of the car. He actually wore a military uniform, but God, don't mention him with this dress!

People are looking forward to what kind of wonderful characters will come out inside, and people are screaming again, why are there such people who have such a wind out?

This time, four people got off at the same time.

When the four people came out, people suddenly felt that the sun on the horizon had also become eclipsed.

And said that the woman first, she has a pair of stars comparable to the stars, extremely deep, her eyes are very beautiful, can see her people, pay more attention to the light in that eye. At the beginning of the first sight, I will feel that her eyes are very deep, but occasionally there will be a glare-like light. I can't tell the moving, people can't help but want to get close. Her hair is smoother than satin, darker than the night sky, to the knees, like a black waterfall. Rose-like lips, white face like jade, graceful posture, a light green tube top with a smokecage, a swan-like neck, blood red ruby, no arm decoration, but more fresh Su Jie. ... a good woman!

On the right hand side, she is a tall, black man with a mysterious brilliance. The cloak blocks his face. The smell of his body is no different from that of ordinary people. In the dark, anyone will ignore him, in the glare. Anyone will ignore him. But he didn't shoot, but he was sure to be shocked. He is holding a sickle, and the sickle is so perfect. When Lu Haoqian was around, his sense of existence seemed to depend on her, and he could not wait to be her belt, so that she always clung to him. But once she left her, he is a world, the gas field is big, no one can! At this moment, he only looks at the beautiful woman in front of him, and the master looks good!

On her left is a arrogant man, silver-haired long hair, **** red eyes, and a red wine robes. If he is sharp, he is partial and lazy from his bones, but if he is sloppy, He is partial and full of domineering. The peach eyes that were picked up, the strongness of the day-to-day exercise and the smile of his smile, caused the women to burst into tears.

Behind her, she followed a boy with bright eyes, a gorgeous mask on his right face, and a beautiful **** his left. He had a faint smile on his face, and he was as expensive as a king of the kingdom!

It’s really a beautiful group of beautiful men and girls!

After everyone got out of the car, they jumped off a flaming fox, a sloppy puppy, a mighty silver wolf, and a green and green cat with green and green carvings. A blue octopus.

The two women who mocked Lincoln’s powers had already seen it.

However, the eyes of those beautiful men are only on one person, and there is a joy in the eyes.

Although Lu Qianqian never dressed as a man, she never wore a woman, or a leather armor, or a dark robes. Why did she exude a charming feminine taste, which is really refreshing. Thinking of this, the beautiful men could not help but thank the Qiuhe family who hosted the banquet.

Before entering the door, the middle-aged man who sent the invitation came with four servants and bowed and said: "Welcome Miss Lu, come, please Miss Lu and other distinguished guests to come with me."

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