However, he did not think that a sanctuary actually has such a great ability to send such a large amount of energy!

He did not think that others did not even think of it.

Only the beasts who pay attention to Lu Qianqian understand that the master's metamorphosis is more than that.

But today, at this time, Lu Yiqian has to give the world a better understanding, a real illusion!

Not weak, but it is definitely not too strong illusion!

People don't know that she has unlimited contracts, but she will know that she is a thousand-star Eudemons. She won't know that her cards are white, blue, and death, but she knows that she has a stunt and she won't know that she has a fire of creation, but she knows She has the ability to forge, she will not know that she is the fifth attribute, but she will know that she is highly talented.

This will be an embarrassment. It will be the forces of all parties, and it is possible to drop the entire Daewoo.

Is this really a good deal, isn't it?

Kornami did not disappoint her, it is indeed quite extraordinary, the phantom will wrap his whole, put a worm, and the silk is placed on the square of the battle table. The phantom slowly retreats, gathers, puts the Buddha's discs in general, condenses behind the rice picks, and puts the wings of the butterfly.

"You are very good, actually forced me to use this trick." Mi Cai's breath also changed with the moment of becoming a butterfly, not using magic power, in the self-filled with a devastating atmosphere, the breath is next to him Scratching, scraping the entire platform cover and breaking it.

However, it turned out that Mi Cai is not a Daewoo person at all!

He doesn't have magic power, even...

Qi Fenghe stood up from the chair and could no longer remain calm.

Not only him, but even the audience on the field was amazed, the whole scene became very chaotic.

This change is something that no one can imagine!

Michel, not even the people of this universe.

This is incredible!

Legend has it that this universe was created by the creation gods, and all creatures, including the creation gods, use magic power, which is the only force that sustains the universe. But... all planes have had an unprecedentedly large-scale alien universe in the 100,000 years ago. They don’t use magic power, but they are powerful. But I don't know why, the powerful people have not stayed in this universe for a long time. Their existence is just a flash in the pan.

Despite this, the shocks that they brought, though short but strong, remain in people's minds, because those who are trying to win Daewoo are also extremely simple things!

God, never imagined, at this time, I saw the existence of a different universe. How can this be surprising?

This kind of shock is like seeing aliens shopping under the Lang Lang!

However, Lu Qianqian did not move, she already knew that this person is not right before?

"Oh, it’s exposed!" Although this is the case, the expression on the face is not half-exposed and annoyed. It seems that talking about eating and eating is generally casual, and as his identity reveals, his body is gentle. Become enchanted.

Sure enough, is this creature of the universe?

But how to listen to such a careless tone is unpleasant.

"No wonder I can't feel good about you, your essence is not gentle at all." Lu Yiqian suddenly realized, finally knowing what the strange feeling in his heart is.

Regardless of what the other party is, it is always a fight!

Lu Hao has a thousand swords, and the wind is blowing!

The people on the stage are burning with war. The audience under the stage can be a little instigated. They don't want to be buried here. Even the protective cover is smashed. Is this ability, they can't afford it, can't they run?

Panic, running, shouting, the scene suddenly messed up.

Wei Mo, Qin Xingluo is nervously watching Lu Yiqian, she is afraid of her danger. Tian Zun, the Millennium King is more prepared to play on the sleeves.

"Who would dare to disturb the game of my big brother, don't blame us for being rude." Seven teenagers flew in the sky, both of which were behind the rice.

However, who would care about a few teenagers at this time, the run or run, the shouting is still shouting.

The boy was extremely impatient, and the hands gathered in the light waves to drop freely, and where the ball was dropped, a flower tree grew out, emitting a snow-like germ. Wherever, people were born with germs. Nutrients!

A terrible means!

"Sit back and sit back, big brother rarely wants to play a frame, you don't want to buy a face so bad." The boy said with no expression.

After all, it is a world of Chongwu heavy martial arts. People's ability to accept is generally strong. It is better to understand that this time is not a noisy time. I don't know what other swearing methods are used by those teenagers. Although they dare not sit back, they dare not Noisy running, because compared to the monsters that kill people without blinking, they are civilians and civilians with no hands.

However, who ever thought that the competition would become like this?

The deputy dean, Qi Feng, and the heads of the four family families have all sunk, and this kind of thing is undoubtedly hitting their faces, but at this time, they dare not be able to shake.

They have set their sights on the stage.

They found that the fight on the stage did not seem to be affected at all, and they could not help but they began to admire the woman on the stage.

Lu Yiqian found that the simple swordsmanship did not seem to cause damage to Mi Cai, and at this time Mi Cai has already begun to ****.

The shadow that was thought to be a phantom was not an Eudemons at all. It is more like being with Mickey now. The defense is high and scary, and it can use shadows to make all kinds of incredible attacks.

The two rounds of butterfly-shaped wings behind Mi Cai are constantly transformed into various weapons to attack Lu Yiqian from various angles.

Although it is a phantom, every attack can not make a big hole in the ground. If you drill on a person, the effect is also conceivable.

Everyone can't help but pinch a cold sweat for Lu Yiqian.

However, Lu Yiqian is indeed extremely powerful, that is, under the storm-like attack, she can still move and dodge, without a trace of extra movements, every flash is the most perfect.

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