This is a shadowless invisible knife!

The owner of Qiuhe was excited at once, and the elders who arrived at Qiuhe’s home were excited.

"No shadow knife!"

Wherever weapons are self-contained, they are invisible, and they are invisible. The highest realm required by the device is invisible and injurious. It is more terrible than tangible and horrible. This realm is not achieved by the owners of Qiuhe!

The owner of Qiuhe was almost happy to tremble. However, he is also angry, this kid has come to this realm, he never told him, really, the child is too genius, it is also a thing that makes Laozi very faceless!

Knife extraction, closed eyes, thousands of hand shadows, knife shadows!

"Booming!" The whole test bench has collapsed, and there is no smoke in the smoke.

"Hey, hey, Qiuhe's knife, Gaoming!" The smoke is not scattered, people first speak out, not Lu Qianqian and who!

Qiu Hening's face was condensed, but there was a hint of color in his eyes.

The smoke dissipated, and a woman stood between the messy ruins and resisted by the cross knife. She actually blocked it!

Anyone can see that this blow is more powerful than the one that was just like Jing Hong, she actually blocked it!

Not only are there people in shock, but Qiu He’s family even has eyes wide open, no one knows the power of the shadowless knife better than him!

God, is this woman a monster? !

This battle, the outcome has been divided!

"There are people outside, there are days outside the sky, and they are taught." Qiu Hening is a veteran. At this moment, he really recognizes the strength of this woman. For her, she is no longer cold-faced.

There is such a kind of person in the world, only the people and things that they recognize, and the attitude of kindness and enthusiasm.

It is a pity that Lu Yiqian saw him like this, but he couldn’t afford to be interested. Since she was happy to see the cracks on her face, the face of the man was like a spring breeze, but she was languid. "Go ahead, but still win!"

Everyone can't help but turn a blind eye, you dare not dare to be a little more mad, the end of the undecided things, dare to pack big bags, arrogant!

However, her lazy and casual attitude, but people have to believe.

They are looking forward to the next game!

"You... don't collect spoils?" Qiu Hening hesitated to ask, the family was educated, and he had to keep his promise.

Lu Yiqian turned his head and said nothing, "Oh, of course, wait for me to step on a step, add some dust, earth, or something."

Qiu Ni Ning’s mouth suddenly slammed, and the people in the audience could not help but be blind.

Do you dare to break a little more, and then fall into the ground? !

"Qiuhe brother, lost?" The little princess sitting in the stands looked at the stage unbelievably, her eyes turned tears, and her Qiuhe brother was the most powerful.

"This..." Qiu He’s family could not help but sigh, I don’t know how to comfort this little princess.

"No one is always winning the general. If there is a win, there must be a loss. Does the sister of Frost and Snow not trust me?" Qiu Hening put away the knife and walked toward the little princess, the cold face, the tall and straight figure, very Shake his eyes.

The little princess broke into a smile: "Qiuhe brother is the best!"

Qiu Hening took up the little princess's hand like a snow fat and printed a kiss. His eyes are cold, but his smile is not at the bottom of his eyes.

The face of the little princess was red and red, and the eyes of Qiu Jining were filled with admiration.

Qiuhe’s old man’s face shook and turned his eyes. He thought quietly in his heart. This stinky boy’s means of hooking up the girl was even better than him.

Qiu Helan looked at the two men, and his eyes finally settled on Qiu Jining, and his emotions were very complicated.

The last battle, Lu Yiqian against Zhu Hui!

Who will win the game, who will be the first place? The mentality of the people is far less complicated than the four masters.

On the one hand, they hope that the four children will win and maintain their own glory. On the other hand, they really do not want to see Zhu Huiying. Because of this, the Zhu family will be significantly more popular than the other three. Their development is very unfavorable. Therefore, the anti-more tendency to Lu Yi wins, very simple, let an outsider, a person who has no power at all, won't appear to be weak, can only say... This woman is too strong!

Can one be stronger, and there are ways to recruit him, is there a way to make it sell? Two fists are difficult to attack four hands, she can still withstand the pressure of a family? !

Half an hour later, Lu Hao’s battle was on the rebuilt platform. I wanted to come to the school to prepare, knowing that the battle is inevitably damaged. Standing opposite her is the first genius of Zhu Jiaxing, Zhu Hui!

Everyone looked at him, and suddenly there was a ridiculous feeling. It was a battle between monsters and monsters!

Isn't it, Zhu Hui's awakening has not faded, black and white two-color wings, the one-pointed bulge on the forehead, black and white two-tone hair, green and shining, shining eyes under such a big sun, and The cold and ruthless momentum, the feeling of killing bloody, completely makes people feel that standing in front of them is not a person, it is completely a monster, a terrible monster!

And his opponent Lu Yiqian, although the appearance is so beautiful, but who can know how much power in her body? !

People are excited and look forward to it! More than 100,000 pairs of eyes, playing on these two people, they can predict that this battle will be the most exciting battle in the history of East Central College!

The deputy dean looked at Lu Yiqian deeply. He did not expect that the girl who borrowed the museum had such a great ability. God, she is still a sanctuary. I really don’t know where the teacher got to the child. If it were her, maybe it would be possible to reach that horrible experiment, and he is also looking forward to it.

Among the crowd, there is also a sigh, and it seems that the eyes that are extremely satisfied are thrown at Lu Yiqian. Looking at it carefully, isn’t the old one who was the one who followed her?

The city owner Qifeng is also sighing, Jiangshan generation has talented people, the former wave died on the beach, so the genius was stunned by the head of the house, really want to be ecstatic.

The other few are concerned about Lu Zhengqian, and at this moment they are also concerned about the battle platform.

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