The nine-tailed snake slammed into a green sword in the hands of Lu Hao.

At this time, Lu Qianqian, the strength has risen to the third level of the gods!

Bright God was surprised, but quickly despised: "But so!" He was amazed at the potential of the other party, but his mind decided to remove the other side and then quickly! This woman, letting her grow up again, is bound to pose a great threat to him.

He raised his staff and muttered a spell. Soon, two twelve-winged angels came!

The angel is a special product of the bright plane. This creature is completely obeyed by the master. It is an excellent fighting tool. However, when he has been a **** of light for so many years, he has only cultivated two!

At this point, the space crack has not been closed, it is not difficult to send two angels!

His power of whiteness can be said to be painstaking!

He ordered twelve angels: "kill the woman!"

Two days made the wind rush to the land to kill! The twelve-winged angel, the third king of the gods!

Wei Mo anxious, the field opened, and rushed to Lu Yiqian, even if she could not kill her, at least for her!

When the twelve-winged angel came out, the double entered the sluggish state like a month, and murmured incredulously: "Sister..."

His younger sister, too, has a curly hair, **** eyes, how similar... sister, are you still alive?

Wait, wait for me, wait for me to finish this... we will leave together...

On the occasion of Lu Yiqian against the twelve-winged angel, he also pulled out the sword and silently confronted the **** of light.

The level of 殇 is also the peak of the gods!

Chess meets opponents, and his belligerent blood is boiling!

"Is it you?" The **** of light recognized him, and that time God fell, he was smashed by him, and the enemy met, and he was naturally jealous.

The black and red hair is blowing, and there is not much nonsense: "Look at the sword!"

Sly sword, weird, erratic, yet powerful! The devil and the son of the king of Shura, the talent is of course a high-ranking one! In his body, except that the sword is the supreme magic device, there is no strong equipment. His flesh is already the strongest equipment. Every part of his body, after hard work day after day, is perfect everywhere. In this regard, he is much stronger than the **** of light!

However, the artifacts of the Light God also made up for his shortcomings, and the two played temporarily.

The battle of the gods and kings peaks, thousands of moves in only one second.

At the level of demon red, there was no time to see anything. It was a flash of electric fire, and the two gods stood apart and stood in one place.

It’s wonderful to play here, and Lu Yiqian is not bad!

The twelve-winged angels are extraordinary, high-attack and high-defense. Every time they attack, the tricks are blocked by the twelve wings, and their wings attack, but they are as strong as bamboo.

Lu Yiqian and the long-haired angel battled together, Wei Mo and the rest of the beasts were confronted with another curly angel. Although the strength is insufficient, it is good to bless the aperture and it is also hostile!

The battle, it is extremely fierce!

The same as the moon, the energy converter was replaced by a different style.

In his eyes, he changed his mind and didn't know what he was thinking.

Then switch your attention to the battlefield.

Lu Hao couldn’t attack for a long time, and the field of all things opened, and five hundred giants waved their angry punches! With the four thousand stars of the Eudemons, her attack power is greatly enhanced.

It was only that day that made the action fast, and there was no flaw in dodging.

Because the angels are only faithful to the light, there are very few things in the mind, so the body and the brain can be extremely harmonious. This is a perfect fighting machine with life, but their existence is sad!

They are not allowed to have love, have hate, have joy and sadness!

Lu Yiqian sympathizes with them, but sympathy does not mean that she will be soft-hearted!

In particular, when the other party hits his mind on white!

The twelve-winged angel is fast, and Lu Yiqian is faster. Phoenix is ​​equipped with equipment and it is already very fast.

In a very short period of time, her sword, her wings, was handed over for more than ten rounds. There are no more splendid techniques, no more arrogant moves, some are just quick struggles, some are speed comparisons, and some are pairs of life!

The potential of human beings is enormous and can be tapped. Under such direct struggle, the speed of Lu Qianqian is constantly accelerating.

Isn’t Wei Mo progressing?

He really works hard, and every time he fights, he will think twice. Black hair is not fighting, but he is constantly improving for the sake of Lu Qian and his own, constantly reaching her distance.

For example, now he will hold the magic weapon calmly and carefully consider the angle that the other party will attack!

This man has grown from a small confused to a tough, gentle man.

It is said that when a man is serious, there is an indescribable beauty.

At this moment, his peach eyes sparkled with a firm look, and his body was firmly locked in another angel. With the attack of the beautiful snake, the griffin, and the panda, the power of the next level of God was on the king.

However, the good times are not long. After all, people are three levels higher than him. They cross seven stages. Although they were able to stand up slightly with the five thousand stars in the beginning, they were quickly overwhelmed by the other side. The third level of the **** king, even if there is no thought, it is definitely better than the lower level god, even if there are five gods first-level helper, it can not change the defeat.

Obviously, in a prescribed circle, sensitive children can avoid the attack of Confucius' powerful man at first, but they are always caught by the big man. The ending is fixed!

The curly angel shoots with a feather on his wings as a weapon.

"Kurz... oh!" A cold red-haired man in black armor, a demon sword, easily set up the feather.

"I can't think of it, you can't think of it, you will save people. I am not mistaken. Will the princes of the Devils murder innumerable people to save people?" Guangming God kept talking nonsense.

"Shut up!" He snorted, actually in pairs.

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