Lu Yiqian thought about it, slammed it and understood the meaning of white. As long as that Fu Shi sent troops, Lu Yiqian became famous, and after he had finished playing the net, he acquired the sovereignty of the Song Dynasty. After a year of war, Song Guo had already lacked national strength and needed to recuperate. Lu Yuqian won the Song Dynasty and then rewarded farming and developed business. When people live and work in peace, people can naturally accept the identity of her king... White only used a few words, and will set a battle opportunity.

"But, what is the use of a country?" Lu Yiqian asked.

"Cultivate the power of faith, little idiots, although you are only eight grades now, but you can already accumulate your faith." White points a few lips.


White only gave Lu Yiqian a mysterious smile, but no longer said anything.

At this time, all the talents reacted, and this only knows that Bai is not only powerful, but also intelligent and so powerful.

Wei Mohong blushes: "No matter what you do, I will help you."

It’s a cold glimpse.

Demon red bowed his head, but his heart decided to follow her.

Departed charmingly and smiled: "It's good, it's going to be lively."

Death, then close to Lu Qianqian's hand, and Bai Yi left and right, sandwich her in the middle.

Lu Yiqian immediately decided: "First return to Qin."

Qin Xinglu raised his head and smiled. He said quietly in his heart, I have waited for this, wherever you go, where I am going.

This pedestrian looks too good. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Lu Yiqian brought the mask to the people, but their temperament was too outstanding, and they still attracted a lot of attention when they went out.

That night, Lu Yiqian found the best inn in this city, ready to give back to himself, for several months at sea, a few days under the sea, she did not take a good rest.

After dinner, after the arrangement, she even took a shower and wrapped her towel, and the body was white.

"Little fool, I miss you very much." The scorching smell sprinkled on her ear.

The person who embraces her, pours down a soft silver wire.

There was a slight itching around the neck.

White is already spontaneously kissing spontaneously. What is white, always straight, never swearing and swearing.

Lu Yiqian wrapped his towel, and it was not a retreat. Although the two have a husband and wife and have been rolling in bed for a year, but suddenly see the white more perfect look, still a bit inseparable.

In front of Bai, she is already used to being a small woman, and she is willing to be a little woman in white. I don't know her any way, he loves. This love goes deep into the bone marrow, and with the contract, it becomes more and more intense as we get along with each other. His life cycle is extremely long. In the first half of his life, he didn't know what love is, and he didn't want to know what love is. But since he met Lu Yiqian, he started from the guardian and paid attention to it one by one because she was the fate of it. The reason for people? Maybe it was like this at first, but now, he can be very sure, he loves her, not because she is a destiny!

But tell her the secret, what will she do, will she be angry, will doubt his love mixed with water, oh, it will be a very cruel punishment. He was uneasy, like a young man who was just in love, for fear that his lover would have a slight misunderstanding.

"Little fool, you are doing very well. I didn't expect you to unlock my seal so soon." I didn't expect it, but I didn't even think that because of her promotion, his star rating reached a point that made him unexpected. .

Lu Hao said with a smile: "The brave princess saved the prince." He took a bright hair and played it.

"Yes, you are my brave princess." White was low in voice, and when he looked down, he saw the beauty of the towel underneath, and his breath suddenly rushed.

Any man who is physically and mentally healthy can't help but see the body of the person he loves, not to mention the thought of Lu Yiqian is not so little!

What else to say, Bai Heng picked up Lu Yuqian and walked toward the big bed.

Put Lu Yiqian on the big bed, and Bai also pressed it up.

Looking closer, the white face is really perfect, perfect, so watching, there is a sense of suffocation.

"Little fool, I have something to say to you." White circled Lu Yiqian, defending, afraid posture. He didn't want to stare at her anymore.

"Well?" Looking at the white and precious and precious look, Lu Yanqian jumped out of a word that was completely incompatible with white temperament: cute. She couldn't help but kiss the white lips.

In the face of the initiative of the lover, the white heart picked up the surprise of the sky. But he still has to tell her all the truth, even if it will be her doubts and indifference, even if he will be cut by the heart, he will not back.

"I have a master with Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Suzaku. He is called the Lord God, or the God of Creation." Bai slowly said: "He is a great master, creating thousands of people including this plane. The world, his wisdom is boundless, and extremely kind. And our four brothers are the earliest life in this thousand worlds. The Lord God loves us and gives us boundless power to let us in charge of the world. Then hundreds of millions of years, we assist the masters to make These planes have grown up and thrived. We also have various gods and gods, who help us to take care of all planes. But in the 10 billion years after the founder of the world, suddenly a group of enemies invaded the main god. Face and fight with my **** for 500,000 years." The white tiger looks a little bit painful, but he cares more about how Lu Yuqian reacted after hearing his words. She stayed quietly and gently under him, but A look at the story carefully. "The enemy is stronger than the Lord. In that long battle, my **** lost his life, and I was sealed by it."

"Well..." Lu Yiqian replied shallowly.

"My body is destroyed, but the soul is floating on the blue planet called Earth. The world created by the Lord God also falls into the hands of the enemy. Fortunately, he did not destroy it. I have sealed most of the power. But it does not limit my mobility. Seven hundred stars are enough for me to survive on that planet even... find you, my master..." White looked closely at Lu Yiqian, who cares about her reaction.

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