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Beyond the time, a long river is passing through the long river, and the flow of unknown is not known. The Gold’s river is filled with a silky ripple, and the scenes and things of countless Completely Different are all running. The whole 3000 larger is empty.

represents the real history of the long river, continuing each volume of true history, records countless creatures and things, runs through Heaven and Earth, let all existence have meaning.


mysterious, ancient, magnificent, for all living things is far from reach, but in the endless eyes, the mystery of the years is in the bottom of the fundamentally, there is no secret saying.



is known as three irreversible laws, for the hopping of the spirit, there is no mystery, but the relative these existence can only overlook without interference.

Some time, fate, causal branch, from the other end of the real source to the dead, still full of darkness, only one section Length River is shining, across the only three Eternal era, but the future is the same There is no brilliance, only endless darkness …

represents the dead and future, only the current flowers, but the brilliance of the three Changhe, is also like the winds in the wind, and it can be extinguished with the future.

This moment, the three-way shrouded light and shadow appeared, it is time, fate, causal itself, from the real years, fate, due to the three long rivers.

“Time, causality, war? Why didn’t there be a war, in accordance with the dead ruins of our duplicate, this time NINE Provinces should not happen, do Great qin Empire not fully declared war? Where is the River of Destiny MANIFEST No Great Qin’s future. “

“Destiny, there is no war, Hongmeng restricted area, lost Heaven and Earth, Eternal abyss, burial, soul river, all the forces all evacuated NINE Provincs, Great Qin and Daba Comat also disappeared, there is SuPreme Existence In interference, the war that we demonstrates is finally not playing, really Didn’t Expect Fiend In Human Form can stop this gateway. “

“Destiny, the dead” has exceeded our imagination, there is no name interference, but the most important thing is Fiend in Human Form, and he is the most uncertain factor, this war did not play, It is good to be bad, and it is unclear. The Light of the affinity of this About One Inch is off, and it is a kilometery in the life, and it will spread the eternal life. “

Time, destiny, causal three grand law itself will result, face the unnamed change in the cause of the dead, now no one can see, and no one can know the direction.

No one thinks of the end of the final volume, the war will be pointed, but there is no sound, especially all the factories that are all exited, the BIG is in the dead, only three three Heavens is hanging from ninety-nine sites.

but Thirty Three Heavens and ninety-nine places, not attributable to the origin of the origin, but the place where the origin is flat, the disputes inside and outside the dead, Thirty Three Heavens never introduce, but does not mean Thirty Three Heavens and ninety-nine places will give up the attention of the cause.

Because of the name of the kunlun, it is a great relationship with Thirty Three Heavens and ninety-nine places?

above, under the ninety-nine land, it is said that there have been a war that has not had a number of era, no one knows what the battlefield is?

Great Qin evacuated, the dead market is already!

In the near future, the light of Human Dao will be extinguished, and the darkness will swallow the dead, will spread …

“Time, causality, death clock again, gentle, everything will completely disappear, the dead price can’t lack the light of Human Dao, you must let Human Dao light, we will look back, this Time can’t be When you look back, I propose to integrate the seven volumes of the dead ruins into the three real long rivers, thoroughly become a history of history. “

“Destiny, it is too late, if Great Qin is still almost, Great Qin Empire is not, no race is in the words of Human Dao, and it is not useful, it also needs the seven volume ancient history. One dominated, with the three major long rivers to go through it, in order to cure this seven retrieval chapters, and this person only fiend in human form. “

“Delivery, with the resentment of the origin of the origin, do you think he will be willing to integrate the history of the summer? We overlook the long years, the summer human race Every Paragon, Great Emperor Human SoveReign, can have done to anyone, four civilized big sacrifices fail, their residual Powerhouse can sacrifice all the strength of a civilization Summon Fiend in Human Form, and Fiend In Human Form is smashed for Great Qin, but never stepped over Great Qin step, ask where there are people in the world can do. “

About the proposal of fate, time and causality is unable to help, not they do not agree, but need Fiend In Human Form itself to cure this history, is equal to the genia to stepping the origin.

“This is not good, that’s not good, waiting for the end of the dark, everyone is finished together!”

Destiny MANIFEST’s illusory shadow disappeared, because there is no Fiend In Human Form’s first stay, everything is just a white, only one step in finding Fiend In Human Form, but Fiend In Human Form is so easy to find .

Time and causality can only have no choice but to disappear, find Fiend in Human Form, everything is finished.

However, in the moment of three inverse law disappeared, a little ALL LIVING THINGS can’t be pleasant, and all things are unacceptable, and gradually, the gradual manifest has become a giant, and it is a derangement.

“The ancient master! Nine provinces is still there? Let’s run out, I haven’t found a wolf, purple kik, and the dust accommodation, the past, don’t want it? ? “

“Spicy Chicken System, they leave to Di Brothers to solve! This Young master has more important things to do.”

“The ancient master, you are gods, this system does not understand, what is important? Do you want to find a road? Just find a place to get up.”

“Spicy Chicken System, you are just pulling the scorpion, I want to find the way, Impossible should be closed, but to step on all living things world, walking through the multi-Heaven and Earth, just now three goods, you Also listened, Human Dao is about to go out, and the old dark is coming soon. It is purely the ghosts of the horse. It is intentionally to listen to it. You believing or not even if I am in the next time, I will enter any time in any time, I will Be aware of them. “

“Impossible, the ancient door, your smack state is only the ultimate visible, you will be absolutely Impossible peeking, no, Byburn SYSTEM, you mean that these three goods represent the origin … … “

“Spicy Chicken System, you are still not stupid, if I have not seen the Day Ancestral Dragon, this war will definitely beat, and will be the one of IrReconcilable, and in the end, no matter which situation, we will In the dead, this group of Plot Against is more than one, and it is clear that I want to take my Great Qin gun. Fortunately, Great Qin has ran, and ran to the place I don’t know. ”

“So, what do you want to do?”

“Spicy Chicken SYSTEM, remember Celtic Magic Empire?”

“The ancient master, Celtic Magic Empire has already been destroyed, even the traces of history do not exist, this system does not understand what you will do? …”

“Spicy Chicken SYSTEM, I have already told you, when you put me True Spirit into order monarch, the era of disaster Ezuo, THISUNG MASTER, I have said, I have left some kinds of backhand, Celtic Magic Empire was indeed destroyed, but the original teacher should leave a back door in a historical fault, through which the back door can return to Celtic Magic Empire to destroy the eve. “

“lying in the trough! The ancient door, this system is going to be exhausted, what do you want to do?”

“Spicy Chicken System, Must Not Be Reveled!”

Words, Gu Huang’s palm has emerged in the long-term rules into the long river, just seeing an inexplicable change in front of him, huge ripples spread from it, and finally forms TERRIFYING Time Storm, Unlimited Space-Time It’s all chaotic, just see the three illusory shadow race, but at the same time, Gu Huang has been integrated into this disorder-Time deep …

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