As long as it is the person who understands his means, especially the dead spirits of the **** of death, it is profoundly known what kind of existence this adult is! The world of death has gathered the dead spirits of all planes, and there are many evil and evil people, but after listening to the name of the fourth-grade death god, all of them are obedient, showing that their strength is spotted. The strength is too strong, the power is too big, it is the god, the **** in the gods! The world of death does not believe in the gods, only believes in the first person in the world of death... the fourth-level death god!

Nowadays, this adult is looking at a woman in full bloom. It is really, it is...

It’s amazing!

When a **** of death was watching Lu Yiqian, a fire fox shook his tail and climbed onto his shoulder.

"Look at the owner?" A fox stroking the little paw.

"Yeah." The **** of death honestly answered.

The fire fox patted the shoulders of the **** of death: "Brother, I stand with you on the united front." It swept the broom and defended the ink: "As an illusionist, we should swear to defend the innocence of the master, do you understand?"

grim Reaper:"?"

Hong Jin’s scorpion (not a typo) can’t be taught. It’s really difficult for the fox face to make such a difficult movement: “Fat water doesn’t flow outside the field!”

grim Reaper:"?"

Red Jin held his forehead and asked for a different way: "Do you know what women like?"

grim Reaper:"??"

Red sighs: "This question is too difficult. I ask simply, do you know what the owner likes?"

Death finally turned his head and was open-minded.

"Romantic, women like romance, and the owner is the same."

"What is romance?" asked the **** of death.

"Before the flowers, you yell at me; Bashan night rain, sorrowful feelings; mountains are beautiful, and the children are old; life and death are the same, to death..." Firefox said a lot, stunned Love master.

Except for the first sentence before the death of the moon, I know what it means, and the rest, he does not know what it is.

"Women love flowers, don't know? Our master is strong, but she certainly loves flowers. You send her flowers, praise and praise her, and then a tender hug, the master will let you do whatever you want, know? Firefox said leisurely.

"Flowers? Praise? Embrace? Do whatever you want?" Death God carefully thought: "Romantic..." He thought, he should understand what it meant.

The panda came over and grabbed the neck of Hong Jin and smashed it into his round head. He sat aside and continued to lick its bamboo.

At this moment, the fire unicorn was stumbled, and he ate a lot of heavy blows. Although he was not injured, he also admired Lu Yiqian.

"You can't beat me, you can change others!" Fire Kirin said, but he can't beat it, but he can't be hurt and not defeated under it. This kind of skill is difficult for several people to own.

However, if you want to pass the customs, you have to defeat it first.

Lu Yiqian did not have a hard power, she knew that what it said was the truth.

Swordsman stepped forward: "I am coming." After talking coldly, he sneaked away with a sword.

Before Lu Yiqian had no clear understanding of the strength of Qi, he and her were playing, and more was teaching her to train her. Today, she knows that she is far above the unicorn. He is veteran with a sword, there is no fancy sword, but every sword is wonderful, this is the result of a thousand hammers!

Obviously, he was only trying to practice his hand on the unicorn. Without a hundred strokes, Kirin was brought to the ground.

The fire unicorn proudly looked up at the head, and there was a liberation and a heavy weight: "You kill me." It can't even guard the seal of the master, **** it!

"Big brother!" Phoenix is ​​anxious, untie the fit.

The other four beasts advised: "Big Brother, why are you?"

Fire unicorn said: "My heart has been set!"

Lu Yiqian slightly frowns, is about to open, but the soul platform has a white voice: "Let me come, the little fool just put his hand on it."

Lu Yiqian said.

"Fire unicorn, you stand up." White only said a word.

However, the effect produced by this sentence is truly amazing. The fire unicorn first widened its eyes, and then slammed it in front of Lu Yiqian. He said sincerely: "Master!" It did not say a complaint, because its owner, returned!

When he finished speaking, he hid into the space of the Eudemons. The prohibition on it was too big. It was specially set for him, only to suppress his seal!

Lu Yiqian could not help but feel a bit, white and white, how you are, let the beasts loyal to this.

After the fire unicorn was contracted, it rose to 4,800 stars.

It is still immersed in the shock of a master with the **** Lord Baihu. It also knows that the strength of the white man is greatly reduced, but he is still respectful to him. From this point of view, Bai’s way of squatting is really powerful, so I am not appreciative. White, there are indeed qualities that I want to worship when people see it!

This last level has passed, and the next step is to go to the white seal.

As the fairy tale said, the princess finally passed the test to save the prince. Lu Yiqian is the one to save the white princess!

"Master, although the power of the Lord's Lord is sealed, it is still extremely dangerous, and the power of Bai Daren is too big!" Fire Kirin reminded.

"Well, I will be careful." Lu Yi took the lead and walked forward.

According to the guidance of the demon red, Lu Yiqian and others walked down all the way. In the deepest underground, the power of the seal is more clearly diverted, and it is extremely repressive, and another hegemonic force is against it. Even if the power of domineering only pours a little, Lu Yiqian can distinguish it, it is white!

The last hall was very large, and it was a typical area of ​​a large city. The hall was engraved with strange seals, pillars, domes and ground.

Such a place is by no means a good place to go.

It is a god-level powerhouse, and it must be suppressed by the remaining force of the seal.

Just a moment, a hurricane blew in the face, mixed with the electromagnetic hum, the pressure soared.

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