It’s just that the feeling is already so intense, if it really makes her say something...

"Well, there are some things I have to say clearly with you, otherwise I will be upset. Wei Mo..." The woman seems to have embarrassment and seems to be uneasy.

The heart is as painful as a knife, and it is already unbearable because of the long-term depression. Perhaps it is because this moon and night is too lyrical, perhaps because it is too scared and too fearful: "A thousand, don't leave me! I know that I am not strong enough, I I know that I can't protect you, I know that I don't even have half of you, but, I really want to stay by your side, don't leave me behind!"

As if weeping, a little hot tears drip from the eyelids, seems to be the most beautiful pearl, exudes a colorful light.

Lu Yi had a silky moment in the moment, so she was never seen before, and the tears that she caught were so hot that they were so embarrassed.

But Wei Mo at this time has been hidden in the dark like an abandoned puppy.

When I feel a little bit tingling in my heart, I can't help but have a touch of ease. So, when I am a bad guy, I am never a good person anyway.

Holding up the hand of Wei Mo, Lu Yiqian gently put his long hair behind his ear: "I said, you understand what I mean wrong, I never said that I want to chase you away."

Is it wrong? Wei Mo raised his head, and the splendid peach blossom eyes still had tears, which seemed to be the dew on the petals in the spring.

"You don't trust yourself too much, but it's not right for you to suffer. I'm sorry for Wei Mo. I think I am too selfish. I love white and love death. The position in my heart seems to be full, afraid to face you because I have never been confident that I can give you the same love. I am running away. I am a coward." Lu Yiqian said slowly.

Wei Mo suddenly grew up with beautiful eyes. She, what did she say? !

"Sorry, I almost forget that Weimo is also a person. I also have my own feelings. I have the qualification to love and be loved. I am too self-willed. I will try to love and cherish you. Although it is difficult, I am a bad guy. Can Wei Mo forgive me?” She Lu Qianqian is not a fool, not an ignorant person. Wei Mo’s affection for her, how can she not know?

Wei Mo almost couldn't believe his ears, the blood was screaming, his brain was faint, he wanted to laugh, but he fell into tears.

Lu Yiqian borrowed a force and pulled the man in his arms into his arms and kissed his lips to prove his determination.

Wei Mo's face, once again can not be suppressed red, but the tears in the corner of his eyes, the face with the happiness after the shock, how to see, are wolves.

Huge joy has already engulfed him. A Qian has never kissed him like this. The last time he was obsessed with it was a last resort. It was to save him, but this time it was different. It was totally different. Ah, is it a kiss? Happy things? The body fluids blend with each other, the lips and teeth touch each other, and the Susu Ma Ma is so intoxicating.

"Beside me, I have to be prepared for the death of the injured."

"I know, I always know." A Qian, you know, he has given her life for a long time, and now it is even more so!

"Don't think about it anymore."

"Well, it won't be anymore!"

The two people are in love with each other. If you don't mention the defense, someone climbs onto the beam: "Hey, you two, talk about love, don't change places!" The impatient woman's voice is the hole that lost the battle in the daytime. It, see Lu Yuqian strangely looking at her, she is even more impatient: "You don't like it, I will overtake you one day sooner or later!" In the tone, there is some kind of bluff that is caught by the handle.

"Hey, before the flowers, the students are purely in love, and they are very good at seeing others!" It has a different style from the day.

Obviously, the dialogue between Wei Mo and Lu Yiqian was heard in the corner.

"Master, I want to kiss." The black **** of death and the night are in harmony. The corner of the clothes is windless but flying. A sickle is more beautiful in the moonlight. Although you can't see the face, just look at his figure. At first glance, there will be a strange mystery, like the night sky. It is like a cosmic universe. It can't be disrespected. It can't watch the existence of two seconds, but it is a thousand and two. Suddenly, his voice changed: "I want the master to say good things to me." If you hug the master and listen to her saying so well and again, he will die happily (he really forgets that he is the Lord of death, It is impossible to die).

"You, you are too disgusting, so shameful, can't you hide in the bed?" Kong Qi shouted and fled.

Really, if you are so shy, even the sly man can't say it.

Lu Yiqian still doubts himself, and he does not understand how the change in his attitude is so fast.

But this is a good thing, isn't it?

The departure has been wrapped in his white robe, and he ran around, his mouth blushing: "The family must kiss."

Lu Yiqian gave him a big white eye, flying down the stairs, followed by death.

A trip to the head of the situation: "Ah, hello!" He also jumped down and chased along the road, very dry.

Wei Mo melted a smile, touched his mouth and jumped.

The moon continued to hang over the earth, caged with all the things in this world, and the time passed by, until the next day at 6 o'clock, the March position was quickly converted in two days.

Another new day!

When I came to the training ground, I met another one, but she did not say anything more, but only proudly gave a "哼".

The rest of the people were inexplicable. No one knew about the outcome of the battle between Kong Qi and Lu Yiqian yesterday. However, it must have been won by Kong Qi. Although he felt that his attitude was strange, he also believed that it was the reason for Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian’s crane tail status was confirmed again.

However, the strange thing is that the talented genius of the first talent of this school is willing to stick to the end of the crane, and it is really not confusing.

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