The new species, the strength is really low and incredible, quite low, extremely low... What is even more ridiculous is that he has also reduced his strength to a level that is only a little higher than her, and only uses physical struggle, or a punch, or a Feet, she can fly her every time.

But she stood up again and again, punching him again and again.

At that time, he had thought about collecting her soul and becoming his special collection.

He still wants to see how long she can hold on.

Then she jumped up and attacked him, and he grabbed her soft, very strange touch, giving him a moment of sorrow.

Then...he was contracted. In fact, if he didn't want it, the contract couldn't be concluded anyway, but maybe her chest is too soft, it feels too strange, and with a strange current, he will not resist. The land is deed.

He followed her, first curious, he compared her to himself, um, her eyes are black, her chest is towering, her waist is slender, her legs are slender... He has countless questions in his head and decides to go in person. Touch and see, be sure.

He entered her room and he began to touch.

Bizarre touch, um, not annoying, the more touched, the more her face is not annoying, touch, lips, not annoying, touch. The strange current is coming again, it’s crispy and not annoying. Further down, he pressed on her chest and he was shocked by the current that was picked up.

He flew into the air without a hitch, flying round and round...

Later, he saw a lot of "new species" similar to her, would they feel so weird to them?

He touched a woman's ass.

Evil, disgusting!

He pinched a woman's little hand.

Evil, he wants to vomit!

He also touched the woman's face.

Evil, he wants to pick up his hands!

He was caught by a woman who claimed to be a demigod and touched her chest. He sent her gorgeously to the world of death. Now it is estimated that the woman has been tortured and the soul is annihilated.

He is sure, he only likes to touch her, he also likes her to touch him.

Others, touch the other will kill all innocent! He touched it and killed it!

He became very strange, always thinking about her, not wanting her to be hurt, just want to protect her, stay with her, watch her laugh, see her make bad, see her killing...

He just wants to see her.

How strange!

Another time, he helped her check, he looked at her body... I want to come, I still want to blow nosebleeds.

And that time, he and she pressed me and I pressed you, the amount...he blew his nose again.

He gave her heart to her, and since then, they have two lives!

The black halo of the promotion has not been exhausted. Has she advanced again? Is she in danger?

I miss her, I miss her very much, I miss her very much... I just want her...

the host……

Wei Mo got the magic stone heart to not waste time, began to refine it, to be strong.

Lu Yiqian asked the green kitten to guard the side of Wei Mo. The kitten is the essence of the magic stone heart. The usage of the magic stone heart should be better than anyone else.

In view of the excellent performance of the two grades of Lu Hao, Li Bai decided to give him a special and lovely reward. Encircled Lu Yiqian, white fingers point her lips, smile charming, smile overbearing, laugh evil: "Little fool, would you like to go to a place with me?" It was a full intention.

Lu Yiqian looked carefully at white, there was a conspiracy, and there must be conspiracy!

But looking at the nephew of his incomparable beauty, she couldn’t say a word that she refused.

Hey, white is not a crying cry, a little beauty who is lovable, and he is obviously a bully and arrogant man. Why is it so easy for him to be soft to him? Strange, weird, weird!

White picked up Lu Qian thousand, a flash of lightning, flashed to a warm grass and green, the mountain stone is flat, the water into the cold pool, it is really the place where the birds and flowers are. Well, even if the bird is a sixty-star money eagle, the flower is a twenty-star rosemary, which is a dangerous and fierce Warcraft.

However, in the middle of the forest, the vast majority of high-star Warcraft was captured by Lu Hao, this little beast, a little spread of a hundred-star Warcraft pressure, it was scattered in panic.

In fact, if it is not the fierce battle of Warcraft, the death of the forest, is extremely beautiful, it is not too much to call it a forest paradise.

This is especially true for this place of white election.

Lu Yiqian is a bit strange, what does leucorrhea do here?

White walked into the stream, lying on the boulders in the water, more than the moon's hair floating in the floating load, the water only drowned half of his body, clear water, beautiful man, called him beautiful to win the soul.

White saw Lu Yuqian's doubts, a little bit of her little nose, and smiled: "I want you to see me." He waved his sleeves and shielded this piece of clear spring stone, so that it is only a paradise for two people, any 觊觎The eyes are not crowded.

Lu Yi is a thousand miles, she is not looking at him every day?

Waiting to say the exit, Bai smiled at her, and the clothes fell and floated with the water.

Lu Hao stayed for a thousand hours, his cheeks were red, and his eyes were beautiful, his eyes were like copper bells, and it was really a loss of style.

What is causing all this is the white guy.

He said to see him, she did not know that he wanted her to see his naked body.

The knife-like body has a pearl-like color, but the corner is soft and soft, and every muscle seems to contain great strength. Snowy chest, blushing two points, making people want to enter the waist... Oh, every place is the highest masterpiece of heaven, as if it is a collection of art, so intoxicating. Lu Yiqian was fascinated by this powerful body, and the thirst for beauty came to an extreme at this moment.

However, this is white, is it seduce her?

Beware of the liver fluttering, the nosebleed almost rushing out of the nose!

Enchanting, enchanting!

White is a person who is extremely arrogant. The partiality in this clear water dilutes his hegemony, leaving the seductiveness of the city, confusing people.

"Little fool, come over." White whispered his extremely nice voice.

Lu Yiqian had other ideas and walked toward him involuntarily.

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