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Three silhouettes of the void emerged, and the first one was an old man with scarlet red hair. Although he was very old, he was very burly and had a terrifying 3 feet. It gave an unparalleled oppression, just like a bronze statue. .

Next to the old man, there are 2 silhouettes, one is Huo still, the other is a young man with the same burly figure and naked upper body, whose age is no more than 25 years old.

The old man is called Audi!

The young man’s name is Ferrari!

Audi is a powerhouse of 36 years on 10000 continents, already a half-step Great Saint sequence.

The young Ferrari is also extremely powerful, a new generation of Holy Son of the flames.

The record tablet ranks 37th.

Can’t compare the golden god child to the famine, the golden Celestial Maiden, the Silver Holy Son 7 years, the silver Celestial Maiden rain the top monster of this first class.

However, Holy Son, the Great Influence of 36 Great Continents, can definitely enter the top 20 sequence.

At least compared to the first class of injury, cloud sword, tiger tooth, it is naturally stronger.

Absolutely the same as the level of drunk blood.

“Yo! Little elder sister, meet again ah!”

“How long has it been since you caught up again, you must have liked this Highness, right?”

“This Highness is beautiful and kind, innocent, and there is no reason not to like ah!”

“Still little elder sister, come to this Highness arms.”

Miao Xiaoxi completely ignored Audi and Ferrari, but opened her arms and stared at Huo Still.

“Dead cat, I’m going to kill you alive.”

Huo still has a green face on the spot, and the extremely hot 9 pole red flame erupts from his body. A pair of eyes as pure as rubies almost burst into flames.

This dead cat is simply abominable ah!

In the end it came from there, there are no such people on 36 continents.

And I don’t know what realm is.

It’s just that 7 Qi kidnapped, and dare to slap face to face, it is a real face.

“Bastard, let go of 7 Qi, self-cultivation base, old man spare you not to die.”

Audi’s face was full of anger, but he was a half-step Great Saint anyway. Since he couldn’t take a faceless shot, it was already shameful enough.

“Half step Great Saint ah! Still little elder sister, you have called such a waste to ah for so long!”

“Isn’t this a sincere gift to this Highness?”

“It’s such an old waste, but I can’t take away 7 Qi little elder sister Oh! Believing or not will also catch you up.”

“No, you are originally this Highness.”

“1,000,000 li is a gift, this Highness is more and more like you.”

“Tell you a secret, this Highness killed Great Saint, and wanted to find someone to deal with this Highness, at least at the level of my Uncle Holy Master, or Uncle Shameless.”

Miao Xiaoxi’s heterochromatic double pupils flashed a seal mark, and instantly peeped out of Audi’s realm, which was completely an old waste.

It’s far worse than 1000 uncles!

Before this Highness came back, he cut 1000 wings of Uncle Du with a sword and prepared to honor the Master big brother.

I really miss the craftsmanship of Master big brother!

Although he is very good, he is a big jerk, and has never taught me anything.

But this Highness can’t afford to offend Martial Uncle big brother ah!

“Big seed, no wonder so arrogant, it turns out that there is a Holy Master to support you.”

“36 Continent restrictions are about to disappear, and the era of Great Saint invincible is over.”

“1000 dragon is a fart!”

Audi’s ugly complexion is incomparable, but it is still a self-held identity not at all. It turns out that it is the 1000 dragon to support him, and he is a fart.

36 The continent ’s restrictions are about to disappear, as long as a Sovereign appears, 1000 dragons can be slammed.

At this time, Gu Huang, the Prophet of Destiny, and the Holy Master 1000 Dragon, who had been hiding for a long time, heard the rampant language of Audi, and Holy Master exploded on the spot.

“Martial Uncle, calm, calm, just such an old waste, not worth your shot.”

“The reputation is bad.”

“Let’s take a look at Xiao Xi’s battle strength?”

Gu Huang immediately pulled 1000 dragons. If Martial Uncle ran out, how could this cheap discipline pretend to kill Great Saint?

Then interested, no wonder so inflated.

Let her pretend for a while, then go back and clean up.

“Gu Huang, this … this is your discipline …”

The Prophet of Fate trembled and could not help being sucked in a cold breath, feeling that the whole body was almost cold, she … turned out to be Gu Huang’s discipline.


Little Demon King’s way is really wild ah!

Do you know who her real identity is ah!

The old man finds the present from the past years, but the power of the River of Destiny is not found.

It was accepted as a recipe by Little Demon King in advance.

Fortunately, she didn’t die with Little Demon King, otherwise she would wake up and die …

The old man is about to finish the calf.

“Yeah! What’s wrong, you have an opinion.”

Gu Huang glanced at the Prophet of Destiny and spoke out loudly …

“Don’t dare, dare not, how dare old man have an opinion ah!”

“Do you know her identity?”

The Destiny Prophet quickly waved his hands up. Is it too long to dare to have an opinion?

cannot afford to offend, sincerely cannot afford to offend ah!

Must subpoena to Three Great Divine Halls, absolutely not to provoke Gu Huang.

Even she has become a Little Demon King’s discipline.

Who dares to provoke ah!

“Prophet Senior, isn’t Xiaoxi the Tenth Princess of Heaven and Earth Empire?”

“Is there any identity?”

Holy Master 1000 The dragon is also curious. Xiaoxi’s innate talent and roots of this girl are simply too good, not only too much, but terrifying ah!

“Don’t you know?”

“That’s all, that’s all, it seems that the time has not come yet, and the old man is not easy to say much.”

“Gu Huang, don’t force the old man, you can’t say even if you are killed.”

“The old man would rather provoke you than her.”

“That’s a taboo …”

The Destiny Prophet slapped his head, but he didn’t even know her identity. It seemed that the time hadn’t come yet …

“Old waste, repeat what you just said.”

Miao Xiaoxi’s voice cooled down, and the dichromatic double pupils refracted 2 scary divine lights. If you look closely, you will find that you have serious eyes.

The monstrous death of aura converges, the imposing manner of endless killing pervades, behind the manifestation of the blood of the corpse mountains, the natural phenomenon of the bones, like the incarnation of death and killing.

Dare to insult me ​​Uncle Holy Master, you are forcing this Highness to kill you ah!

Elder sister said, to be a quiet beautiful girl.

Why did someone force this Highness?

“1000 dragon is a fart!”

“1000 dragon is a fart!”

“1000 dragon is a fart!”

“He said the important thing three times, 1000 dragons count …”


Audi’s voice was not falling, and a crisp and slap sound came out. Audi’s face was directly smashed alive. Its silhouette flew up a few feet, and the face was fiercely loaded, and it was a mouthful of mouth. soil.


Audi spit a mouthful of blood, mixed with mouth full of broken teeth and dirt, half of the face collapsed alive, the whole person was stunned for a full 2.5 minutes, this is the sound of howling.

“Ben meow doesn’t go up, isn’t this Highness … do you really treat me as a cat?”

“This Highness has decided to capture you alive and bring it to my Uncle Holy Master personally.”

“Old waste, you’re finished.”

Meow Xiaoxi photographed the white bone sword on the ground, his eyes of different colors were filled with unmatched cold and severe, just like the master from death and killing.

Monthly ticket ah! Urgent ah! Rivers and lakes help ah!

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