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“Just by you!”

“Boast shamelessly …”

“Old man Race lasts for 30 epochs, and there are 3000 layers in the ancient days. There is no power of my Race.”

“Just because you are a little ants, and you want to destroy the old man nine races 3 generation 5 clothing, it is really a dream.”

“No one can afford an old man in the old days.”

“Even in the Nine Heavens, no one caused it.”

Hun Tuo seemed extremely mad, and did not take Gu Huang in his eyes at all. It was just a word of an ant, trying to compete with an elephant. It was really overestimate one’s capabilities to the extreme.

Now they are helping the children of the era. In the coming days, they will also be promoted to Nine Heavens by the power of the children of the era, but the clan Heaven, not one person.

Sacred King is just relying on external forces, and she can’t help herself at all. Under Nine Heavens, she can only afford to offend his people, and no one can afford to offend him.

A small ants dare to be so boast shamelessly, if they can get out of trouble, they will kill Human Race to extinction.

“Oh! This Young Master is going to provoke you today. I’m going to see if I can make it.”

“People who come out and don’t preach the rules will die sooner or later.”

“Tell me, Sacred King elder sister, I want you to be buried with Race. From today, there will be no more than 3000 Races.”

“Old ghost, move me all the people and buildings within 100 miles.”

“It may be used to hold people in a while, or within 500 miles!”


Gu Huang’s eyes froze to the extreme, with a cold smile flashing in the corner of his mouth, as if he were a surrogate of death.


The fate of the old ghost did not dare to hesitate at all, but saw his large sleeve, with him as the center within a radius of 500 miles, except for Tianxiangju, all the buildings and creatures were moved outside the city.

Within 500 miles, it was an empty piece, not even a floor tile, all of which were moved out as a whole, one can imagine how strong the cultivation base of the fate old ghost.

“It’s you, Apostle of Destiny … Really long time no see …”

“Brother Gu Huang, what do you want to do?”

The silhouette of Sacred King escaped from Tianxiang, looked at the buildings and creatures that disappeared all around, and saw the old ghost of destiny. A doubt filled with beautiful eyes.

“Sacred King elder sister, just look next to it, and wait for the younger brother to vent your anger.”

“Old bastard, how many of you are Race, and how much this Young Master killed you today.”

“I don’t know if there are enough people in this circle to pile up your Race heads. This Young Master will first destroy your Race today, and then go and kill the son of the era.”

Gu Huang stands with his hands, his head is scattered with black hair and there is no wind and dance, and with the blood stains on his face, it seems like a real big Demon God, which makes people unconsciously tremble and fear.

“Little ants, pretend, the old man said that in Nine Heavens, no one can provoke me.”

“Old man, it’s time to see for yourself, how exactly do you slaughter my Race.”

“The ants are the ants, and you little slut. Looking back, I need you to be the concubine of the son of the era …”

Hun Tuo didn’t know that it was already a disaster, but as a big Paragon with superman’s confidence, who dares to let a big Paragon fall, that means Race is going to die.

After mixing 30 epochs, he knows to save life better than anyone else. Behind the son of the epoch, comes from the first clan of the tenth 3rd layer day. There are countless powerhouses in the clan, except for Heavenly Dao.

I really don’t believe in giving Heavenly Dao to summon …


Gu Huang laughed suddenly, just like the warm spring breeze, only heard a clear and indistinct ringing finger …

In an instant!

Heaven and Earth changed color, Sun and Moon lost radiance, the stars were bleak, the entire Heaven and Earth suddenly changed to be extremely suppressed, an endless vault of merciless glory over the endless Vault of Heaven shot down.

I saw an extremely cold blue eye that appeared as if it were a god’s eye, with endless destruction and coldness, and it made people tremble from the depth of one’s soul.

Suddenly, a huge black crack that traverses a few thousand 1000 li and stretches for a few days, appears like a collapse of the Vault of Heaven. I saw a power aura that exudes terror aura from one after another from the inside, I do n’t know how much cultivation base realm , Forcibly thrown from the crack.


