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“Enough is enough, this Young Master is Scholar, this men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, do n’t you lean so close, beware I shout impolitely!”

Gu Huang was entangled by a few daughters, and despite being a cultivation base of heaven shaking earth shattering, he could not show it at all, let alone his own elder sister.

To be graceful and calm, this Young Master is no longer the scourge of Profound Sun City.

Today this Young Master is a Scholar.

Scholars must have demeanor, be bright, and even have aura.

When dealing with men and women, you must carefully follow Saint’s education.

Even if you do Villain, you have to be an elegant, confident, loving and civilized Villain.

“Little Bastard, pretend, continue to pretend, old lady to see when you can pretend.”

“Scholar, men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, you forgot what was called in Profound Sun City?”

“After reading the Sage book for a few days, it becomes Sage.”

“You helped old lady promote Soul Sea, you forgot how to bully me.”

“What’s the matter, I don’t want to admit it now.”

Jun Youhan beautiful eyes were angry, and immediately rushed to Gu Huang’s ear to whisper, word by word, almost gnashing teeth, if not on the street, believe or not can now bite him.

so tired!

Really want to kill this little villain, it’s too good to pretend.

Calmness, calmness, elegance, ladyliness, and grace.

“Little Villain, you really have an affair with the old woman, and you already know that you have come and gone.”

“Hmph! Sure enough, men don’t have a good thing, this Highness knew you were coaxing me.”

“You said that I am beautiful, sweet, good-tempered, and the key is big …”

“Before co-authoring, you were lying to me.”

Qin Xi naturally heard Jun Youhan’s words, and could not help but jealously secretly. At first, he was helping himself, and he was also pitted with him.

This Little Villain is really a Little Demon King.

Too good to install garlic!

It seems that none of the girls around me was chased by normal means, and the co-authors were all swindle.

No man is a good thing!

Eating the bowl, thinking about the pot.

This Highness has a sweet voice and a good figure. The key is a big breast …

No, I can’t spare him today, who gave him another tooth mark.

“Husband, I was photographed Black Brick twice in Profound Sun City. This is what you did!”

“Admit it!”

“It’s been so long, I won’t blame you.”

Meng Qingcheng’s blue eyes are like a limpid autumn water, with slender arms hugging Gu Huang from behind, like a light whisper of wind …

It is definitely him, 1% 10000 is this Little Demon King.

I stripped my clothes and looted everything, even the bath water.

And after marrying Ye Hao afterwards, he also pretended to be a good person.

If you think about it, except for him, I really can’t find 2nd people who dare to do it.

Today, let Saint Saintess seize the opportunity and ask how to force it out.

“Stop it, stop it all, this Young Master is Scholar, everyone should keep their distance.”

“A large crowd, under the broad daylight, you are so hugged and hugged, it’s like a system.”

“If you don’t know the number of gifts, believing or not this Young Master will not want you.”

“By then, you will reach Thirty Three Heavens, down to 99 places, mid-range to Xinghai Universe, Endless Plane, 100000000 10000 World, who dares to ask you.”

The folding fan of Gu Huang’s palm gently unfolded, waving on the spot, with a tremendous smile on the corner of his mouth.


This Young Master dignified Demon King Huang, can still be set by the few of you.

I ’m not so crazy, is it really when I am Scholar?

Impossible, Demon King Huang will always be Demon King Huang.

“Little Bastard, you’re still alive, right! Dare not want me, you are trying to talk.”

“Little Villain, you are really floating ah! Do you think you are surprised, no one wants this Highness, I’m not afraid to tell you, some of the first Saint Court is young Heaven’s Chosen want to pursue this Highness.”

“Husband, who chases us, but from the first Saint Court to the tenth Saint Court!”

Jun Youhan, Qin Xi, Meng Qingcheng 3 The female is completely out of control, and has formed a unified united front. Today I swear that this Little Demon King will be put in order.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be more floating in the future.

Let him know that in addition to him, some people pursue them.

Put a little pressure on Little Demon King so that they won’t be left out.

It takes only 3 years to go, there is no news, and no one knows life or death.

As soon as I came back, I ran northeast and west.

After completely ignoring them, they seized the opportunity today and how could they let it go.

“What the hell, people chasing you are from the first Saint Court to the tenth Saint Court, impossible.”

“Tigress, stupid girl, little girl, you don’t want to foolish me.”

“You are all my wives, who dare to chase you, not afraid of being broken.”

“Gu Chen, let me roll around, somebody really wants to chase you some sister-in-law.”

Gu Huang’s heart is not calm, but the surface is still strong and calm, and immediately asked Gu Chen to roll over.

Horse riding!

36 These young people of Continent Heaven’s Chosen, peerless genius, I’m afraid it’s not floating!

This Young Master, Demon King Huang’s murderous name, could it not be spread?

on the surface did not spread, there should always be spread on the Tao!

“Big brother, more than ah!”

“You haven’t come back in 3 years. If you’re late, you won’t have to say anything.”

“Not only are there chasing sister-in-laws, but there are also people who send flowers to the big sister more than once, invite dinner tomorrow, and go out to see the landscape the day after tomorrow.”

“and also……”

Gu Chen arrived in front of Gu Huang in an instant, and immediately told everything, but when he saw all around, his eyes were chilling.

“What else?”

“Don’t ink, just hurry.”

“Oh! Together, you are afraid of the big sister and your sister-in-law, that is not afraid of my big brother.”

“Exactly 3 years have passed, and I have to take a good look at your cultivation base.”

The folding fan in Gu Huang’s hand closed a little bit. It was Gu Chen who smiled and smiled, and at the same time he glanced at Niu Ben, Xuan Qing and Tie Gang who were not far away.

“Big brother, calm, calm, you are Scholar.”

“Rest assured, nothing can happen. Anyone who dares to chase sister-in-laws has been secretly talked about by Boss.”

“But the one who chased the big sister, but was beaten by Mu Boss more than ten times, but he was still alive and dead.”

“That brat is in the top ten of the first Saint Court true disciple, anyway, no one knows what comes from.”

“I came to Paragon Saint Court yesterday, but the senior Senior showed up, and he didn’t nearly die with a paw. It would be scared away!”

“By the way, there is another person, just … the golden son of the prosperity …”

“He wants to chase Huanger sister-in-law …”

“I was drove away by Old Ancestor, but with the urine of this product, I am afraid I will not give up.”

Gu Chen got out of it anyway, and was beaten by several sister-in-laws at most, but if the Boss went viral, it would be dead.

“Gu Chen, what is talk nonsense? Your big brother is the Boss of this Highness.”

“This Highness has nothing to do with him?”

“Dare to talk nonsense again, do you want to taste the taste of the immortal sword.”

Cang Lihuang’er had a good attitude, then Gu Chen was dragged into the water by Gu Chen, and it immediately threatened him.

“Sister-in-law, you recognize it!”

“The big brother hasn’t come back in 3 years, but you have been dazed by the incredible sword more than once.”

“You clearly like big brother.”

Gu Chen was completely out of the question, which pot was not opened at all, anyway, several sister-in-laws beat him at most, but offended the big brother, it would be dead.

Monthly pass! Monthly ticket ah!

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