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“Second Brother, since ancient times, nothing is more than a word.”

“We are not demons, don’t move and kill the city and destroy the country, and spread the reputation of our Gu Family.

“They have broken the rules of the road, just follow the rules of the road!”

Gu Qingxue smiled, as if from Nine Heavens Guanghan Fairy, giving a kind of aura not interested in mundane affairs.

Really a Little Villain, dare to pit elder sister at this time.

Can’t I let elder sister be an elegant and quiet Celestial Fairy?

Low-key, low-key, to maintain grace and style.

Gu Qingxue said, everyone in the field was holding their breath again. Even the later His Majesty the Empire, as well as the left phase Li Guangdou, and even Grand Duke Cadillac, he now understands what kind of misfortune it caused.

Even if the left phase Li Guangdou is an old fox, no one knows what to do.

But His Majesty the Empire, in charge of the 100 large boundary layers, can dominate the life and death of countless creatures in one word.

But why was it so disturbing that it almost came out of it even crawling.

This is His Majesty the Empire!

He was so gazed, and he knelt down when he met.

I can imagine the identity of Gu Huang, knowing that there is Heaven and Earth behind the empire, but he does not care at all …

Is the identity behind him …


No, it’s a big deal, it’s a big deal.

What a stupid ah!

What an impulse, how dare you dignified who is coming to rob Princess Your Majesty, how could it be …

“Sister, is it necessary?”

“Is it necessary to preach the rules to them?”

Gu Huang knows the meaning of Gu Qingxue in seconds, but there are some doubts on the face. Sure enough, it is true that the elder sister is a professional.

To get, to get!

Even to get ah!

“Second Brother, you are Human Sovereign, and your sister is also Human Sovereign. Although we do not bear destiny, we can still represent Human Race.”

“You are Scholar, but you are a dignified Sect. How can you behave like a barbarian.”

“It is necessary to have civilization, quality and self-cultivation, which is the basic of being a man.”

“Your Majesty the Heaven and Earth Empire, there is no room for change in this matter, but are you representing the Heaven and Earth Empire?”

The smile on Gu Qingxue’s face froze, revealing a cold and noble temperament all over him, and the whole person was full of coldness like Celestial Fairy.

Little Villain, I have been talking nonsense for so long, I still have to force elder sister to play for a long time!

That’s all, too low-key recently.

It doesn’t matter, who made our back office hard anyway?

“Ancient Young Lady, yes, the old man is His Majesty the Empire, and all the old men of the Empire have the final say.”

“Young Master Gu, ancient Young Lady, 1000 faults and 10000 faults are our faults.”

“No matter what your requirements are, the old man promises unconditionally, and only asks Young Master Gu, the ancient Young Lady can give us an opportunity.”

“If there are any of these things, don’t disturb them.”

His Majesty the Empire is completely in a state of sincerity and fear. A Little Ancestor Gu Huang is hard enough to deal with, and now there is another Gu Qingxue, it is even more difficult to deal with ah!

Heaven and Earth empire has always been solved with money, but today I am afraid that money cannot be solved.

Even Divine Tree’s ancestor Sir appeared, and these two people couldn’t afford to offend or offend.

at all costs

Because they may be able to solve the troubles of Heaven and Earth Empire, and even Heaven and Earth until now.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid this won’t work. My younger brother let go of the unnamed ancient realm. I personally ran to Daganzhou to find you Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce.”

“The other side Heavenly Realm reopened the battlefield in Xiazhong Shang 27, and now their children on the other side are hiding in the unnamed ancient realm, plotting a terrifying plan.”

“Originally, we should go to the Unknown Ancient Realm to deal with the children of the other shore, but the people of your Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce colluded with the substitutes of the children of the other shore.”

“I went to East Profound Domain to find something. We are now overthrowing the overall plan. Although the avatar is dead, my younger brother has been exposed.”

“The son of the other bank has already noticed …”

“Because you let us miss the first move and lose the best time to kill the son of the other bank.”

