Like a demonic eyes staring at Qi Wanru, staring straight at her body.

Looking at Wei Mo, she was distressed in her eyes: "I am not afraid of being afraid, Wei Mo did not happen anything, but I was bitten by a dog, nothing."

Wei Mo screamed, his voice was broken, and he was desperate: "A thousand, A thousand, I am dirty, oh, dirty..."

Lu Yiqian was both distressed and angry. He hugged Wei Mo and went to his room: "Wei Mo is not dirty, Wei Mo is very clean, Wei Mo Yan is open to see, there is me."

"A thousand, I am so scared... Hey, I am disgusting..." Wei Mo seems to be a helpless child, crying desperate and sad.

"...oh, it's okay." Lu Yiqian shouted in his heart, sorry, sorry Wei Mo, she is careless, she is too conceited!

"What are you doing, stop them!" Qi Wan shouted like this.

The guards listened to the order, but before they reached Lu Yiqian, they were shaken away by the arrogance of her body. Her eyes were more severe and more terrible than the devil. The voice was still gentle: "Nothing, Let's go back to the room first."

Qi Wanru realized that she seemed to offend people who should not be offended. But she is not willing to sit still, she has another plan.

"Xun Meng Long, help me look at the woman." Lu Yiqian entered the room, ordered the Eudemons.

The purple aperture flashed away.

Lu Yiqian put Wei ink on the bed. At this time, after he was stimulated, people were already a little awake, and his body was even more blushing.

"Water, help me see him." Lu Yiqian touched the face of Wei Mo, she has already noticed his abnormality.

"Master," the water sound was a bit weird: "He is not poisoned, he is just... can he come over, all in the master."

Lu Yiqian raised his eyebrows.

"He sucked the fragrance of the magic flower, the flower... is a potion medicine that any male can hardly resist." The water color is also quite embarrassing: "The flower is well recognized, but it is also good defense, but if it **** into the body..."

"What will happen?" Lu Yiqian asked.

"You need a can solve it, otherwise... blood bursting... and you will lose fertility..." After the water color is finished, he will not speak again.

Lu Yiqian silenced and closed the communication of the Eudemons space to the outside world.

That is to say, Wei ink was lying on the bed, crying in a mess, and his body was even more blushing, which made him uncomfortable.

Lu Hao’s heart was in the middle of the battle, and for a long time, he sighed, but...

I leaned over and pressed the ink, and said softly, "I am here."

Wei Mo slammed and climbed Lu Yiqian's waist, but he was swayed by the increasingly heavy sentiment of his body.

"Hey, A thousand, I am dirty..." He wanted to push Lu Qianqian, but the body allowed him to hug her.

The second-order body of the superior **** has already let him endure for more than two hours in the sea-like desire. He has long been unable to bear it, and the moment when he touched Lu Yiqian, the frenzy swept.

Lu Yiqian sighed slightly: "Believe me, that woman just bite you a few mouthfuls, you are clean and the cleanest."

"Oh, I am dirty, hehe..." Wei Mo cried.

Lu Yiqian touched his chest, he trembled and then trembled violently: "She touched here?"

Wei Mo cried even louder.

Lu Yiqian kissed his chest, over and over again: "Have she kissed here?"

Wei Mo feels that he is almost sad to die.

"Now I am here, I touched it, here is mine." Lu Yiqian affirmed, he said overbearingly.

Kissed his lips again: "Have she kissed here?"

Wei Mozhen shocked: "No..."

Kiss his eyes, eyebrows, ears: "Here?"


Hand touched his abdomen: "Have she touched here?"

Wei Mo still has sobbing: "No..."

"These places are mine. You are mine. You are not dirty. Don't you open your eyes and look at me now?" Lu Hao gently touched his body over and over again.

The eyes trembled and finally opened a slit.

"Tell me, who is in front of you?"

"A, A thousand."

"Who are you touching you?"

"...Ah, A thousand..."

"Is there anyone else, is that Qi Wanru?"

Wei ink eyes screamed: "No, it is A thousand!"

Lu Yiqian kissed Wei Mo: "I kissed you, is the ink dirty?"

"No, not dirty..." Deeply looking at the person in front of him, he felt that he was pulled up a little from the abyss.

Lu Yiqian no longer asked, kissed his lips, tangled lips, body friction, gave birth to a strange fragrance.

It is determined that there is a person who thinks about it before, and the frenzy of desire is even more out of control. The body is extremely sensitive. Every stroke, every kiss, shudders with deep happiness. At this moment, he could not believe that he and A Qian are so close.

Lu Yiqian untied his robes, kissed him from top to bottom, and told him to tremble, and the scent in his body played for a while.

There is nothing wrong with Wei Mo. The pain is so bad. I want to vent what, but I can't find the exit. I shake it in vain, and I want to grasp what I want.

Lu Yiqian took off the clothes of the two, kissed, and fell on his lips again.


"Thousands, A thousand..." He couldn't help himself, summoning, staring, longing.

"Well, Wei Mo."

Wei Mo smiled, like a child asking for candy.

That smile, the Buddha is open at the beginning of the lotus.

A thousand... good happiness...

The body and the mind, nowhere to stretch, no one does not iron, no one is uncomfortable, no one is unhappy... even the toes are crisp.

This kind of bliss, can't tell, this feeling can't be said.

Full of brains are A thousand, full of brains.

The fragrance is more intense.

Lu Yiqian looked at Wei Mo seriously: "Do you regret it?"

"Do not regret, never regret it!" The lips entangled her, and the top is also wrapped around, and the bottom is also wrapped around, hugged tightly, and the whole body is wrapped around. No regrets, no regrets, from the moment of recognition, never regret!

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