The Mozu has regulations. Whoever looks at it can touch the other's ears. If the other party does not agree, he refuses to be touched. The Mozu man can propose to the woman, and the woman can also propose to the man. There used to be a number of demon women who wanted to touch their ears. Those people were miserable without any exception. They were killed by the light. Therefore, all the devils in the Mozu know that the ears of His Royal Highness can't be touched.

At this point, Lu Haoqian is lucky enough, she has not been killed, of course, she is also bad luck! Because for a long time in the future, she was forced to make progress, and she could improve or even use whatever means, until one day she could defeat him, and her suffering ended. At that time, she often lamented that if she knew this early, she would not touch his ears if she killed her. Unfortunately, she is not almighty god, unable to predict the future.

Lu Yiqian was worried, and there was a slightly arrogant voice from the aristocrats: "Excuse me, can we do it here?"

Lu Yiqian returned to God and looked at the questioner.

A twenty-seven-year-old man is very handsome. From the clothes he wears, he is not rich and expensive. He is also an eight-level Dafa. He was followed by a charming woman with curly brown eyes, a big breast, a slim figure, in her twenties, she was a six-level mages, and she stared at Wei Mo from the top.

Wei Mo was seen as uncomfortable. This woman, he did not like it at all.

Lu Yiqian looked at Wei Mo, and looked at the curly big breasted woman, and took the hand of Wei Mo, and the meaning was obvious.

Wei Modhong reddened his face and looked at Lu Yuqian with shame.

The woman was too angry. She always looked above the top. The first time she met a favorite man, she could not get a response. She was very annoyed, but she was well-trained and did not show it. She blinked and looked at her. She was very confident and could grab Wei Mo from the other side!

From the first sight of Wei Mo, she is sure that he is her, only her! She took her brother, there is always a reason to approach it, isn't it?

She sat down gracefully, even though Lu Yiqian did not ask her to sit.

As soon as she sat down, she felt that her hips were wet.

"Sorry, I accidentally put the cake on the chair. I just wanted to tell you, you just sat." Xiao Zilong said innocently, he looked at the innocent eyes and tried to prove that he was just a greedy The children who play, what they do, are unintentional, absolutely not intentional.

The brown-haired woman’s face was suddenly dark, and no matter how good she could cultivate, she couldn’t help it: “How dare you do this, do you know who I am?”

Lu Yiqian elegantly wiped his mouth: "Sorry Miss, I don't know who you are, just telling you that the things on the plates of others, you don't have to work hard enough, be careful to end the miserable."

The brown-haired woman was white and pointed to Lu Yiqian’s hate and said, “You give me waiting!”

The man around him spread his hands and took off his robes to block his sister. To be honest, he looks good, his identity is noble, and the girl is almost unprofitable. Looking at Lu Xiaoqian's cold and cold, he has some interest: "This beautiful lady, can I invite you to dance?" ”

Jun Zun wiped his face and smacked the brown-haired woman's robe. The black and white cake on her buttocks appeared in front of everyone.

The hall was silent again and again, and everyone looked at the beautiful buttocks of the brown-haired woman.

I still wanted to leave some face for them. Who told the man that he still didn't know how to fisher the owner? Then he couldn't help him, hehe!

The handsome and tall man in the Chinese costume is Qi Tianxiong, the prince of Qiguo, and the charming woman in brown hair is Qi Wanru, the princess of Qi Guoliu. They are here to make friends and they are coming out, they will see the four people coming out. Go through their momentum. Qi Wan is a proud peacock. He is a princess and a six-level master. The aura on his head is enough to shine on everyone and become the focus of various public places. For the first time, she was so indifferent, not only ignored, but also lost a big ugly, her heart can be imagined.

"He will definitely be mine!" Qi Wanru pointed to Wei Mo, and he had a challenge book for Lu Hao.

A male pet only, using her power in Qi State, how difficult is it to want him? In the blink of an eye, Wei ink completely looked at Lu Yiqian with all his heart. He snorted and quickly left, even with the cake on her ass.

Qi Tianxiong was swept away and his face was not very good, but he was more restrained than his sister: "Excuse me."

Lu Yiqian does not move, cold and indifferent: "Please."

"A thousand, I am sorry." Wei ink lowered his head and apologized uncomfortably.

Lu Yan said: "Why apologize?"

Wei ink twisted his fingers: "I am causing trouble for you, and the woman will not be willing to give up."

Lu Yiqian laughed: "This can only say that you are glamorous, er, sweet trouble." Then he said: "Do not worry, let her take any tricks, I will take it all."

Wei Mo’s face suddenly turned red and nodded: “Yeah.”

This trip to Qiguo, I am afraid that it is not very calm, or her, Lu Yiqian's hand is also a little itchy, the woman wants to start with her, but to stimulate, do not let her disappoint.

After dinner, Lu Yiqian pulled Wei Mo to the room, ordered the kitten to close the space, and called the Raptors, Phoenix Bird, Water Eagle, Multicolored Elk and other Eudemons. After thinking about it, they called Xiao Zilong Jun Zun, called If you are blue, take out a lot of magic stones from the space bracelet.

Wei Mo looked puzzled at Lu Yiqian, not knowing what she was going to do.

Lu Yiqian was smothered by the words of Momo, and he wanted to be strong. She gave him this opportunity, strong strength, and the fastest speed was to absorb the magic power of the magic stone. Use the fire of creation to refine the magic stone into a magic stone liquid, one for each beast.

"A thousand..." Wei Mo did not know what to say, A Qian did this, is it because his position in her heart is different? In the heart of the ecstasy, happy to drink the magic stone liquid.

These magic stone night bodies, which one is not worth millions of gold coins? But in the days to come, these high-value magic stone liquids have been drunk by the beasts and beasts, and extravagant!

Lu Yiqian himself constantly absorbs the magical power of the magic stone stored in the bracelet day and night. Unfortunately, the magical force in her body is too much, so the magical power in the magic stone is not very effective.

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