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“Sword Old Master, don’t break up today, what if I get back in the future? You will fight with me along the way.”

“Buddha’s golden paper, in the future I will flatten Ming Sect and overturn Six Roads of Samsara, and you will join me.”

“Black Boss, if one day, I turned against Jeremy Bao, who would you help?”

“Sister Hongya, I will go to Demoness to settle the bill in the future, what should you do?”

“Wu Zu Ding, if I have a conflict with Wu Zu lineage in the future, what should you do?”

“Laojun Furnace, if all of the above happen, Old Ancestor Zong Ruo will come to block me, who will you help?”

“There is also a system, I am too lazy to ask what is your origin, no matter what you are plotting? I am still saying that, unbind it!”

“It’s not ugly for everyone to break up now. If this step really happens in the future, no one’s face will look good.”

Gu Huang That was really chilling, not only chilling, but trust had already cracked, and it was really not the Fa that they passed, but they followed.

Anyway, there is no place to be sorry for them, at worst is to abolish a cultivation.

Do not find a back path now, do you regret it in the future?

Owning the world heritage, the Human Sovereign seal, as long as the gray mist power in the seal of life is slowly unsealed.

Above heaven under earth, there can’t go there.

Today, if fiercely clean up a wave, it really is that this Young Master has lost his temper. You have to leave me at most to find a son of inheritance, but I can no longer find 2nd of me.

But this Young Master is away from you and still lives freely.

Earth person that many transmigrator Senior, that is not mixed to get rich …

This Young Master is not Xiaobai, but has a history and a heel, as long as the previous memory is awakened.

Silence, another silent silence.

“Wu wu wu! Master little brother, are you going to chase me away?”

“Are you going back to the all black, no daylight, the lonely underground, and always be a cold tool?”

“Master little brother, my dad is dead, my mother is dead, clansman is all dead, Old Demon is sealed, and elder sister Sir won’t let me follow.”

“Now I only have you. If you don’t want me anymore, what’s the point of Hongya living?”

“Rather than letting you drive me away, I might as well annihilate True Spirit.”

“Little brother, do you really have patience?”

The system did n’t make a sound, and the five heavenly soldiers did n’t make a sound. The atmosphere seemed extremely deadlocked, but Hongya burst into tears, and the listeners were sad and the listeners cried ah!

The little brother is really angry this time, but remember elder sister Sir said.

To deal with men, women only need to learn 3 moves.

Cry 2 and make a noise 3 Hang!

Only in this way can the man be held tightly.

Can’t break up ah!

I broke up and went there again to find a man like little brother …

“Install, continue to install, I see when you can install.”

“Women’s tears are all crocodile tears, even in my life, even a bachelor.”

“I won’t believe you …”

“I said I would do it if I believed, and if I didn’t believe it I would break up.”

“Usually you and everyone pretend to be cold and pose like a big shot. I never said anything!”

“At the critical moment, all flinched, what do you big shots think of me?”

“A pawn that can be discarded at any time is right, so I will not play this Young Master, whoever you like to find a pawn, go find someone!”

“This Young Master had a bad life in his previous life, and he has nothing to miss in this life.”

“Your Fa and my life, you take it away!”

Gu Huang is not lacking in temper, but only a few of the heavenly soldiers on his body are used by the big shot in Myths and Legends, and they are naturally respectful.

It’s just that Demon King Huang’s politeness is already regarded as it should be by rights.

The benefits were grabbed casually, and everything flinched.

system is the first to bear the brunt.

What about ancestors, and what about inheritance?

Annoyed him Demon King Huang, still reversed Thirty Three Heavens, leveled 99.

This Young Master has left you, and there is still a way out.

A Human Sovereign seal on one side, a volume of the world classics.

The Heaven Collapse can also be beaten, and All Heavens will never be peaceful.

“Host, almost got ah!”

“Everyone can’t be screamed by you, and you have vented enough, is it possible that they really want them to incarnation to kneel down and make you guilty.”

“Everything I said was created by this system. Isn’t this system the last checkpoint?”

“With this system, who treats you as a chess piece, and who dares to treat you as a chess piece, is this system a decoration?”

“As long as you don’t break up, what conditions do you mention.”

The system knows that it is not possible to come forward. The host is going to blaze, and this anger will not disappear for a while.

A group of big shots, who were scolded by Gu Huang and didn’t speak, if this is spread …

no way? Who made this really psychological loss?

“No conditions, just break up.”

“Hurry, don’t ink anymore, they are all treasures of inheritance that have become famous for countless years.”

“There is also your rubbish system, hurry up and leave me, this Young Master is annoying to see you now.”

“Come on! What are you doing?”

“You big shots, the small one is small here, and you can’t accommodate you gods.”

“Why? Why is it so shameless, I have said this before.”

“Anyway, you have never regarded me as your own. Since you look down on me, then don’t be together, and save yourself.”

“Beware of this all day, plot against that, tired or not ah!”

“Party! Everyone is good.”

Gu Huang sat cross-legged, anyway, life and death is to completely bite must be separated, regardless of what big shot is not big shot, this Young Master does not buy this set.

malignant social trends can’t be long, or today fiercely fight arrogance.

It will be more impossible to subdue in the future.

No matter how much spirituality there is, it is a weapon after all.

tool That is controlled by people.

If you can’t control it, you must bite your teeth off even if you are reluctant.

“Host, are you really here!”

“It is tolerable, which is unbearable, this system has been tolerating you for a long time.”

“Speak! What are you going to do with you?”

“According to the rules of the road, is it 3 knives and 6 holes, or is Membership by Five Horses, you draw down the road.”

“All of this system follows.”

The system has been forced by Gu Huang to be intolerable, since ancient times this soft is hard, hard is hard, and hard is not afraid of life, this is not afraid of life.

Now the host is a 2 stunned boy, everything is completely ignored, even a cultivation and life are not needed.

It really doesn’t matter.

I really want to break up, even if I’m full of Earth, I can’t find 2nd.

The key is that oil and salt do not enter. It is really too difficult.

“No way, because people who walk different paths cannot make plans together, break up!”

“Today, you can save me from death, and you will be able to stand by and watch in the future.”

“Instead of being pitted to death in the future, it is better to die now, at least to die well.”

“As for anything else, which flooded him after my death.”

“My life, strength, inheritance, cultivation technique, whatever you want!”

“Even if you don’t leave, I will abandon cultivation and burn Primordial Spirit.”

“This Young Master is no longer playing.”

Gu Huang proposed a jar of wine. When the seal clay was opened on the spot, it was slammed. If we don’t get them cleaned up now, it would be the reputation of the Earth people.

The more monthly tickets I give, the harder it breaks out. I think I just entered this line. At the time of most peak, I updated 4210000 words a month, and there are 11 days before the end of the month. — Chapter 75 is still okay.

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