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“Hara, my friend, no … no, no one is pretending to …”

“Holy Master Senior, Senior Gu, and old shameless Senior … all were injured …”

“That man … also said …”

“Ah! Sacred King, you … are …”

Zagora’s silhouette ran out and opened his mouth, but when he saw Sacred King in front of him, he was almost scared to death.

If this word is heard by Sacred King, even if Sacred King does not pick him up, Gu Huang will not spare him.

Cracking a joke, he has also lived for nearly 10000 years. Although he is a junior here, he has never seen anything.

Based on Gu Huang’s attitude towards Sacred King, whoever thinks carefully can’t know.

But even if he borrowed his ten guts, he dared not say so.

“Sacred King elder sister, let’s go back to my matter and let’s go to level it first.”

“Martial Uncle, Old Ancestor, old shameless was injured …”

“This is not only hitting my face, but also the face of your Sacred King elder sister.”

Gu Huang glanced towards Zagora and glanced. It was really the right time to solve his troubles perfectly. This time the Sacred King elder sister was about to go viral.

She was reluctant to hit herself, but her fire would always vent.

In short, it was a good show, and I do n鈥檛 even need to start myself today.

“Zagora, Gu Jiu, you look at him for me.”

“If he dares to run, or you run together.”

“I only ask you.”

Sacred King beautiful eyes took a deep glance at Gu Huang, with a little bit of coldness, but more of it was worry and concern, and completely didn’t expect Gu Huang to fall into the Taoist sacrifice.

Opportunity is even more dangerous.

A little careless, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“In strict accordance with Sacred King’s law, I will definitely watch Gu Huang.”

“Sacred King, I will follow the Second Young Master closely.”

Gu Jiu and Zagora vouched for solemnly vowed, the two stared at each other, Zagora used the Darkness Rule symbol, and condense a chain wrapped around Gu Huang’s waist, one end was spared on his waist.

“Zagora brother, do you need this?”

“In my current state, I can’t use any force, otherwise why would I want Uncle 9 to sail.”

“Now I am a waste of people.”

Gu Huang couldn’t help but smiled, almost laughed, and looked at Zagora, it was completely speechless, but he focused more on the old man caught by the Sacred King elder sister.

old bastard not simple ah!

This aura is several times stronger than the great veteran, the fateful old ghost, and even the future mother-in-law.

Heavenly Dao’s aura …

It seems that the enemy is not a friend.

“Famine, my friend, I’m sorry, your method is too mysterious, I have to guard.”

“Even the old shameless Senior has been pitted by you to cry, so you can help as a brother.”

“When Sacred King comes out, I will hand you over to him intact, and this will be all right.”

Zagora completely looks like I believe you are a ghost. I really want Gu Huang to run away. Who can bear the anger of Sacred King? He doesn’t want to be beaten by Sacred King.

“Second Young Master, you have a lot of Sir, don’t embarrass us.”

“Others don’t know you, don’t the little ones know you?”

“Even if you lose it, what are your means?”

“Small would rather have his leg broken when he turned back, so he didn’t want to say a word to Sacred King.”

Gu Jiu is also helplessly bitterly laughed. This Sacred King can be ignored by Gu Huang except Gu Huang …

“Really rare, rare ah! In today’s era, there are people who take the path of robbery …”

“Brat, who do you teach, what is the method of cultivation?”

“You are in a dangerous state now. If you are a little careless, you will need scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. You know?”

“I have a way to help you through …”


The old man also gave Gu Huang a deep look, and his heart was shocked to the point that he couldn’t be surpassed. He even encountered a robbery, which had not been encountered in many eras.

Even before ten epochs, it is known as the golden age of ancient times.

There are few real repairs.

Normally, it is just to cross 5-6 Tribulations, and then step into the Sacred King.

But it was all Half Saint realm, and this brat went from a very beginning to repair the road, and even had a robbery.

Taoist sacrifice!

Legend has it that the Supreme great opportunity was repaired, but it was also dangerous.

That is the spirit escapes into the realm of God.

How many people yearn for something even in dreams, that is to say, his realm cannot bear the good fortune brought by the gods.

As long as this child is able to get through safely, there will be a chance to win Paragon in the future.

The good fortune of God Realm is equally useful even for him.


“Where is the old bastard, dare to beep here, what is your identity, is there a copy of your speech here?”

“An inexplicable old dog was suppressed by Sacred King, and he dared to pretend to be here.”

“If you understand the rules, if you don’t understand the 9th Master, I will teach you.”

Gu Jiu put a foot on the face of the old man, and directly flew the old man a dozen feet. A shoe mark appeared on his face instantly. Although there was no injury, he waited under the large crowd. Ugly.

What kind of stuff, regardless of your identity?

Anyway, they were suppressed by Sacred King, that is a prisoner.

The big things are supported by Second Young Master.


The old man cultivation base was suppressed, and it was completely a waste. How did Gu Jiu suffer from it? Although there was no injury, it was really embarrassing.

He is who ah!

Has already appeared in the Peak of the 1 Heavenly Layer, the big Paragon of aloof and remote.

As soon as his name was reported, the ancient city must be in order to tremble.

He was beaten, beaten by a mortal ant, and hit his face in public.

If this is spread, it will definitely become a laughing stock.

“9 Uncle ah! How many times have I told you, how can you not listen, how can you deal with the old man.”

“We are civilized people, we must have the qualities and cultivation, and we must understand the old and cherish the young.”

“How can you put your feet on someone’s face?”

“Senior, are you okay!”

Gu Huang sighed slightly and walked in front of the old man pretendingly, holding it up slowly, but when the old man silhouette just stood up, Gu Huang silhouette turned around, facing the old man between his legs A violent knee hit.


The old man unable to bear wailed, and the old face on the spot changed, and it turned into a bitter gourd face. The whole person held between his thighs, and the jump in place was more than 3 feet high.

That hurt ah! Jane reached the point where it couldn’t be added.

I have lived 30 epochs, nearly 40 million years, and have seen countless insidious moves, but I have never seen such a rash.

Actually … Actually …

What a shame, what a shame ah!

It’s so shameful …

Shameless extreme, shameless extreme Little Bastard ah!

After the old man cultivation base recovers, how can I eliminate the hatred in my heart if I kill the city cleanly?



Gu Jiu and Zagora glanced at each other, trembling all over, only to feel that there was a chill between their legs, and a sadness emerged from the eggs …

It’s too dark, too dark, too mean! Ah!

Such a bad move …

Devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence on the mouth, you can get a black hand, no ambiguity ah!

Can it still be a little bit cloudy?

No, I ca n鈥檛 make it to the top ten anyway, there are too many brushes, and the monthly ticket is meaningless

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