The power of the 800-star Warcraft will be seen!

Hard to avoid, then hard to resist!

Lu Haoqian started from the war field and went to Wei Mo, and at this time, Wei Mo also ran towards her. The two people's thoughts are actually the same, they are all for each other, want to protect each other!

The two men hugged into one place, and Wei Mo first went out of the way and stopped in front of her.

She has always been in front of her, she has always been hurt, and every time he is distressed, this time, he has to stand in front of her, so that she also feels a pain.

Swords hang on the body of Wei Mo, blood flower splash, injury visible bone!

The field of Weimo is much higher than the quality of the lower-level gods. The defensive power is first-class, but it can't stand the 800-star Warcraft gravity strike. Yuli pushes the two more than 50 meters away!

Wei Mo mouth blood, comfortably to Lu Yi thousand smile: "A thousand, I can protect you!"

Wei Mo’s face was pale, and when he finished speaking, he fell softly in Lu Yi’s arms.

At this moment, she knew that she cares about him and cares about him.

Recalling his simple and lovely time when he met for the first time, he was shocked when he first met, and when he thought of his flamboyant publicity, he thought of the gentleness and calmness he encountered in the future, and thought of his efforts... This blushing man is already Unconsciously sneaked into her heart and occupied a place.

He is... in order to protect her!

Take the golden medicine to feed him tremble, and let the phoenix show his healing skills. In that life, she was only white, she was eager to love, friendship and love, this life to get the love of these outstanding cute men, she even more cherish.

"Stupid, I don't know if you are thick, I am a commandment." Lu Yiqian said softly.

The ink that drunk the golden medicine quickly improved. It is undeniable that the man’s appearance is flattering and the label is gentle. However, his heart is tougher than anyone. The things he looks for must be unwavering. Execution continues. He touched Lu’s face: “You are a girl, I am a boy.”

Because of this, Lu Yiqian almost fell into tears.

Yes, he has no white ruins, no hegemony, no death, no stagnation, no smoldering, no smoldering, his fighting skills... he has no wealth to enrich the enemy. There is no noble family, but he has always guarded her with a sincere heart, and he will never give up, not to be rebellious... This is enough.

Lu Yiqian lowered his head and put on the lips of Wei Mo: "Don't be so stupid next time, okay?"

Wei Mo was dull, nodded: "Yeah." That is the case, but next time there is danger, he will still block in front of her, sure!

At the time of the tenderness of the two men, the panda did not attack. In this way, Lu Yiqian did not intend to kill it. Otherwise, she would certainly hand it over, making it the first high-star Warcraft to be killed in her hands. .

Lu Yiqian slowly settled in Weimo, slowly moving, and no wind and wind, very beautiful, so people at first sight.

"Panda," Lu Yiqian did not know what World of Warcraft is, but it does not matter: "It doesn't matter if you hurt me, it hurts my friend." She shook the sword and snarled.

The panda is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The bamboo is holding a sword flower: "Although come." The panda screamed, and if the heroes walked the rivers and lakes, the bamboo swayed and swayed, and the trick came over!

If you only look at the size of the panda, it will not think of it as a break. The attack is so sharp that it is really open to the eye.

However, such a sharp attack still sees everyone!

I am extremely skeptical that this panda is also passing through, from the movie!

However, Lu Yiqian decided to overcome it, no matter how handsome it is, he only said four words: "Ten blessing!"

Eudemons Warcraft, the higher the stars, the more blessings, the ten blessings, a seven hundred stars Junzun help out, a hundred-star star armor, the combat power growth is not as simple as one plus one. Lu Yiqian fully carried forward the glorious tradition of winning more and less, the high star rating is okay, it doesn't matter, the high star can't stand the beast and the ants still bite the dead elephant.

Lu Yi’s hand-cranked finger panda: “All things are born!”

Two hundred giants took giant punches and attacked the male cats!

This move, wherever it is, is thrilling and powerful, especially its light and shadow special effects, it is amazing!

Two hundred giant trees, such as grass and wood, are translucent. If the body is mixed with light, they will punch the pandas in layers. Rao is very sensitive and is also flying out by giants.

Lu Yiqian followed suit and did not relax. The wind was soaring and the pandas were pumped dozens of meters away!

The giants struck together and hit hundreds of rounds. The poor panda was hit high and hit the ground, quite desolated!

Sure enough, winning more is the essence of the fight!

Lu Hao’s sword asked the panda who was kneeling down: “You are not satisfied?”

The panda was slammed, and when it climbed up, the fur was dirty and the bamboo was broken.

"Heroes, forgive me, I served!" It sighed and hugged Lu Jiqian's legs: "You take me, whipping me!"

Lu Yiqian: "..."

But this panda is a very maverick World of Warcraft. Its life motto is to surrender to a powerful opponent. It is willing to come here to keep it, but it is because that person has defeated it, and it is keeping its promise. . In this regard, this guy is quite a trustworthy letter. There are no complaints about bamboo in the past 100,000 years.

Today, Lu Yiqian defeated it, and of course, it will have to listen to her.

Of course, Lu Yiqian will not be polite with it, hand press on its head, the contract is signed!

The panda has risen to nine hundred stars!

The panda fur after the rising star is bright and shiny, and the broken bamboo is more green! It made the bamboo a cross-bow and a few mouthfuls. In the end, this bamboo is indeed a baby, it has been smashed for 100,000 years, and it has not seen it to be reduced at all, strange and strange!

Conquered the panda, this second level is natural.

Everyone is happy, want to go, the panda crosses the road: "You can't go!"

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