Lu Yiqian's mental strength is very high. Coupled with the contribution of the beasts, her spiritual strength has reached a metamorphosis level. However, who would dislike it? In addition to improving mental strength, the belief can also temper the body, increase the power of forging, increase the sensing capacity... In short, there are many uses!

The brain is like a receiver, constantly absorbing the floating faith, and the brain seems to be a natural reservoir, which summarizes those beliefs.

The first thing she must do with her faith is to quench her body, starting from the brain, following a little instinct, following some mysterious guidance, tempering...

Tiemu stared at the map and thought about it for a while, which made a precise operational plan.

I have to say that the ten people who grew up in the body of the demigod are really more intelligent than the average person, and those combat plans are almost impeccable. After ten people became gods, the temperament became more and more refined. These ten people have returned to Lu Yiqian, and have come to realize the value of their existence from commercial wars and military wars. By her side, they gradually forgot about the past and the past, and became alive. However, after all, they have experienced hardships. They have a firm mind and no exaggeration. These ten people, who served as the ten pioneers, rushed to Lu Qianqian. Grinding, they have gradually become amazing talents.

Lu Yiqian sighed and felt that his original decision was correct. Hey, now it saves a lot of trouble.

The mouth does not consciously outline a smile, it is under the ordinary face of Yi Rong, but also endlessly makes people feel thrilled, watching the eyes of a person like Ironwood.

About Yi Rong, but also helpless. Last year, she appeared as a general of thorns and flowers, and she did not say that she was shocked. But she was also impressed. If she thought of her original appearance, she would not be able to get the support of the people of the country. I am doing this. As for the appearance, people just need a spiritual representative, how they look, and who cares so much. As for the people who finally knew that their beliefs were the former generals of thorns, the belief in Lu Yiqian was still increasing. However, it was already a few years after the establishment of the Five-Star Empire. At that time, people only for the body. I am proud of the thorns and flowers of the generals.

"Report, the generals of the generals, the army that the tyrants gathered together is coming to me!" Andrei is saluting.

Tiemu regained his obsessive gaze and restored his spiritual temperament as a general. He asked coldly: "Which direction is it, how far is it from our place, how many people?"

"Reporting the general, in the northwest direction, is 20 miles away from our army! The forecast is estimated to be one million!" Ander said without cuddly.

Lu Yiqian put the teacup on the tea tray in the hands of Lan Ruo and stood up: "It is time to give them some color to see."

"Yes!" Tiemu was able to suppress.

At this time, the five-star volunteer army has increased to 800,000 people!

With 800,000 to one million people, it is true that there is only a small number of comparisons. However, Lu Yiqian has occupied morality. Both sides of the war are the same country. Maybe both of them have relatives and friends. Inside, so as long as the leader is killed, and then the reason is moved by emotion, then one million people are simply the extension army sent.

Lu Hao was a slap in the face. Yes, she could kill the past and kill the three Fu brothers, but did she not lose a lot of faith? Hey, although it’s a bit of a hassle, there’s no need to refuse to say anything.

Collect the army and wait for the other party to come to the door!

Lu Yiqian wore a soft house, sitting in the magical moment with a heroic attitude, followed by Wei Mo, Death and Qin Xingluo, demon red, because he did not like this low-level battle, he went to the open space and went crazy. I didn’t see it at all, and the nine snakes stood on the side of the piano. When they didn’t talk, he really was a good temperament. Tiemu ten people wearing steel armor, standing behind, this station will be their main battlefield!

The three brothers of the Fuss also heard that there were rebel forces in the ranks. They did not care to dispatch 13 third-order second-order gods. They can say that they are extremely contemptuous of the existing strong people on the mainland. Despising the rising army, the reason for sending thirteen god-level powerhouses is to knock the mountains and shock the tigers, let those people look at them, how strong they are, so that they can’t resist, and the second is to completely fight the rebels. Call people no longer set off the heart of rebellion.

The ten lower-level gods were also extremely arrogant. They did not go to investigate the situation of Lu Yiqian and others. So they brought millions of people to attack and told them that it was their thirteen people who killed Lu Yiqian and so on. .

Twenty miles of roads are a little meaning to the soldiers of this world. Without much effort, the two armies will fight against each other.

The ten people rushed to the ranks of Lu Yiqian, and suddenly they were shocked. They never thought that the other party actually had ten god-level powerhouses, and there were still a few people who could not understand them. They know that the sealed god-level powerhouses have basically gone to other planes. Only their masters are eager to stay here. The ten god-level powerhouses are from here. Doubt doubts, not too much will also be despised, how many things can be provoked by a few of the scorpions who have just become gods? Therefore, the ten people did not even talk about the words of persuasion, they attacked them together!

Tiemu said coldly: "It’s good!" Jumped up! Nine people behind him are also flying in the same heart.

The battle of the god-level powerhouse is what the people can imagine underneath.

But see twenty-three god-level powerhouses flying in the air, fists and spells add up, huge pressure against the people below, the breath of the breath splashed down, then pick up the gravel. The gas field of the god-level powerhouse, the field of the god-level powerhouse, does not give people a great shock! Both teams have retreated far, and at this level of fighting, how many people dare to watch?

Retreating far away from the shadows of the battle in the sky, people rise in their hearts and admire them, no matter which side, they are respected, only because they are strong, and this continent is admiring the strong! There are also countless people who have raised their hopes and wish to become one of those strong!

Not surprisingly, the winner of this battle will win the hearts of the people!

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