What is the origin of the guardian, it is a powerful force, and the lotus looks harmless, but it is hidden. When the lotus is out, the insects can't withstand the pressure and squeeze into powder!

Although it is only a sanctuary, Wei Mo’s field ability is harder than others!

This is the talent, this is the talent that you can't come!

The rules of comprehension are definitely a watershed, and we can look forward to it. After Wei Mocheng became a god, achievements will inevitably be higher than everyone else. This is like a genius and a fool, the initial starting line is different!

There is another person who can't ignore it. That is the son of light is like a month.

The eight-level Dafa guide, the fifteen-star white phoenix, is reasonable to say that this combination is a 30-star worm, but the double-month shows his unknown side. The bright ruling even hits three beasts, specializing in the thin flesh on the edge of the oral cavity of the worm, extremely agilely frustrating between the mouths of the insects, causing the situation of worms and bites, divided into dozens of times, each time hitting the same The same place in the ground worm, the control is amazing, the accuracy is amazing, the judgment of the current situation, the control of the movement of the worms is amazing! If this ability is not born, it must be experienced after numerous kills!

The strong people can not help but feel depressed, Lu Yiqian is a metamorphosis, how is the person around her also abnormal? If you hit people like this, don't you want to live? Fortunately, none of them have grown up, or else, God loves them too much!

The members of the Song Dynasty looked at the double as amazement. He is now very certain that the person who uses the ruling of the light must be the person of the Temple of Light. This trick is not that the bishop can't learn, and the other party's status in the Temple of Light is not low. Then he should not know the relationship between the Song Dynasty royal family and the Guangming Temple. Now, know why, why did you help the woman who called me to do it?

After some blows, the ground worms shrank in the ground and did not dare to come out. I don't know if they have escaped or are waiting for the opportunity to attack again.

It is a waste of a lot of magical power to release the field. Fortunately, the spoils are quite rich, and the magical core of the 30-star soil property has an average of two people.

Song members and Song Yan did not participate in the war situation, but they also cheeky to go to the magic nucleus of the worm, and they still have a lot, there are five or six!

The letter in the wind has always been straightforward. He can't see the past: "These are the spoils of the little brothers of Weimo, and they will be returned to others!"

Song members have a neck: "I am also in danger of life, I am also fighting hard, why can't I take a few magic cores?" Joking, 30-star magic core, out of the forest where to find.

Everyone couldn’t help but scorn, and saw shamelessness. I have never seen such shamelessness. He clearly did not do anything. He specifically escaped. He dared to say that he was fighting, and he said that he would rob the other people’s spoils. It’s not a tooth.

"Wei Mo Xiao brother, you have to go back to your spoils."

Wei Mo has not yet opened, and the Song members said: "I believe that the Wei Mo Xiao brothers are broad-minded and can understand our heart of fighting."

Wei Moben was not good at talking with people. Song Cheng said that he was also embarrassed to ask him to be a magic core.

Lu Yiqian grabbed Wei Mo’s hand and took a sip on his lips. This child is really kind and distressed.

Daddy, the red fox and the silver quickly rushed over, one hit a grab, the two beasts and the beasts cooperated with each other, the mouth claws hug, grabbed the magic core and went back.

It is also blamed that the Song members’ storage bags are filled with gold, and the magic core has not been placed for a while and has been robbed.

The members of the Songs suddenly became angry: "You are a shameless person, you dare to rob!"

Lu Yiqian took over the magic core sent by the beast, and laughed wildly: "Yes, I will rob you, how can you treat me?"

"You..." The members of the Song trembled with anger, and her attitude was so clear that she did not put herself in the eye!

"Old man, don't move your own things, don't move your hand again next time, it won't be so simple!" Lu Hao was cold and stunned, and the momentum was very strong.

Yes, she is ridiculed, threatened, then what?

The members of the Songs were angrily asking for help. I know that people are not looking at the leaves or looking at the grass, and no one cares about him.

Then again, the Song members are also a god-level powerhouse. They were given by the Song Emperor's ancestors. They were ignored by this person and inspired his anger. "Good, you guys look at people with low things, I Go, I don't believe, without me, you can stay in this forest!"

He brought ten god-level powers to come over, and if you are united, it can be regarded as a big boost in the team. It is a pity that they basically do not contribute. When they encounter World of Warcraft, they evade. What is the difference between them and without them?

"Slow go and don't send!"

"You have to think clearly!" Song members waited, waiting for them to repent.

"When you want to go, let's go!" The West Wind said bluntly, he also looked at them early and was upset.

Greedy is afraid of death, no effort, but also loves to take advantage of, such a teammate, who dares to?

"Okay, don't regret it!" Song members hated the channel and left the team with ten god-level powerhouses and Song Yan. Not long after leaving the team, they felt that the forest was extremely dangerous. The anger was immediately replaced by fear. They followed behind more than 300 people and did not want to leave.

What is the power of the Warcraft in the forest, found that someone left behind, immediately besieged!

The worm that did not really disperse first launched an attack!

The ground worm is followed by a forest spider.

Needless to say, the forest spider must be a big man, a disc-like body, and eight feet long. The spider likes group action and prey on food. They are fierce and powerful, **** and brutal!

Honestly, there is more such a presence in the forest of death. This spider and groundworm are definitely only low-level reptiles!

The 30-star worm and the 30-star demon spider are usually the opponents of the death, but in the face of the outsiders, they magically form a certain teammate relationship, aiming at the Songs These ten gods, five or six sacred fields!

"Teacher, what should I do?!" Song Yan looked at the worm and jumped over the attacking spider, screaming in horror.

"Expand the field, hurry up the field!" Song members cried in horror, fucking, really unlucky, just met the group of **** and encountered such a thing, sadly, they might have to ask for help from the group of bastards.

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