Not only these two beasts, but the entire forest, also bowed.

The king's deity, the king's beast, the king of the king!

It was inside the forest, and the figure on the throne was also a trembling, and the beasts underneath were hesitant to worship.

"Don't be afraid, even if he has a great ability, he must be able to come over." The sound calmed down: "Good play, just started."

The huge blood-colored star pattern was laid out, spreading the entire lake surface and extending it.

Silver-like moon-like hair, entwined with Lu Yiqian, the perfect figure, showing it, it is the foot, but also beautiful. The beautiful night-like red eyes contain a joking smile and deep love and pet, and the silver-red lips are slightly open: "Little fool, you are really wolf."

Lu Yiqian stared blankly at the white foot, and the substitute of more than 500 stars was really a big deal!

White of course knows Lu Yiqian’s thoughts at this time, first to circle her in her arms to comfort the pains of these days, and then rub her lips with her thumb and voice on the platform of the mind: “This is part of my body, though It is a substitute, and it is no different from me. It can be said that it is a two-in-one. The little fool can treat me well."

Lu Yiqian’s eyes are awkward and can’t be wrong. Isn’t this white?

The enchanting Allure, overbearing peerless, and able to see her so deeply, who else besides Bai?

His enchanting, natural and natural, if the departure is enchanting, he can be called a level enchanting!

His prestige is unparalleled, and there is no one level, so that people want to worship at first sight!

The strong people are sluggish, petrified, and this is this, who is this strong XX cow? Where did he come out? Oh, it’s a day, even if he doesn’t mean to suppress them, the pressure standing on his side is great! And the halo that has not been scattered under his feet proves one more thing, one thing that the strong guys want to break their heads can't think of. In front of this peerless powerhouse, actually it is actually a fantasy pet, or, is a World of Warcraft, right, it is Warcraft! How can a king like him surrender to others?

Humanoid King of Warcraft, it’s a day, they’re going crazy!

This is definitely the invincible existence beyond the power of God!

However, the development of things is quite strange. A super handsome guy who dares to look down on a country is deeply affectionate. He looks at one of his arms, the amount, the ugly girl, how to look at it, how to be awkward. !

Is the taste more serious after the star is high?

White scratched the mask of the face of Lu Xiaoqian's face. The slender and powerful hand squeezed the plastic around her waist and smiled jokingly: "I haven't seen it for a while, but my little fool is getting longer, but it's okay. This eye is true, this lip is true."

I couldn't help myself, kissed the red lips that I thought about, sucked, opened my teeth, and searched for the fish.

Everyone cares, the brain is down!

This is called this, this is called the live version of the beautiful man and the beast, the beautiful man looks at the beast, God, the world is crazy!

Wei ink bites the red lips and clenches his fists. He, he will not give up, never give up! No matter what happens, what is difficult, no matter how embarrassing the future, he will not change this idea.

Double eyes like a moon, he never thought that there will be such a good man around her, even if he has always been a high-eyed self, he admits that he is better than himself, much better! The more she wants to approach her, the more she discovers that she is far away from him. The simple boy can stay with her for the sake of guardianship. He himself does not say anything about her head. There is no reason to stay with her. No, he wants to be stronger and stronger, and only then can he get her!

White didn't notice the two men around the little idiot, and the enchanting man who was not weak, but he was not afraid that they would rob her, or that he was too confident and loved Lu Yiqian too deeply. He didn't bother to think about it. They have the ability to come and grab a little fool! If they leave a position in the heart of the little fool, he will not suppress them, because... he does not want to be a little fool!

When a kiss is over, the white will be in the arms of the circle, and the eyes will be on the treacherous beast and the magical beast: "Do you want to die or want to live?"

The three beasts do not want to die, screaming and praying, hoping that adults can forgive their lives.

"Good, come and conclude the contract." White said lightly.

Where the three beasts dared to have a half delay, trembled and came to Lu Haoqian, bowed his head. They are now infinitely hope that Lu Hao will be able to contract them, or else their lives will be finished!

"Oh..." The three beasts were particularly sad and sorry.

Lu Yiqian once again sighed, white is really a cow, cattle XX, look at these three beasts, poor demo, let her see can not bear. What else to say, the contract, the three beasts rose five stars, the speed of promotion, called the three beasts again sluggish, and the ecstasy that followed them filled their hearts.

"The main master, have we advanced?" The magical beast, that is, the four-horned cow asked with great surprise, just asked the sound, and I felt that the white man was still here, immediately snoring, not dare to loud noise.

The two mermaids were also overjoyed, ready to give the host a warm hug, but seeing the white adults in the arms of their masters, they immediately leaned over and did not dare to go within five meters.

The three beasts can't stand the pressure of white, and they have entered the space of Lu Yiqian's Eudemons.

This scene, let the strong people look straight, yes, they saw the contract pattern, advance the pattern, they also saw the Eudemons disappeared. What happened, someone contracted three Eudemons?

Oh, today’s blow is too big, and there may be an illusion!

"Little fool, do you want these people to keep up, they may not be able to use anything." White gently watched Lu Yiqian, only she is the most concerned about her, other people, what is life and death. However, he still has to seek advice from the little idiot.

"I want to help a few friends catch a few Eudemons..." Lu Yiqian whispered. Seven 斩, Feng Zhongxin, Xifeng and others are still taking care of her, she does not want to owe them. The domestication of the Eudemons is what she is good at.

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