He is her sacred beast, and no one can deny this. Similarly, no one can cut the connection between them.

Such white, anti-Let's love for the flood, pull down his head and send the lips.

White narrow eyes, bursting with the brilliance of surprise, bowed his head, twitched and sucked, both indulged.

"Little fool, I have been seen by you, you have to be responsible." Bai Yu Lu Qian thousand ears.

When Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled, did she not ask him to look at it? Besides, is it good for him to take off himself? But she is a steady white and occasional Lai Pei: "How is it responsible?"

"With your body, is it good?" The breath was turbid, and the white kissed Lu Hong’s red lips again.

Extremely gentle and lingering.

When the two returned to the mountains, time had already flown past three hours.

Wei Mo absorbed the last drop of energy, the sky was thick and dense, and the rules of heaven and earth dropped a godhead. The white promotion lines began to become gorgeous, and the magic power poured into the body of Wei Mo, which stirred up a silver light.

Wei Mo opened his **** eyes: "It’s just like God!"

Silver hair and ink, it is so flying.

The corner of the mouth is tilted up, this guy, although not as white as the natural enchanting, but he still fiddles with his flattery, and is not arrogant.

White circled Lu Yiqian, whispered in her ear: "Becoming a **** is just the first step, the little fool will have to cheer." The burning breath, blowing on the ear, itching.

The four set off and walked towards the forest.

Go towards the king in the forest!

The forest of death, divided into three parts, the periphery, the middle circumference, the inner circumference, the boundaries are clear!

The periphery is distributed from ten to thirty stars. The middle is distributed between forty and two hundred stars. Inside, there is no one knowing what is going on inside. But what is certain is that the inner circumference will be more dangerous.

If you walk from the middle to the inner circumference, it is estimated that you will not be able to walk in one or two years. Losing white long sleeves and waving, they took everyone to the periphery.

"After reaching a hundred and fifty stars, we will be summoned to win the battle of the robbing the magic stone, and then we can go inside and go to the adult." Raptor said it is a small figure of sixty centimeters tall, cute. died. Everything else in Warcraft is here, and these kings have the right to stay with Lu Yiqian.

"What is that adult?" Lu Yan asked with a blank expression.

"Is it amazing?" The green mob cat turned back and asked.

Raptor looked around: "I don't know what the adult is, I only know that all the death of the Warcraft is subject to him."

Inside the death forest, the trees are darker in color, and you can see at a glance that it is different from the surrounding area. Look closely, it is more like a city with a huge and unparalleled city. The higher the distance, the higher the towering sky. This city is a hundred times bigger than the King of Qin! Similar to the pyramid structure, the magnificent city is boundless! Although covered by trees, although there are signs of damage, it still exudes a strong pressure of unnamed name, telling people the splendid beauty of a lost world!

To be sure, Warcraft is absolutely impossible to build such a grand city, this is a miracle!

This World of Warcraft city looks so familiar, as if you have seen it!

White slightly raised his eyebrows, he also saw the difference in this city, maybe, he saw more than anyone!

The expression of departure is very much to be studied. It seems to be nostalgic. It seems to be sad, but it seems to be relieved. It is less charming.

Know the secrets of the city, and perhaps the secret of the death of the forest can be solved.

Lu Yiqian and his party walked into the city of Warcraft and entered the city!

At this time, the king in the cloud was drinking blue drinks gracefully, watching several people come in.

"Here, make sure it is more interesting than you think." The **** magnetic voice overflowed from his mouth.

The shadows under the throne are in full voice: "The adults speak for themselves!"

The secret of the Forest of Death, I also want to know, if you have this ability, let's go! He drank the blue drink.

This is really a city, a city that was once extremely prosperous and extremely high in development!

Maybe I don’t think from the outside, I walked inside, and the highly developed atmosphere came straight to me. Walking in the meantime, just like walking in the middle of a few thousand meters of tall buildings in the sci-fi world, although some of them are already broken walls, they still can't stop the glory they once had. The aircraft, the magic stone track, still shimmering huge subtitles... everything is as if it is a product of time and space!

Lu Yiqian finally remembered where he had seen it, the fallen goddess costume, the dream of Yi Mengji, the strange age, the gods and gods, the radiant Taoyuan, the king city in the king city, the most arrested dragon black man Seal the king of the gods!

Although some of the damage is serious, in general, it is still amazing!

Hongjin can see the eggs in the mouth, and other World of Warcraft is even more so, their performance is very similar to Liu Wei’s visit to the Grand View Garden, the earthen hats see the future high-tech city, one by one, they all see it. .

White is domineering, wherever he goes, he is a king. This city can't enter his eyes. He only pays attention to his little idiot.

Lu Yiqian saw its most brilliant look in the memory of Yi Mengji, and now it is very calm. Besides, she read the idea of ​​building a city in the legacy of the **** of forging, where it is written more magically than this. It is a **** of forging, and the fields involved are amazing. After a hundred thousand years, Lu Yiqian inherited his clothes, and he has the fire of creation, and he can make the road of creation go further, and he can also look at it.

Departing, the look seems to be nostalgic, and not too excited.

Yinfa Weimo said: "Tattered city."

The streets are wide and there is no need to worry about congestion. Several people walked and kicked a bright object.

When you look at it, it is a magic core, a magic star of one hundred stars!

When did the 100-star magic core reach the point of abandoning it?

A little more careful, it is found that not only the magic core, but also high-grade materials like Tianlei Stone, Xuan Tie, Yun Wen Steel, etc., are everywhere, and are abandoned at will. A person is rich, such as Lu Qianqian, you can get a lot of gold coins by taking out some things from the space bracelet, but when a city is rich, it is really rich!

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