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“Fiend in Human Form, you will die!”

The distant eternal dark depth of the dark, a roaring that contains incomparable horror is filled, like the embarrassment of the Eternal Hongmeng, penetrating the intention of Immortal, giving a difficult force, will be the body of Gu Huang Rolling, from the dark depth of the 3RD ten 7 layer, I don’t know how many layers have been added …

“Caesar Your Majesty!”

“You are over!”

“Kill him, we will no longer have the opportunity.”

3rd 16th-Layer Dark Prison depths, it is a voices, it is visible to an incomplete old Old Man Silhouette, people from in the depth of one’s soul tremble.

“An Incarnation, the cake, his body is still in Human SoveReign.”

“Damn, the dead financial in Human Form, where is the Elena * Ives * Guanghui where?”

“wu mingshi, I found it, otherwise our agreement will give this!”

Silhouette with horrible silhouette is a deep depth of the dark, it is completely no such thing …

“If you are willing, Caesar your Majesty!” The old voice echoed in the dark, filled a little sorry, and the Has Several Points of helpless …


why not obey?

Why is it so just that I have …

The enemy is too strong, too much …

You have tried your best, but also getting a big!

The paint is dark, dark, dead, do not know how many layers falling, the body is more inch of cracks, countless blood spray, if there is a power rule and the power of the original source, I am afraid that I have already died.

Emperor Your Majesty of the Daba Empire?

this young master remember you …

I have to take your dog head in the morning and evening.

Under the prison does not know how many layers, the light of the soul has not extended, just the location of the round 3 meters, after all, the ultimate can be blooming.

Who can guarantee that they have no sensational means, can find their own real body, and today’s CultiVation Base is a gentleman.

Once there is a discovery of these taboos, it is afraid that there is no chance, it is possible to exempt the force of twelve taboos, and it is conceivable to know it horrible.

I don’t know how long it has been in the past, and I’m going to hundred Zhang or So, and the narrow channel is also the end, far away is to see a stone gate, both sides are all placed. A Torch.

Snow White Transmissions, Divine Light’s bright inflammation has blended, with this dark world forms a distinct contrast, no one knows what is hidden in front of Stone Gate?

and Gu Huang is just about 30 feet, but it is the distance between these 30 Feet, but the ends of the Earth, it is to let Gu Huang do not dare to take a step.


The bright inflammation, the skyrocketing of the time, and it is from time to time, and there is a sudden change between the strangeness.

is uncertain, and it is possible to see the ground before STONE GATE. It seems to have a evil shadow towers …

Icy, dead, paint, dark channel, even if it is the power of bright Yan Yan, it can only be a place where the square is lit., everything is a gliry, which makes people feel cold from the heart.

gu Huang’s Silhouette seems to be fixed, and the virtual misses are obviously induced, and there is a life Aura before STONE GATE. Although it is very weak, it is true.

If you are not a virtual mysterious, Simply Impossible finds the existence of its shadow, and this is not a shadow life from the dark.

is a kind of life that has never been seen, through the sense of virtual meaning, the shadow and vitality in front of the shadow, the exudation of the vitality, you can compare with the Witch’s emperor Powerhouse.

The power of the Body is the virtual force of variarity, full of extreme erosion and ejectivity.

and extremely good at hidden and camouflage, even if it is the world HIGHEST assassin, it is difficult to be worthy of one.

The most important thing is the body of this life, and it is similar to the spider, but it can be different from the spiders, but it is a fairly evil existence.

“Spicy Chicken SYSTEM, is it clear? From LifeForm, the perceived the existence of the Heavenly DAO.”

“But wants to suppress no sound, I am afraid that there are some impossible.”

“can be inevitable if it is single kill.”

gu Huang is still close to the wall, but it is in the dark of the soul, and the evil life in the Heavenly Dao is in the world. If you kill it, what should you do?

can be silent and invisible, but it is too difficult.

It’s hard to retreat. It’s hard to retreat.

“The ancient doors, don’t Beat the grass to scare the Snake, the probably probing information is most important.”

“This top more, it is the lackey of the door.”

“There is no need to worry, as long as you don’t shoot, the shadow of the door is not perceived.”

“Going out through Stone Gate …”

The voice of garbage system is resounding in Gu Huang, after all, the soul is not anevant, and close attention to GU Huang all actions.

Each Step is a sophisticated performance. When the gu hurng is in contact with the shadow of the door, it is to promote QIQi eight eight, which is a small role.

Even if it is suppressed, it is also difficult to get how much effective information.

Only know more, you can know more information.


Gu Huang is not half a little, but Silhouette is in the air, close to the 30 feet distance, and the radius arrived in front of Stone Gate.

But there is no reaction in the shadow of the door, and it is obvious that the trace of Gu Huang is not found.

Screen breathing, Gu Huang Show the light of the soul, and carefully pears every inches of Stone Gate, and determines that there is no protective means, this is the shuttle.

step by step, it is like Space-Time reversed, yin-yang reverse, Star River reversed generally …

endless cold, endless darkness, endless paint black, is the endless spirit of the spirit …

Icy, ruthless, death, it seems to be an elapsed everything.

This is an endless ancient and dark World, than the primal chaos still wants to die, and the abyss is nothing. It is like returning to Heaven and Earth unpredictable end.

No light, time, space, only eternal endlessness is icy and virtual, especially the kind of empty, can give people to live.

I don’t know the direction, don’t argue, in addition to the darkness of the dark or dark, no virtual, completely, I don’t know if it is …

Gu Huang’s virtual meaninglessness unlimited, this is dark, and it seems that there is no boundary at all, but also there is no living material.

It is still in the link between Gu Huang and the soul, and can return to Stone Chamber from inner world by positioning the soul.

There is no worries, Gu Huang sure is assured to explore, anyway, there is no direction and time concept, just place Moved Towards.

I don’t know how far, it seems to have entered the eternal ridiculousness …

is like a Solitary Soul in the dark night, wandering in this darkness, once in an instant, and a hundred million years.

Lock, desolate, loneliness, loneliness, production point is not a madness of gu huang to live …

Just as the tour of Gu Huang Aimless, in the sense of virtual meaning, in front of the dead, dark in the sky, actually suspend a dark Great Hall!

The huge huge, not a few thousand Ten Thousand zhang.

If ink is generally dark, it is a shadow, and it is imperial that if it is ineffective, if it is not a virtual mysterious mysterious, Simply is inductive.

The ancient Great Hall, the styles are unparalleled, flooded from top to the PRIMORDIAL and the rough AURA, there is no simple beauty.

gu Huang shuts down the door of Great Hall, the eyes are full of hesitation, watching the ripples of countless giant insect on the giant giant, have a brief in the heart …

The unknown fear of a silk, but it is a moment, Gu Huang expressed this fear, but the path straight to the door.

The light of the soul is from the top, carefully checks every position of the door, still without any runes and defense means, only cold and dead AURA exudes.


Uncomfortable is slowly rolled with the door, issuing a dull voice, which seems to be dusty eternal era, and finally launched an ancient mysterious corner.

suddenly, an endless suction, the moment of swallows Gu Huang’s Silhouette, and Gu Huang Simply is therefore no residual.


A loud noise, the gate is once again closed, and a thick sound is issued.

“ETERNAL years, finally entering this place!”

“The last is finally here!”

“The period of the birth is coming!”

Ancient dead endless deficiency, One after another does not know how many ancient jiyuan’s idea is resounding, full of THROUGHOUT TIME eternal Aura …

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