Lu Yiqian pulled up his own death god, now, spend some time discussing the philosophy of life with him.

Silver hair and ink saw it, stopped Lu Yiqian, and his eyes screamed sharply: "Where are you going?" The tone, the tone, lived off a coward.

Lu Yiqian knows that, for this, you can't come hard and only come soft. Gu stretched out a hand and took a picture of Wei Mo's face. He said softly: "Hey, obedient, you should find a place to play next, I will look back. you."

Gently touched the face of Wei ink, Wei Mo stunned, his face could not be suppressed red.

Lu Yiqian was shocked and quickly took the road of death.

I went to the highest cliff in Longdao to practice the sword early, and the demon red was in a daze. In short, everyone has something to do.

There is a beautiful scenery on Long Island.

Fine sand white water, birds flying in the blue sky, very suitable ... talk about love.

Lu Yiqian took the death to run for a while, and the ghost made it worse, and he ran here.

In the meantime, the **** of death was really obedient and very obedient, and Lu Yiqian took his hand and came.

At this moment, there is no point in this place, as if it is really impossible to live this picturesque scenery.

Lu Haoqian asked seriously: "What is your true identity, who are you?" She wondered how she had contracted his great god.

Death is afraid to look at Lu Qianqian, a good life grievance: "I, I am the master of the world of death, I am the master of your Eudemons."

He is her, everything about her is her...

Lu Hao was speechless for a thousand hours.

Hey, maybe it’s your own feelings, who is death, what, what?

This kind of self is not like yourself.

Holding the hand of death, Lu Yiqian looked at him deeply. She should not doubt him. It was a bit embarrassing to think of it.

But at this moment, a soft lip attached to the lips of Lu Qian thousand.

Finely, bite, squat and **** in an unusually cherished manner. He doesn't know why he wants to do this. He only knows that she is more reluctant to see her lost and blame than watching her. He is willing to see her laughing, laughing, laughing evilly, laughing arrogantly... willing to see her confidently full Full, chic, is not willing to see her frowning... He kissed her deeply, but because of the law, he only knows how to suck.

Master, I am yours...

It seems that someone is saying this in your ear.

Lu Yiqian smiled and said: "Is your eyes closed?"

Death: "Closed."

As always, obey.

Lu Yiqian overwhelmed him on the beach, and he took the lead.

"Being the master, it is incumbent on him to adjust his own Eudemons." Lu Yiqian smiled (forgive her, she was taught to be broken).

Gently kiss back, outline the lips of the **** of death, draw a circle, and reach into the tongue around him.

I felt that the current was raging, and I felt incredibly numb, and told him not to move.

The hand seemed to stick to the magic, stroking his chest, bringing a burst of stormy waves.

Under the sun, the face under the cloak of the **** of death can be seen, the lips are slightly open, and the eyelashes are shaking. It is a picture of how to pick up the princes, and it is straightforward to see people boiling.

Death, death, how can you have such a pure expression?

Once again, she kissed her. At this time, she had a strange sense of satisfaction that tempted the pure boy... There is no chance in the world to do this, so don’t miss the world.

Although, according to the age of death, it is not suitable to be called a pure boy...

"Master, I... I am hot..."

Lu Yiqian smirked and smiled. His hand touched the chest of death: "Where is it hot?"

Such a touch is undoubtedly worse, making death more difficult.

God, the owner of a year ago is not so bad, and there is no such torture.

"Are you mine?" Lu Hao asked with a sigh of relief.

Endure a burst of squeaky electric current, some unspeakable and intolerable itch around the body "Yes...Yes, I am yours." Everything is yours!

Lu Yiqian was satisfied: "Well, I am going to you!"

Kissing the lips of death, kneeling.

The **** of death only felt that the body was weak, and no amount of strength could be used. It was like floating in the sea, and the wind and waves picked him up and fell down and fell.

Like a little white rabbit or a little fat sheep, I am about to enter the wolf's mouth.

How much is innocent, how innocent.

The partiality of this innocent look, coupled with his unspeakable face, gave birth to a kind of unspeakable charm.

I don’t want to be fascinating.

Death is very obedient, shy and shy, or take off the black.

When I was in the air, I even let the sun shine for a few minutes.

Black hair is laid under the water like a jade, or like a silky skin, but the strange but beautiful patterns are born, so perfect combination, people sigh. Every time I look at him, every look and feel is different. Every time I look at it, I have to be amazing every time... Is it the son of nature? What kind of legend is it, what kind of miracle can it be born, what kind of miracle can it be born like this...

Looking at him, I always feel that the word is poor. The more I look at it, the more I feel that all the words in the world cannot describe it.

Just wonder, how can this world exist like this? !

Lu Yiqian devoutly and docilely touched the chest of death.

He trembled under his hand and wanted to open his eyes, but he was closed because of Lu’s instructions.

"You can open your eyes." Lu said.

The **** of death trembled and opened his eyes. Lu Yiqian kissed the other's eyes in a timely manner.

"Tell me, what did you see?" Lu Yiqian asked.

"You, my master..." The **** of death was blushing.

Lu Hao was pressed against the **** of death. At this time, she wore a leather figure and bumped it, which was extremely exciting.

"What do you feel?" Lu Yiqian asked.

"You...the master..." The **** of death felt his nose hot, and he was crushed by Lu Hao, and he almost turned him over, and the stranger, violent, unbearable strange feeling became more and more Strong, it seems that he has a raging fire. He is not afraid of fire, and he can be placed in a fire of 10 million degrees of high temperature. But this fire is more burning than the fire of 10 million degrees...

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