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When Grand Duke Cadillac disappeared, Bai Lang and his party naturally followed, no time to be angry, and no time to grieve, and now pray God to bless, Princess Your Majesty 10000000 nothing else.

Otherwise … the horse is about to be completely finished.

Something was lost, as long as 36 continents have not been rushed out, it will be recovered sooner or later.

But if it is ten 4 Princess Your Majesty …

I am afraid that it is really the end, not just the end …

No one can guarantee it!

Really can’t hold ah!

Pills, pill ah!

At this moment, everyone left, the space was once again blocked, and it was another hour, the depths of the dark and dark treasure house, and two silhouette-like appearances appeared.

“Ha ha ha!”

“It’s a pleasure. It’s a pleasure to step on a horse. I haven’t been in this seat for a long time.”

“Mu Family brat, have you seen Bai Lang’s old brat’s face?”

“Green, completely green ah! It turns out that people’s faces will really be green ah!”

“Sent, sent, this time really developed.”

Old shameless Wang Lue laughed absolutely unrestrained. It seems that it has been a long time since he was so happy today. Since the battle before the 7th century, he has become the big black hand of shameless.

Since the 7th century, it has been on the 36 continents, sometimes awakening, sometimes sleeping, and slowly repairing the Immortal King sword and Wu Zuding with his insignificant power.

Big black hand, old shameless, 36 first continent …

7 Since the epoch, there are a variety of titles, I do n’t know how many.

But he didn’t care, even if he ran out of 7 epochs, he spent all his time sleeping again and again to recover for Wu Zuding and Immortal King sword.

7 Since the epoch, he has enemies, friends, and brothers who are responsible for life and death.

I have been betrayed by others, and I have never known how many times of life and death crisis …

Also incarnation vest, came forward at the time of the 36 continent crisis, went to trouble, deep hidden merit and fame.

But no one knows his origin, no one knows his past before the 7th century, and no one knows his true body.

Except for Wu Zuding, Immortal King sword, even the natural disaster Queen does not know.

Old shameless laughed for a long, long time, until the laughter was sobbing, and laughed and wept …

7 epochs, and the whole era has been displaced from 7 epochs, finally … finally found …

found it……

He found …

“Senior, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let’s go out and join Xuanyuan Senior.”

“For now, just wait for Third Junior Brother to take away Princess. Let’s go back to East Profound Domain immediately.”

“Senior, calm down, the big picture matters.”

Mu Shubai’s heart is also very happy, and the whole person is full of deep helplessness. The old shameless Senior is also a person with an unbearable past ah!

I have to say that this vote is done, everything is ok.

Really ah!

I made it, it was really made, even if it is 1 / 10000th of the resources, it is enough to make him perfect to the Sacred King level.

“Mu brat, you are right, let’s withdraw!”

“Something to say when you go back.”

“Look at the ancient Boss below.”

Old shameless pressed Mu Shubai’s body and shattered the seal of transmission given by Gu Huang. The silhouette of 2 people was transmitted silently …

World Warship Interior.

“Crazy boy, you are so bold, you dare to disrespect the Empire Princess.”

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, when this small official takes down this madman, he will ask Your Majesty to guilt.”

“Crazy child, obediently surrender, leave you whole body.”

In the sky came a very violent voice, the World barrier was forcibly torn open, and a silhouette of a gold light flame enveloped furiously, like a mad bull.

The person who came was not someone else, it was Grand Duke Cadillac, the Grand Duke of the first class of the Empire, and a professional fighter.

This occupation is one of the three mainstream occupations of the Heaven and Earth Empire.

innate talent is furious, physique is fierce, and is extremely good at close-in killing.

“Cadillac Uncle, stop, don’t come over.”

“This Highness orders you to stop. Do you want to defy this Highness order?”

“Without this Highness’s order, you are not allowed to step forward.”

Meow Xiaoxi looked at Cadillac, who was extremely furious, and just shouted loudly, but he used the Princess status to scold and stop.

Cadillac Uncle is here, really bad.

This Highness is sheltered by All Heavens, the innate talent of summon hero, and the Heavenly Dao imprint blessing of grandfather of his wife.

This Highness is afraid to move, this is a Great Demon King ah!

There is a relationship with Da Mo Tian.

The grandfather of the wife and wife, grandfather, all cannot afford to offend, and the Empire of Heaven and Earth even cannot afford to offend.

Knight’s elder sister’s life is still in his hands, this Highness doesn’t dare to move, you dare to move.

This Highness hasn’t had a trip to walk to walk with Knight elder sister, and has a vigorous love.

I’m so mad at this Highness, Cadillac Uncle.

“The temple … Your Majesty … well … well … this small official does not move … it does not move …”

“Bold brat, you can’t run anymore, let go of Princess, obediently surrender, and leave a whole body.”

“If you dare to move a little, this Grand Duke will mobilize the Heaven and Earth Empire Legion, and instantly kill you into the ancient sky, destroy your 36 continents, and kill your nine races, 3 generations and 5 costumes, and let you kill the 36 Human Continents.

Cadillac looked at Gu Huang extremely cautiously, hoping to immediately rush up to tear his life for 8 and a half, but the princess of Princess Your Majesty made him unable to move or dare to move.

Even for the safety of Your Majesty, it is respectable and orderly …


“Oh! Slaughter my nine races 3 generations and 5 costumes, let me kill the 36 Continent Human Race, are you sure?”

Gu Huang stood with his hand down, a serene smile on the corner of his mouth, and there seemed to be no anger …

This Young Master is dedicated to being an elegant devil, dedicated to being a loving and qualitative Villain.

It was originally a trivial matter, as long as this Young Master was tied up obediently, the matter would have passed.

Why do you force me?

36 Human Race of Dazhou Human Life and Death, this Young Master doesn’t care at all, but my Sacred King elder sister cares about ah!

Isn’t this forcing this Young Master to make things bigger?

“Bold brat, I’m going to die, and I’m going to be crazy. I am the Duke of the first class of the Empire. I am in charge of 36 Legion, each Legion 100 100000000.”

“Destroy the Human Continent of 36 Continents, with no difficulty …”

“Don’t dare to be sure why this is!”

“Just because you dare to coerce my Empire Princess, you should die.”

“Wait for dirty and cheap, ignorant and moth-riding, it should have been annihilated.”

“The war was picked up by you, and you are responsible for it.”

Grand Duke Cadillac was extremely tough, and the whole person was full of rage, alive as a bull, full of imposing imposing manner.


“Princess Your Majesty, this Young Master is finalizing once, whether your Heaven and Earth empire really wants to provoke war or not.”

Faced with Cadillac’s humiliation, Gu Huang did not have any anger, but still smiled, but the palm fan was waving gently.

“Big brother, no … no, we are the forces of light and order, we make money with peace, never war ah!”

“Cadillac Uncle, you idiot … why did father send you to follow the guard.”

“Big brother, his words do not represent our empire, I will contact father now …”

The innate talent All Heavens asylum owned by Miao Xiaoxi can also sense the crisis ahead of time. She sensed from Gu Huang’s smile that there will be a big crisis coming, and it is related to the life and death of the Heaven and Earth Empire.

Pass me a wave of ah!

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