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“Violet, the land of origin.”

“This …”

gu Huang is completely somewhat, first of all, this is the singular place, even encountered the emperor of Legendary, which is the head of Legendary Wan Magic, the devil, the evil spirit.

The evil thing in front of this is just a horse of the Devil’s magic. Its Battle Stregth is already the ultimate existence, and it is conceivable to know what Terrifying.

Violet, the origin of Divine Realm.

is so imprisoned by them.

Where is this ceremony, it is simply a big late day.

“The ancient door, it is not very lightweight, when the heart is awkward, the experience of this SYSTEM is in the experience of the SYSTEM, and the ritual will have something to seek, and the violet thousands are a gift, but you have to be careful Their evil thing. “

“Spicy Chicken System, then what should I do? I hope you can live with it? You can omnipotent, the freehand suppression ultimate, this young master uses Plot Against?”

“That, at this time, There Is A Heaven Beyond Heaven, There Is A Person Beyond A Person, this year is not installed? But the evil thing is not a good thing, you But you can do aunt! Don’t trade with them, nothing to do with tiger. “

“Spicy Chicken System, Don’t worry! Today may have a big gain, since the emperor of the virtual is not killing me, I want to come to this Old Bastard, I want to come to please, although this young master doesn’t know if there is anything to be pleased. , But the benefits of sending the door, not a pity. “

“DAMN, it is ancient master, the cheapness of even evilness is also dare, this SYSTEM is just like the Yellow River in the Yellow River …”

“Spicy Chicken System, enough, don’t be kept, first look at what they want to do again.”

Spicy Chicken System and Gu Huang’s communication, but just a short moment, and since it coming to this Dark Continent, from the head to the bare chicken SYSTEM is turtle, Simply does not dare to move.

“There is no mistake, it is the violet thousands of hero, the Divine Realm of Divine Realm.”

“Little Brat, this ceremony can be satisfied, as long as you say, Old Man takes her head in minutes.”

“Of course, if you are not satisfied, we can continue to change, change to your satisfaction.”

illusory shadow is in front of Gu Huang, and then the Condense has an entity that gives people an extremely incomparable terrifying aura, Trifling, which is already the ultimate existence of Equivalent TO.

“Senior, you can learn, Junior is a bit panic.”

“If you can talk normal, you have to ask you how to mention, as long as I can do it.”

“But you also saw it, I am afraid you have a busy in the state of Junior today.”

gu Huang Cup One Fist in The Other Hand, this is his first close to the evilness of the evilness. For their origin simply is unknown, in short, this is a group of Terrifying Existence that can hunt 3,000.

“Little Brat, is the case, the Old Man is not affectionate, and the ritual thing will say later.”

“Old Man wants you to help me kill someone.”

illusory shadow is a solid entity, it has become a very flat blue Robe Old Man. When the GU Huang’s face is directly, it is true that it is really unparalleled.

This BRAT has forgotten the past, but it is really not good.


looks at him if he has this courage.

“Dare to ask Senior who wants to kill?”

“Tai Chuan Sword Ancestor Chen Xi Lie.”

“Who? Senior Who? Chen Shilie … Does Senior I don’t know if I have the relationship with him?”

“Little Brat, don’t put it, you will care about this.”

“Senior, you will be poor, Chen Jun and I have a vision, and I don’t say love with the hands, but it is also a gain, you will let me kill him, this …”

“Little Brat, don’t install, Old Man bought Chen Xue Lie with three conditions, as long as you raised, Old Man can help you do, including the top that makes you tricky.”

“Snior, Senior this … to accommodate it!”

“Little Brat, what can be considered, Old Man is not difficult for you, as long as you bring Chen Xing to come over, the rest doesn’t have to worry, Old Man I personally,”

“Senior, I am sorry, I can’t promise you, although I am not a good person? But selling Brothers, I really can’t do it.”

“Little Brat, Old Man has already stepped here, do you still not agree? That Chen Shi Lie is not for your child, why do you have to take him, as long as you name, Old Man can help you in minutes. The above thing, let you always have worries, and even help you retrore the seven volumes of ancient history posts, let you change the regret. “

“Senior, I am sorry, I really can’t do it?”

“Little Brat, I really don’t think about it. As long as you nodded, the regret, I used to fault, once everything can be recovered, you have continued the seven renewed chapters of the seven people, for your people , Race, country, civilization … but the people around you have passed away, do you regret it? “

“Senior, telling the truth, I regret, but I did it, and I have already arrived. I haven’t regret it. If I want to compromise, my civilization will not fall to this.”

“good, good, good, good value emotion, value friendship, no regrets, Fiend in Human Form, since you are not willing to sell Chen Shi, then why do you sell a disciple, so that she still still It was suppressed in Space-Time Islands, Chen Xue Lie and you love your hand, then I disciple is not an infatuation of you, I haven’t lived over, and how did you for her. “

“ah! Senior, this … dare you ask who DISCIPLE?”

“Little Brat, what this is this, or if the emperor is there, Believing or Not Old Man is big off, I don’t want to do Raise. The Old Man will give you a wake up, you still remember GU QINGXUE? “

“古 … … guqingxue … Senior …, etc. … you let Junior …”

“Little Brat, 咋, no words, still in your heart.”

“Senior, I am angry, please open, Gu Qingxue is the long, but how is it to be suppressed to Space-Time Islands, what is the relationship with Junior?”

“Little Brat, it seems that you are really forgotten, then the Old Man will give you a wake up, 3RD roll myths ancient history chapter, Thirty Three Heavens is difficult to do, my disciple is ordered to help , Wait until the enemy, but is suppressed by your myth, “

“Senior, this … these things … Junior really don’t remember … but please Senior rest assured … I must make the sister from Space-Time Island to come out …”

“Little Brat, this is also a sentence, telling you that if you disciple is less, Old Man is asked.”

“Senior, then you have to give me time AH! You see Junior now a slag now, don’t say that the long sister came out, even the position of Space-Time is not found.”

“Don’t worry, wait for you to get the thing!”

Blue Robe Old Man, one rolled radish, directly dischard Demon is unclear, who can think of him is the Master of the Miss, no wonder that GU Qingxue said that she is the world’s largest heretical path of there DEVILS.

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