A heavy door opens and the wide staircase spirals down.

The coffin and the elders of the elders went on first, and the little golden dragons went down. Sophie grabbed the tail and threw it to the guard behind him.

The little guy's eyes are wet immediately.

"This trick is useless to me." Sofei even distressed, but also knows that the cruel battlefield is not acceptable to Xiao Duyi, maybe he can get down when he grows up, but then he will go down, I am afraid There is no chance to come up.

Suofeitou did not go back.

Xiao Duyi watched his parents go down, his eyes filled with tears, and he looked pitiful, but he didn’t drop his tears. The father said that men don't cry. But it was so uncomfortable. I watched the tribes go straight one by one. Soon after, they were carried up side by side again and again. He felt so uncomfortable and really uncomfortable.

The more you go down, the more Lu Yuqian knows why there is no dragon on the island. They are underground.

There are simple nests in the ground, providing rest and replenishment, changing shifts and shifts.

The atmosphere is very solid and tense.

"No, elder, please let me go to the battlefield again, my left leg is gone, but I still have the right leg, my claws are also intact..." A blue dragon who was carried away prayed.

"You need to rest. Only when you have a good rest can you go to the battlefield again." The elders bitterly and comfortably, and in the eyes of the dragons, there is a light of gratification and distress.

In the underground, what you see is the dragon's body. Compared with the human body, the dragon's body is more lethal.

Further down, I saw more dragons, some of them are a little bit sly, but all eyes are shining, seeing the Queen of the Dragon, is going to salute.

"Warriors, don't have to be polite, please rest well." How can the coffin not know the thoughts of the soldiers, and take the first step to avoid etiquette.

Several mighty red dragons and a few pterosaurs came over.

"Your Majesty, we lost three dragons." When the red dragon said, the dragon was higher than the other dragons.

"Three elders, you have worked hard." Lingbi said: "Put a few dragons in the east, you are the main battlefield."

The three elders were about to calm down and promised, and suddenly turned their eyes to Wei Mo, who had doubts and surprises, and even more kind of unrecognizable family inside.

Silver hair is not good, he said: "Why do you look at the uncle, the uncle is not your son." In the end, he released his little red dragon. Although this is a fierce tone, but it is superior in observation, it is early to guess that these three elders may be the relatives of their own contract red dragon.

When the three elders saw the little red dragon, they were shocked first, and then they trembled and did not dare to confirm: "Red child?"

Xiaolong still can't talk, but he points the big head and points.

The three elders finally couldn’t control their emotions, and they would go up and hold the little red dragon.

This is a very embarrassing thing to say.

Sixteen years ago, Wei Mo was only four years old and was abandoned by his family. The snowy, the little guy almost died. Just as his life was hanging on the line, he encountered his unscrupulous teacher leaving the country. I don’t know what kind of evil I left when I left the country. I didn’t even see it, and I was still a little Wei Mo. However, because Weimo spent too much time in the cold snow, the coldness was in the bones, and the eyes could not live. So, this kills Longdao, and ignores the fact that people are in a hot environment, winning the little red dragon that was born soon. ... It’s sad, it’s a tragedy to meet such a friend.

Fortunately, Wei Mo treated the little dragon very well. The two little guys established a deep friendship early, and the three elders did not worry.

The father and son met and recognized, and the atmosphere was slightly relieved.

However, this warm atmosphere did not last long and there was a dragon soldier to report: "Elders, they launched another attack!"

The three elders did not hesitate to lead the troops.

Lu Hao and thousands of people kept up.

Following the three elders, I quickly heard the fierce fighting sounds coming, and tens of thousands of dragons were ready to take over the previous batch of dragons into the battlefield.

The dragons saw the three elders coming over and immediately let the road open.

Lu Yiqian finally saw those enemies.

In front, a group of blue-brown reptile-like things covered the tunnel, the number is about hundreds of thousands, and at the end of the tunnel, it is a dark space crack, and those blue-brown reptiles are constantly crawling out of the crack.

Those reptiles are extremely disgusting, and while they are crawling, they vomit venom.

This kind of thing is not difficult to say, but they have a heinous characteristic, that is, they can oxidize the cells of any living thing with venom, and in this way produce assimilate the other party and make it become like yourself. presence.

This kind of venom is best treated with fire.

However, if you are unfortunate, you should immediately cut off the limbs that are contaminated with venom. Otherwise, if you are infected, you will become as disgusting as they are, only the appetite is dead.

The battle is near, and the awkward gas field is gradually spreading.

The Raptor and the Black Dragon can't help it. They are also belong to the Dragons. The family of the Dragons in the world, if they want to fight, how can they get less. They ask for a fight.

Lu Yiqian will not stop them, two purple lights flash, and two powerful dragons appear in the public view.

The Raptor has two hundred and sixty-four stars and the Black Dragon has two hundred and ten stars. This is also in the middle of the dragon.

The three elders looked at the eyes slightly slightly surprised, but there are two dragons that can't play much role.

"Master, the big brother went, we also asked to play." Two-headed black tiger.

Lu Hao nodded a thousand.

The purple light flickers, the seventy-six beast kings come out, and the beastmasters are in full swing.

The three elders looked at Lu Yiqian in amazement, and this put down the contempt.

In particular, the elders Yan Qing is even more surprised. I don’t want Lu Yiqian to be so perverted, and contract so many high-level Eudemons!

For many years of fighting, the Dragons have their own set of methods to deal with these aliens. They first attacked their respective skills and set fire to the venom left by them. So, they were forced into the space crack step by step.

It seems that the attacks on the aliens have made up their minds. The reinforcements are constantly coming, and there are countless batches of cleaning up.

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