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“Yuan Yi, manage your dog, then dare to humiliate me!”

“I must slaughter.”

Huang Wei’s face is gloomy to the extreme, never being so degraded, let alone a dog, one more, and then endure, but still put his nose.

is tolerance, can’t bear it.

This dog does not kill, how to save face.

“Dog, stand in!”

“Today, you have to kill it, this young master looks up.”

“dropped a hair, I destroy you Race.”

gu Huang is lifted, and the words are cold and strong, and it is full of overbearing and strong, like Is A old SoveReign.

“come, come, come, the grandfather is here, there is a kind of you to try.”

“There is something that is not male and female, don’t blame you, you dare to move your grandfather.”

“That is to declare war to the border, don’t know how the master behind you is going?”

Yifeng stands up with the body, directly went to Huang Wei’s face, directly to stretching his dog, completely full of 扈 and arrogant.


When the dog is on this copy, it is true.

is still the sentence, even if it is a dog.

that is also a dog of Fiend In Human Form.

“Dog MONSTER, I don’t dare to kill you?”

Huang Wei’s anger attack, the face is almost twisted, the green is like the ghost, the palm of the palm of the palm is shining, and the Moved Towards is in the head of Moved Towards.


“Huang Wei, don’t forget what your duty is?”

“I am coming with you, but is to maintain order and ruling, not to come to do the expedition.”

“Don’t never have his circle, we are committed to the restricted area of ​​3rd Paragon, 9th paragon is the ancient Yung Master’s ancient ancestors, when it is still a loss or you.”

Yuan Young Master, let it go! Don’t continue to provoke. ”

“If you don’t accept it, I will fight with you.”

The Silhouette of the war, the Silhouette of the Silent Click, the moment is the chance of the life of the destiny, never give him any opportunity to shoot, although the nine major sacrifices are not uncomfortable, but it is the same camp.

Huang Wei will make a life if you shoot.

but Dignified’s Yuan family Young Master, how can I receive this Shameless until a black dog.

is unusual, it is really unusual.

This Shameless black dog, he is a lot of hesishes, which can make this dog so obedient, except her master fiend in human form, I am afraid I can’t find 2nd individuals.

This dog is extreme shameless, you can kill it, but you want to recover when a dog.

is really not so easy.

Just in the Great Qin camp, heaven’s line has been heaven, although Yu is a general concealment, but the six-legged Divine Soul is destroyed, and the forces of the soul river have retired.

This will not be met …

“small …”

“Dog, Tour!”

“It turned out to be the main sacrifice of the war, and only you have a British life in the nine big sacrifice.”

“Today this young master looks on, and you will spare him.”

“dare to provoke, set up.”

gu huang is out of the big black dog, never give him a chance to talk, who knows what he can say in a dog? I really want to give my own disciple for anxious, and I don’t know how to go up.

The ABILITY of the Side Lang Dynasty, it is obvious to all.

is in charge of the war authority.

can fight against the eight major sacrifices, and we have deeply enabled the mains of the Zone.

can see how strong her potential is.

Yuan Young Master, please converge your own words and deeds, you don’t care about how Nine Province is active. “

“But in this area, I hope not to happen today.”

“also please don’t try to anger me, otherwise Take Responsibility for the Consequences.”

The war of war, the Lu Huang, the red lips of the flames unconsciously flashed a smile, it is already hungry, it is undoubtedly, otherwise it will never take the black dog, not so Talking.

The real element is more than Master.

It seems that Yuanyi is Master’s trumpet. After all, Master is a wolf who even pits himself.

Seven volumes of ancient history chapters, I don’t know how many huge pits have been dug, and how many trumpets have been opened.

I knew that the battle of Big’s Nine Provinces must involve Master’s participation.

I have to say that the Master is really amazing. If you are not really familiar with it, you will definitely not recognize the Master.

“The war priest, this Young Master gives you face, but it doesn’t mean it’s afraid of you.”

“If anyone dared to offend me again, it won’t be as simple as slaughtering the gods next time.”

“If you are not convinced, you can come to the fight.”

“Dogzi, let’s go.”

Gu Huang rolled his sleeves, and his whole silhouette descended from the Vault of Heaven, and he took Gou Ride to the bar opened by Annie. Since it has been rioting, then I will not leave for the time being.

“Supreme Destiny Skill-Reappear!”

Huang Wei, the destiny priest, took a deep look at Gu Huang. An endless killing intent has emerged in her heart. With the giant silver sickle across the void, a silver radiance unfolded. One of the 30% of Stella’s damaged city-states was restored again. The original state, but the slain creatures can’t reappear anymore. The city-state that was still extremely lively and noisy before now becomes silent.

“Huang Wei, this is the last time I advise you not to provoke Yuanyi and any candidate who participated in the battle of Nine Provinces.”

“You can also not listen, but if you are courting death yourself, don’t bring me.”

“The situation has changed. It is no longer the one-sided struggle between Great Qin and Da Eun. I think it is time for the leaders of the three parties to sit down and talk.”

“Three days later, in the city-state of Stella, I will go to invite Yu and Buddha, and you will be responsible for informing Elena*Evelyn* Guanghui.”

“Hidden for so many years, it’s time to come out.”

The silhouette of Ji Yanqing, the chief priest of the war, disappeared. When he turned around, a smile appeared. When the Master came, I really have confidence. Great Qin also has the backbone, so this chaotic situation should also disappear. Up.

“Peace talks, dream!”

“Unless your Great Qin camp is dead.”

“Yuanyi, you dare to humiliate me like this, this priest can’t kill you, it doesn’t mean that others can’t kill you.”

“it’s a small world, after three days, it will take your life.”

Huang Wei’s eyes filled with this and killing intent, giving people an extremely fierce aura. When his silver giant sickle pierced the void, the whole person had descended into an extremely dark space.

“Master of Destiny, what’s the point!”

“Our Assassin Alliance does not seem to have an intersection with you.”

In the depths of the gloomy space, a voice filled with hoarseness permeated out. Simply did not reveal the figure, but it gave people an invisible depression.

“1 billion Origin Crystals, take one life.”


“Yuan Clan Young Master Yuan Yi.”

“Who? Who do you say about the chief priest? Yuan Yi, the great Young Master of the Yuan clan, you know that he is a member of the Yuan clan, and we have always made friends with the Yuan clan.”

“You guys are worthy of a good relationship. Isn’t there only interest in your eyes?”

“Master, the Yuan clan once sheltered us and has a life-saving kindness to us. If you let us kill his direct line, Young Master, you have to add money!”

“1 billion Origin Crystal, if you don’t do it, I will go to the Void monster.”

“The chief priest joked, fuck, 1 billion is 1 billion, when and where?”

“Within three days, take his life.”

“Don’t worry! As long as the money is in place, even Paragon will dare to kill.”

Huang Wei dropped the deposit and disappeared without looking back. A silhouette with a clown mask and a windbreaker appeared in the depths of Dark Space…

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