"Everything is born!" Two hundred giants are like a flood, and the alien monsters that will rush in will be crushed. She jumped like a rainbow, and she ran toward the crack in the space like an arrow.

"Hey!" After the crack in the black space, another ringing finger came.

A large number of armored tentacles with their feet upright rushed over.

In front of Lu Yiqian, the red sword waved, and the red light suddenly penetrated the monsters and swept the big one. Compared to aggression, this is definitely a master, master-level figure.

There are so many people in the family, and they are scattered and come together.

This station is five or six hours. Counting the count, the enemy has sent a hundred soldiers.

Goodbye Lu Yiqian and Hee, a field of all things in life, a sharp sword... not a little tired.

At this point, the dragons are already tired and full of breath, and the turn is still the same before, the dragons can not help but feel Qi, these two, too XX, too cattle XX, too hit the dragon, physical strength is so good, there are Do they not know what is the magic power exhaustion? The outbreak of people is just a little bit of effort. They are doing well, and they have erupted for five or six hours!

Hey, people are more dead than people, and dragons are more popular than dragons.

Seeing that the two men had knocked down a batch, there was no news after the crack in the space.

"Hey!" Lu Yiqian hit a very crisp finger: "Hey, you shouldn't think about it."

The existence of a crack in the crack is really ready to come to this, listening to Lu Hao thousand such a sentence, open fingers can no longer fight: "Up!"

What came out again was a blue faint leg, two, three... Well, it was a monster with a multi-legged orangutan.

Selling is still not good.

Lu Yiqian could not help but despise, this alien enemy, it really has no aesthetic ability.

The new rushing monster is nine meters high, flexible in action, no star display, but according to Lu Yiqian, they are at least more than a hundred stars.

"Death, can you fix them?" Lu Yiqian asked, there is no way, too many, she can not get it at one time.

Death is extremely embarrassing: "Well, yes."

Lu Yiqian retired and happily gave the death **** a kiss: "You are too powerful, handed it to you!"

The electric flower is ringing, and the **** of death will never let the owner down.

When you see the **** of death, you have to take it out and return it coldly.

Death is coming out, the black sickle is lifted, and then put down.

The black aperture was seen and swayed out, and the monsters that were picked up all became black and the powder disappeared.

Sure enough, it is produced by death, extraordinary!

The dragons were amazed and mad!

How can the world allow this kind of extreme metamorphosis to exist? !

Not to mention the dragons, that is, the one behind the crack is obviously shocked. He looks at the **** of death with the special eyes specially prepared by the aliens. What he sees is chaos. Can't learn, can't research, can't copy! Like the woman who just fought with his soldiers, they are unique!

What kind of existence is this? !

Interesting and interesting, his boring life finally met something interesting, well, let him temporarily destroy the life of other planes, and then come to them to play. Once again, I looked at the woman. Hey, she was the first person who dared to marry him. She asked him what he was, oh, coward, ugly reptile... According to the memory of a dragon, the two words, Not a good word.

The gaze of the investigation, Lu Yiqian, certainly felt it.

"I want to find my sister to single-handedly, there is a kind of you out!" In this sentence, Lu Yiqian said that he was very arrogant.

However, the existence of the face hidden behind the crack in the space, leaving only a "he" will go away.

Lu Yiqian was able to run into the crack of the space and look forward to what is going on under the so-called space crack.

Although Death has opened several cracks in space, every time he is too strong, he has not been able to study what the space crack is.

Space cracks are similar to space tunnels. When the magic dance continent is still the continent of God, there are still many connected space tunnels. There are all kinds of planes in this universe, just like a piece of paper, breaking a piece of paper and reaching a plane. Usually, space tunnels or space cracks are not artificial. The power of space is extremely stable and difficult to break. It is the explosion of hundreds of millions of stars, and it is not necessarily able to blow up a space crack.... Speaking of this, Lu Yiqian will not admire that. Bundle the white tiger, his biggest enemy, the insurmountable BOSS, it will not be so easy to draw a hundred thousand years ago, do not say that four-fifths of the mainland of the gods, and there is a space crack, resulting in a space crack, resulting in Invasion by aliens, the Dragons have been fighting for 100,000 years? Sin!

The crack in the space is like an ugly scar across the air. It is about ten meters long and five meters wide.

When Lu Yi went over, he felt that there was a big attraction, and she almost pulled her into a different space.

Looking at it, the universe is wide, the stars are twinkling, and a cosmic wonder that is open to the public.

Lu Yiqian sneaked into a half-sound, and finally felt that this crack had a hidden danger for one day. There is no doubt that the enemy is strong, and the dragons can no longer keep going. Do you have to live here to take over the guardian mission?

Sad reminder!

The **** of death came over and grabbed Lu Yiqian, and the other hand raised the sickle and shook it.

The strange thing happened, and the crack in the space turned out to be a zipper.

That is, the brains of the dragons are seriously down!

This black brother, do you dare to change your point? !

If it is said that the whole space crack is a miracle, it is something that cannot be done by humans. Then, it is even more unthinkable to close a space crack!

"How can you close the space?" Lu Yiqian was surprised.

"I don't know, it seems that this is not difficult." Death said very honestly.

Lu Hao Qian Qian Qian, is it that he did not intend to contract at first, even the contract has a shocking metamorphosis?

For the first time, I feel that I really don't know anything about death.

I am confused, only signed for life, it is really a strange existence. Well, it seems necessary to have a good understanding of the **** of death. It’s sneaky to become so scary.

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