2 channels!

3 channels!

4 channels!


A full silhouette of 1000 700 roads, including old and young, male and female, each and everyone are all loaded in a face-to-ground manner, and the most garbage cultivation base has a detachment, the strongest exudes like All Heavens The terrifying aura like the sun seems to be able to reflect Thirty Three Heavens, 99 places, 100000000 10000 World.

“Heaven is on, what crime did our Race commit, and we should be demoted to Nine Heavens.”

“My Race cultivation has never done a little overtaking so far.”

“God, even if you want to be demoted, please let us be a ghost.”

Among the silhouettes of 1000 700 roads, aura’s strongest white hair old man seems to be able to crush All Heavens Myriad Realms, full of fear and trembling, kneeling down on the ground, all clansman behind him, all of them are kneeling down .

Without any foreshadowing, suddenly he was demoted by God.

I don’t understand what was wrong.

At this moment, Hun Tuo’s face changed, and the whole thing was changed. The whole person looked towards Gu Huang. It was full of fear and anxiety. He had heard the mention of the son of the era, and their Race was on the thirteenth layer. .

The first clan under Heavenly Dao.

The Old Ancestor in the clan is able to communicate the existence of Heavenly Dao. He had seen the portrait of the Old Ancestor with his own eyes before the 7th century, but now he is alive.

It was even directly devalued from the Nine Heavens, and even brought the elite of Race, detached 1000 detached …

what happened?

What happened?

Why did the family behind the son of the era be demoted with a snap of fingers, but that is the son of the era!

It is also his credential for the future, and he can step into the certificate of Nine Heavens in the future.

But even the family of the son of Era was demoted, and demoralized in an extremely embarrassing way.

Does this … have something to do with Gu Huang …

Impossible, impossible, he is just a little ants.

At this point, the blue eyes of the Void Zhan disappeared, and I saw the depth of the crack that was far away. A bright light bridge from Star Radiance descended from it and extended to 3 meters in front of Gu Huang.

A radiant Star Radiance, the body of countless blue light flame came slowly, 100000000 10000 star development, accompanied by All Heavens natural phenomenon, mixed with the endless huanghuang trend, like a king beyond the endless universe.

“Go to … go to … manifest …”

“Xing’s pay respects to God …”

“Meet God!”

The surging endless heavenly might is pervasive, full of endless inviolable momentum, Star Race bowed its head and greeted it, and did not dare to look directly at the body of the sky.

Gu Jiu, Zagora, the old ghost of destiny, already kneeling.

I have always been invincible World, the confident Sacred King. At this moment, the beautiful eyes are full of horror. I can’t bear the oppression at all, so I must move towards the knees.

“Sacred King girl, don’t, don’t, 10000000 don’t, I can’t stand your kneeling.”

“If you kneel, I will stop thinking about getting involved in Nine Heavens.”

“Brother Gu Huang, I brought you the person you want. What you want to do is up to you.”

“Sacred King’s sister, brother Gu Huang, is here to ask you to sin.”

“Something, please say hello!”

The silhouette manifesting shrouded in Star Radiance is a real show. This is a handsome young man, but when he saw Sacred King to kneel, he almost fell off the Star Bridge.

I’m recruiting who provokes who ah!

On Nine Heavens, in Nine Heavens, Supreme 6th Layer days, there were dozens of people directly ah!

Almost didn’t turn over his starry days …

The horses under Heavenly Dao moved the big shots of Little Junior Brother. Behind those big shots are …

Today, if this matter is not settled, you can’t get the forgiveness of this Young Master. Don’t say that you will be promoted to Nine Heavens in the future, I am afraid that Nine Heavens will not be mixed up in it.

I do n’t get it, do n’t I just write a broken text? I need to use this to get stricken, and also open a few trumpets to scold me. If you like to watch, you can watch it. If you do n’t like it, you can turn off the people. Take it, I’m spraying on the street … Nothing to say

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