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Hun Tuo was stunned, completely stunned, already a terrified death soul …

Over 1000 detached people …

The Star Race behind the son of Era comes from the 3th Layer 1 day.

The powerhouse of its clan was directly thrown down from the tenth 3rd layer day, and the tenth 3rd layer day god.

Based on this little ant’s words …

It’s really a sentence, just a sentence ah!

In a word, God came, and they had to accompany them with a smiling face.

What is the origin, what is the origin, and how deep is his background?

Finished, finished, completely finished the calf.

I am afraid that old man Race will have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

I knew so, I should n’t pretend to force, ah!

God calls him brother and brother, how to play on this horse, play your paralyzed hammer ah!

As for?

As for?

old man As a big Paragon, a half-step detachment, one of the big shots in Nine Heavens, am I wrong to pretend?

What hatred, what resentment, is it so big?

You want to engage in old man, let Xing’s Race come to personally, isn’t the old man afraid and sincere?

Everyone said 2 scenes to each other and gave each other a face, didn’t things go wrong?

Who doesn’t understand the rules, who really doesn’t understand the rules ah!

They are all mixing under Nine Heavens, but they call the big shot of Nine Heavens to smash the field, how to play in the future.

Who doesn’t talk about rules, who doesn’t talk about rules ah!

If you don’t agree with each other, it’s called people.

What is the origin and what is the background of heaven? Even God must call him brother to brother …

“Old bastard, can this Young Master bother you?”

“What kind of eyes are you looking at? I mean you look down on my big brother ah!”

“OK ah! What trump card do you have, just let it out.”

“If there are people behind you, I can give you a chance to call.”

“Up to Thirty Three Heavens, down to 99, whoever you want to come to.”

Gu Huang came to Hun Tuo in an instant, grabbed his collar, and completely disregarded the Second Generation gesture.

Either don’t play, play big if you want to play.

On Thirty Three Heavens, the Old Ancestor is first-class, standing behind this Young Master 20-30.

The key is also an omnipotent garbage system.

Play with me, it won’t stop until you’re in a panic.


Hun Tuo is completely speechless. Even if he borrows 800 of his courage, he dare not be guilty of fighting with Gu Huang, so why go find someone and find a hammer ah!

In a word, I found thousands of detached people, the God of 1000 Heavenly Layer.

99 Underground Great Demon King, Laozi That can’t do you.

old man admit defeat!

But the old man doesn’t believe it. You dare to destroy me. Race has no success. Although Race has a small population, that is, more than a dozen 100000000 million people, there are countless 3000 people who are related to the old man.

If Human Race is so ruthless, it has long unified the ancient days and established Supreme Sovereign.

You dare?

You dare not.

“Don’t talk, you can ah!”

“Old bastard, continue to install, I see if you can install it later.”

“I will let my own eyes see what is called blood flowing into a river, extinct genocide.”

“One day, I am Paragon, and I will carry the knife all the way down to the Thirty Three Heavens to kill all of you.”

“Let’s start with your Race…”

Gu Huang loosened Hun Tuo’s collar, and his words were full of carelessness.

With such a great Array battle, it will not destroy his Race, where to put the face of Demon King Huang.

killing the chicken to frighten the monkey!

It is to let these aliens know what it means to truly afford to offend.


“Child Gu Huang, you dare to do this, the son of the era will not spare you.”

“No matter how strong your background is, the son of Epoch is the son of Epoch, representing days and destiny.”

“Maybe you gain momentum for a while, but one day, you will be killed by the son of the era.”

“You are laying the bane for Human Race, the son of the era is destined to be cut on the Thirty Three Heavens all the way, killing your scum aloof and remote.”

“My Race’s blood is to be the blood path for the son of the era…”

Hun Tuo knew that at this time, any begging for mercy would have no effect. He believed that the Son of Era could rise and believed that the Son of Era would lead Heaven and Earth Myriad Races to glory.

Doomed to trample Human Race, stepping on the bones of Human Race.

This is the number of days, fate…

“It doesn’t matter, come out one, I kill one, come out a pair, I kill a pair.”

“I see how many sons of the age can be born, maybe this Young Master will die one day, but you can’t see it.”

“Because you are destined to die in front of me.”

“Relax, I promise to let you watch your own clansman, each and everyone will die in front of you.”

“Uncle 9, give him a lot of muscles and bones to let him know what is called the rules of the road.”

“Chen Feng big brother, this clan of stars in the ancient Tian Xing Yuan has nothing to do with you.”

Gu Huang pushed Hun Tuo to Gu Jiu in one foot, and was dragged aside by Gu Jiu like a dead dog, but Gu Huang rushed to Chen Feng in front of him, with a smile on his lips.

“It does matter… Xingyuan is where we were born. In the past we were promoted to Nine Heavens, and some clansman stayed.”

“Brother Gu Huang, you… asked if this would really have an old account with my clan!”

“Brother ah! Under the dispute of Nine Heavens, the elder brother has never participated in it, you will not even count with the elder brother!”

“You tell your brother, how did the group of act recklessly offend you, and let Xing Race send a few people over for your brother.”

“Can you not destroy the clan…”

Chen Feng hearing this is really a big head, and to the extreme, today’s things are big, it seems that there is really hatred, and hatred is not small.

If this Little Ancestor wants to liquidate, just say the above, he will be finished.

“Chen Feng big brother, don’t be nervous, 10000000 don’t be nervous, I just ask…”

“But Chen Feng big brother ah! This is really not easy to deal with, your star family and my enemies are gone.”

“But the younger brother has a future daughter-in-law who happens to be a member of the Star Family and a person from the Dream Family of the Star Family. I heard that this dream family is dead against my Gu Family.”

“My Gu Family Old Ancestor was trapped in Xingyuan at that time, but your star family has always wanted to kill him…”

“This is really hard to deal with. If I don’t seek revenge from your star tribe, it will be disrespectful. However, if I seek revenge from your star tribe, it will appear cold and ruthless.

“Chenfeng big brother, you are God of 3 Layers, and you are the God of the Star Clan. What do you say about this?”

Gu Huang is completely embarrassed, which means that it is obviously too obvious. It is rare to see the Lord coming down. If it is not a blackmail, I am sorry for this big shot.

Wild geese leave hair, trees leave skin!

Even if you are God and met by this Young Master, it would be a fiercely bite.



Sacred King is speechless, the corner of the mouth of the destiny old ghost is twitching violently, and he almost didn’t fall down on the spot.

Knock on the stick of God!

I am afraid that only Little Demon King did it.

Really respectless of the law and of natural morality, respectless of the law and of natural morality ah!

The weather is too hot and I can’t stand it anymore. It’s 3 today. Thank you to those who voted for me. I’m so grateful. I’ve been reminded all the time. Tomorrow is the last day. Give me monthly tickets! Today, I owe 2 more, tomorrow’s minimum 7 change, and Zi Chen, you become a purple robe Old Ancestor again, okay, I promise to let you do Old Ancestor,

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