In addition to leaving the country, there are Wei Mo, Qin Xingluo, Demon Red...

Lu Hao’s temperament came out generously. I wanted to tell a few beasts before she came back. They told Wei Mo, yes, I am afraid that he is worried. The heart can’t stop, it’s full of warmth.

When she came out, she was immediately surrounded.

But she waited for her not only the men and beasts around her, but also the four family members, the people of Dongshu Academy, the soldiers. I still don’t know when she became a toon.

"Benevolent, I can't think of seeing you again!" Zhu put a bright smile and walked over with a team.

The other three tribes could not help but scream that he was despicable, actually playing human love cards!

When he first saw the family emblem of Zhu Fang, Lu Yiqian already knew that the other party was a Zhu family, but did not expect to see him in Dongshu. He sent his own children to the college, indicating that the family was interested in training him. At this moment, he was led to lead the team, indicating that his status in the family is not low.

However, even if the smile on the other side's face is very good, she will not have any relationship with the four families.

But now I see this battle, but she also understands what is going on.

She really was famous for the match.

The scorpion is slightly cold, but it will cause some trouble, but...

"Do your best, don't say anything else!" Lu Yiqian turned and said to Zhu Fang: "It is not beautiful to talk about friendship with friends!"

Zhu Fang smashed, and he clearly heard the other person’s refusal, but he was so smart, and soon he understood Lu’s meaning, and smiled heartily and said: “Really, friendship with friends, since the most Ok!" said to lead his own children to leave.

"Three brothers, this is not good, we have not completed the task that the family owner has given us." A handsome juvenile.

"That person..." Zhu Fang looked up and saw the moon in the sky. "The man, no one can control it. My Zhu family wants to continue to stand in Shangguan, so don't make a relationship with her."

"Is there such a hang?" The boy obviously didn't care.

"Zhu Feng!" Zhu Fang's voice immediately sternly: "Go back to the wall for three days!"

As a lower-level god, Zhu Fang can call the majority of Zhu’s children, not only because of this person’s open mind, but also because he is very good at “seeing people and knowing people”. This is definitely a homeowner. The necessary virtue, unfortunately, his talent is not high. But even so, the owner still left the position of the family decision-making elders to him, which shows his attention.

The boy did not dare to go against it and replied in a low voice: "Yes!"

When Zhu Jiayi left, Fengyun and Qiuhe’s family immediately encircled. Qiu’s family said that if the guest was hanging over the river, he did not hide his destination and said: “Lu Daren, my family is very admired for your heroic position, I hope to recruit you. As long as you Into my Qiuhe family, we promise to give you the high position of the honorable elders, and at the same time pay 30,000 yuan of magical jade every year..."

One after another, I heard people around me inhale, God, this is a very bad thing. Let’s not say how noble the status of the elders of the Qiuhe family is, and the 30,000 years of magic and jade. It is simply a leap from the civilians to the nobility! There are already a lot of people who are watching the crowds and they are embarrassed and embarrassed.

Lu Hao licked his hair and quietly leaned on the **** of death. He smiled and said: "So, what is my responsibility?"

The man thought that there was a play, and immediately said: "As long as you follow the instructions of the owner, you must not leave Shangguan, nor accept the recruitment of other families. You can do anything that does harm the Qiuhe family. It is very loose, and you are very free. ”

That's right, for the average person, this is really loose!

"Oh?" Lu Yi Qian Mingyi slightly favored: "But tomorrow, after the trial, your family is mainly lost, but to give me a lame?" Giggle, and said: "If you are the elder of Qiuhe's family If the patriarch gave a command, wouldn’t he miss the opportunity?"

How arrogant, how evil? !

Inhaling around, even the Qiuhe family, one of the four major families, is a genius, and it’s a day!

The lobbyist is the real Qiuhe family. How can I continue to persuade when I hear this? Immediately hate: "You don't want to toast, don't eat and drink fine wine!"

Lu Yiqian was unmoved: "What is fine wine, I have never drunk."

The Fengyun family said that the guests saw Qiuhe’s family eating and squatting forward: “I am in the wind...”

Lu Hao’s thousands of tricks waved him: “No one is nonsense, I am not interested in being an elder of any one!”

When the words came out, there was another inspiratory sound around her. She even turned away the things that others had longed for in a few words. What kind of pride is this? !

She clearly shows her attitude, where can the four family talkers say anything else? Had to watch Lu Yuqian and others leave.

The next day, compared with the test, although Lu Yiqian tried something unexpected, there were seven guys who didn't use magic power, but this is a tradition of Dongshu College for thousands of years. It is easy to abolish.

Although many people are afraid to come and watch, there are still some people who are afraid of death and dare to come to watch the battle. These people pay more attention to the wonderful, play the extreme battle of people, so that the superb battle can challenge the nerves of people's excitement!

Cloudless, blue sky, sky is like washing!

Yesterday, the damaged platform has been repaired without traces of damage, 100 meters round, more solid defense!

In the first game, Zhu Yaohua played against Qiu Helan.

Qiu Helan has already seen, Qiuhe’s second day, the superior **** is a step, tall, with big eyes, red lips and white teeth, a beautiful woman, if it’s not too heavy, she might be beautiful again. .

And Zhu Yaohua, is said to be the first genius of Zhu family, the second level of the superior god, at first glance, it is indeed a handsome man with a graceful manner, the eyebrow star eye, white 皙 health, but look closely, there is arrogance between the eyebrows. arrogant.

The sect and the beast, the first positive confrontation!

The two sides have long been opponents. At this moment, they will not be merciless. Qiu Herlan’s shot is a snake, and the wind is blowing, and the snakes are suffocating, and it’s really not good.

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