When the words came out, the audience was silent, people could not believe their ears, and what was actually the artifact of Ling Tian master!

Ling Tian, ​​Daewoo's first forgemaster, the **** of forging, has an unparalleled status. His contributions to Daewoo are numerous and his convenience is one of his masterpieces. In addition to the pedestrians and other things that are made for people in daily life, his achievements are more prominent in the forging artifacts, saying that it is hard to find a thousand dollars, and the priceless treasure cannot be overemphasized.

The birth of an artifact, how much precious minerals to spend, the Warcraft nucleus and blood, fur, etc., the program is more complex and diverse, but also requires high spiritual strength and superb forging techniques, can be said to become a forging artifact How difficult is the master. Ling Tian as the **** of forging, the forged artifact is perfect in every aspect, not to mention its power, just say that the incidental attributes, there are more than ten!

Competing for the artifacts of Master Ling Tian, ​​this is absolutely a crazy thing!

And this move also indicates how fierce this battle will be!

How can you fight fiercely, how can you compare the joy of getting the artifact? !

People can't help but be crazy!

Speaking of it, this is a big deal that Dongshu College has never had!

The people on the field are looking forward to the illusion, and in the competition room, the top five are also divided into one side, secretly competing.

"Sister, you must win!" Yan Hui held the small fist tightly and said loudly.

Yan Fei wanted to talk, but when he saw Lu Yanqian’s face, he couldn’t say it in a half sentence. He turned his head and looked coldly.

The silver hair is smug and arrogant, and he swears: "I give you the first place, but you must let the kid give you a toe."

Death is holding the hand of Lu Yiqian tightly. He won't win anything. He doesn't care. He just likes to watch the owner's arrogant face, watching the owner laugh and see the master.

Infected by this atmosphere, Lu Yiqian could not help but rush into the sky, and he said: "I will win!"

When this was said, it attracted others to pay attention.

Qiu Hern, who was surrounded by Qiu Hering, gave Lu Yi a thousand eyes blinking. Zhu Fang, next to Zhu Hui, gave a hearty smile. Zhu Yaohua smiled coldly. As for Feng Yunlian, he came with a group of beautiful men. Half faded, red lips lightly started: "I heard that you and Niu Ni Ning that kid played a gamble, how, do you still gamble with me, if you lose, give me a bed partner for a month, huh? ”

His purpose is obvious. First, in order to fight against the Qiuhe family, the woman who gave the toes to the toes actually gave him a bed partner. This is an insult. The other is to test Lu Yiqian.

But he did not know that this sentence came out, and the beautiful men around Lu Yiqian had blown up.

"This kind of thing, how can people agree? Xiaoqian is my person." The departure of the sorrow slowly came, the clothes were half-solved, the steps were like flowing water, and the cherry blossom robes outlined the infinite style.

More charming, more charming than enchanting, who is better than him!

But then, this is not good for his judges, come here to make fun.

Departed from the mouth and said: "People are so boring!" Look at the red lips, look at the charm, how awkward.

The **** of death has long been in the arms of Lu Hao. He is in black and looks out of his face, but it does not detract from his natural temperament and mystery. The little hair that is exposed is so smooth and supple that he can also peep into his talent. The strong figure, even in black, is difficult to cover up, slender and powerful, forming a man's most powerful embrace.

More mysterious than the momentum, who can compare him! It’s just that you don’t reveal a point at all. If you show it a bit, the whole world must be moved. He is such a existence, only powerful!

Only, in addition to the owner, who is worthy to talk to him? !

The eyes of the moon and the moon are half-prefered. Because he entered the school, he was taken care of by the beasts. Although this heart is hot, he regards human life as a mustard, his heart is evil, and his life is a grasshopper. But at this moment, How can we lose in the battle, thrown into the arms of Lu Yi, the mask of evil, the beautiful beauty of the Chu, the weak and weak, the full of ten disasters, the enchanting Xiaomei male.

More than the gas field, than the charm, who can compare him? !

Wei Mo has a silver silk glisten, red eyes are glamorous, and the half-baked chest is bright and clean. It is completely extreme. It is full of brilliance and self-expression: "Don't talk, you are not here?"

More than changeable, more comfortable, who can compare with him? !

Qin Xingluo, demon red, Yan Fei, which one is not a dragon Zhang Fengzi, after the momentum, which one is not dazzling? !

This is a good time, not a shame, but dare to show off in front of them?

Lu Yiqian slowly came out, she only said one sentence: "Sorry, I am really not interested in women."

No way, for provocation, she has always been poisonous.

Feng Yunlian's face is green and red, very exciting. When he touched such a big nail, it was also something he had never encountered before. However, this guy is well-preserved, no anger, but only: "See you on the field!"

For a time, the atmosphere in the competition room was tense.

"Hey, a civilian also dares to make a big word!" Zhu Yaohua said with pride: "Your way is here!"

Lu Hao is undecided.

"Big brother, that can be said, the stadium is changing, it is more than an accident, she may be even more powerful than you!" Zhu Fang cold and cold.

Zhu Yaohua sighed coldly: "I know that you have a heart-to-heart, and you can help outsiders so quickly. If you are as sultry as your mother, you should not live in this world!"

"You!" Zhu was so angry that he could be rude, but anyone who was filthy and his brother would not!

Zhu Hui grabbed the hand of his younger brother. The eyes that were closed were slammed open, and they were so strangely green and bright, and they were so shocked that Zhu Yaohua suddenly retreated!

Lu Haoqian looked at the score clearly, and could not help but also impressed that green.

In order to show fairness and make decisions, the results were quickly announced.

Zhu Hui to Zhu Yaohua, Feng Yunlian to Lu Yiqian, Qiu He Ning is empty, the first two rounds of losers can challenge him and get the top three places.

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