Because of this shouting, the action that was made that day suddenly stopped, engraved into the voice of the soul, the indelible mark, affection, is the most toughest and most selfless emotion in the world.

The short-haired angel turned his head and seemed to be trying to remember something, but obviously she couldn't remember anything.

She is lost.

Who was just calling her?

Guangming God saw that she did not move for a long while, and ordered again: "Self-explosive, I want you to blew!"

At the same time, the shouts of the sisters of Shuangru month also followed.

The light is almost exhausted!

The power converter is extracting energy from his body. His situation is extremely dangerous. The only angel who can help him get out of trouble is grinding. Today, is he bad luck for eight lives? He couldn't vent his anger, but he would get the supreme benefit and be blocked. Seeing the red power will overwhelm the seal, his anger has reached its highest point.

He decided to take that trick, although it would make him angry, but it is also the best way.

He looked at Lu Yuqian with resentment, and he was a dead person like a moon, but he still wanted to pull a person to accompany him!

That person is undoubtedly Lu Yiqian!


This kind of wretched moves can fight the enemy with the utmost fierceness, and you can save your own soul and escape to the bright plane in the midst of chaos!


"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Three high-pitched, three men flew away, holding the light **** tightly.

These three people are gentle and firm Wei Mo, the devil's slightly tragic demon red, and the abrupt and stubborn King Qin!

Lu Hao is a thousand years old. There is a man in this world who can die for you. That is a miracle. Although the man in love will say to the woman, I am willing to die for you. How many people do you have? But now there are three unstoppable things in front of her, this shock, indescribable!

Death slid over and took Lu Yuqian’s hand: "I will die for you too!"

He did not shoot because the light is not worthy of his shot, and the lives and deaths of other people have no connection with him. The person around his master, he will guard, the life and death of others, he will not care.

But if the owner let him die, he will die. Only, he has to think about how to die...

There are always many coincidences in this world, and there are always many accidents, such as this time.

All three men are rushing to save the land, but the energy converter is trying to drain the power of the gods. There are nowhere to vent, and the three people rushed into it, just let it find the vent, and the power of the light **** is divided into three. Infused in three people. This pounce, just three men benefited a lot, this is really unbelievable.

At the beginning of Lu Yiqian, I did not know that the power of the Light God was injected into the three people. I saw that there were various colors on the faces of the three people, and there was some urgency. The three men rushed for her, her calm heart was very shocked.

Death took the hand of Lu Qianqian: "Master, don't worry, it is good for them."

At the crucial moment, the calmness of death is better than everyone else!

He is stupid and cute around Lu Yiqian, but don't forget, he is the master of the world of death, where there are all the planes of the culprit...

Under normal circumstances, strong perfusion forces can cause people to explode, but this energy converter is different, it can transform the power into the most acceptable way. So, I saw the three-level ranks rising. A king of the gods, his power is divided into three peaks which will push the three people together?

Wei Mo is promoted to the second level of the superior god, the demon red is promoted to the third level of the upper intermediate god, and Qin Xing Luo is promoted to the third level of the intermediate god!

This is not a refining of the gods, it is to completely integrate the power of the other party.

The **** of light can now be said to have lost her wife and lost her soldiers. The anger has passed, only looking at her escape, the soul earned, and escaping from the flesh and rushing toward the crack in the space.

However, the shadows flashed and the soul was pinched by the **** of death.

Death is a bit hesitant now, and the soul of the gods is still somewhat nutritious, but this one is really not delicious.

Eat or not?

Hey, he is hungry, no way!

The soul of the bright **** can deeply feel the boundless fear, he knows that he is going to finish playing. He didn't know what the other party was going to do, maybe, or hopefully it wasn't what he had guessed... but the facts ruthlessly hit him, he was swallowed easily by the death, if the match met the sea, a trace of picking up, It is enough for him to go out.

Lu Yiqian stared at the **** of death in a weird way. Although it was not the first time that he saw the **** of death eating the soul, but he also swallowed the soul of the king of the gods, it was indeed a bit stunned: "What is the taste?"

Death is bitter face: "Poor, not good."

Lu Hao nodded a thousand times: "It’s good not to have a diarrhea."

The **** of light is dead, the trajectory of the soul is also extinguished, and he is proud of him. The shape of the twelve-winged angel that has suffered damage is also faded. The soul seems to be taken away and fell to the ground.

Double climbed over the moon and screamed, "Sister, sister..." At this time, he is no longer the one with a mask, but a laughing but more ruthless child. He is just a lonely person who wants to be A loving child.

The angel slid over a pale soul, curled up, big eyes, small and lovely face, eighty-nine years old, she was reaching out to her brother.

The double tears burst into the face, holding the little soul tightly.

The soul glared at the big eyes and touched his head with a small hand: "Brother, be happy."

After saying this, she dissipated like a light smoke.

Double as a month, even spit a few mouthfuls of blood, he smiled, he will not be happy, and no longer have happiness.

The body was embraced by a warm embrace, and Lu Hao stroking his head like his sister: "Hey, you will be happy."

His life will be cut off, and he will break into the boundless darkness, then give him some comfort, at least until he dies, even if it is illusory.

After all, this guy with a mask, in essence, is still a child who has not grown up.

Lu Hao said it over and over again: "Hey, you will be happy."

Double smile like a moon, let the Buddha really find happiness, peace of mind in the arms of Lu Yiqian, put this Buddha is his happiness.

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