“Your Majesty, what do you say about this account?”

“The responsibility of my younger brother is about the future 20 7 Heavenly Layer, 81 layers of land, 100000000 10000 life and death of the soul and the future.”

“This responsibility, you must be responsible, you must be able to carry it.”

“In the war before the 7th century, how many powerhouses of the Canggu great class died in battle, but now you are colluding with each other Heavenly Realm, and became a traitor to 20 7 Heavenly Layer, 81 layers of living creatures.”

“Second Brother, things are too big, we can’t be the masters, let’s talk to you Senior Brother!”

Gu Qingxue recounted Gu Huang’s words one by one, even if she heard it, she was terrified. No wonder Second Brother has always been mysterious secret and refused to let them go to the unknown ancient realm.

This matter actually involved so much, now that Xiao Fan is dead, the son of the other bank must be vigilant.

Go first!

The next situation is more difficult.

“What… what?”

“The other … The Son of Heavenly Realm … the one of the era … really exists …”

“No, no, no, Young Master Gu, Ancient Young Lady, we are not traitors, nor are we colluding with Heavenly Realm.”

“Young Master Gu, old man bravely asks you not to inform the above. The old man is willing to do his utmost to help the young master fight against the son of the other shore.”

“Please give us a chance to remedy!”

His Majesty the Empire was trembling, and his heart was even colder, and actually had a relationship with Heavenly Realm on the other side. If this matter spreads, their empire will be completely finished.

Not only is the empire going to end, but even Heaven and Earth must be destroyed.

Especially the demons of Damotian, although they have been mediated by others in recent years, the frequency of the invasion is much better, but they must be known by the demons of Damotian.

Will find an excuse to invade and plunder ah!

Finished, finished, this time I am afraid the real pill.

“Remedy, how to remedy, what remedy do you take.”

“Lost first move, do you know what it means?”

“In the future, Heavenly Realm will be led by the son of the era, and will go all the way from Nine Heavens to Thirty Three Heavens, breaking through 99 places.”

“All living things 10000 spirits, 100000000 10000 races aside, just our Human Race lineage will be the first to be killed by Heavenly Realm on the other side.”

“Until the extinction!”

“You only know that we have a strong background, but under this strong background, we also have responsibilities and obligations that we cannot shirk.”

“Regardless of identity and background, we are also Human Sovereign.”

“Able to open up the battlefield of 20 7 Heavenly Layer and continue the undefeated Heavenly Realm on the other side of the ancient era. From the unknown ancient realm, how powerful will it be in the future.”

“Although it is the devil of Da Mo Tian, ​​and he knows the truth about the cold lips, but you collude with Heavenly Realm on the other side and betray our Human Race.”

“You remedy this matter, can you carry it again?”

“The first move has been lost, and I cannot continue to fight against the son of the other side of the era.”

“Second Brother, let’s go back to East Profound Domain first. Let’s go to Nine Heavens cultivation first. The rules there are more comprehensive and the cultivation speed is faster.”

“Let them go to the Nine Heavens, let them toss themselves!”

Gu Qingxue silhouette walked out and sighed softly, seeming to be extremely helpless, a green glow filled the void with his bare hands, forming a crack, pulling Gu Huang’s wrist and pretending to move towards the inside.

“Ancient Young Lady please hold your steps!”

“We can remedy, we can remedy, please Young Master Gu, don’t leave the ancient Young Lady.”

“One hour, no, quarter hour, give old man 30 minutes.”

The empire saw that Gu Huang was leaving, and he heard what Gu Huang said. It would have been a dead soul. If Gu Huang was gone today, their Heaven and Earth empire would be torn to pieces by all forces, and they would sit and watch. Human Race’s traitor …

But there is no way to make up!

Go back and ask Shu Zu, take out the town state heavy …

To save the empire!

It’s bursting in popularity, and the author is crying woof! 5 Even more, where is the monthly ticket?

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