
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Beyond the dead market, the vast and boundless Primal Chaos is deep in the void.

An incomparably gigantic black clothes big ball of light fell silent, and from the big ball of light spread countless tentacles with a length of tens of thousands of 10,000 li, which almost contained this piece of Primal Chaos in the void.

Each tentacle is similar to a deep-sea octopus, filled with large and small suckers, which show chrysanthemum-shaped sharp teeth. Looking down from the void may not be big, but each sucker is as big as a star.

It’s just such a sucker. Each tentacles is densely packed and filled with terrifying aura, which makes people tremble in the depth of one’s soul.

So spreading and emptiness, in a state of absolute prohibition, seems to fall into eternal sleep.


In the quiet and dark void, there was a sudden explosion. In an instant, thousands of dark tentacles spread out, countless suckers expanded, and terrifying sharp teeth intertwined, bursting out endless terrifying auras. .

Even the pitch-black big ball of light seemed to be wriggling, faintly permeating a very cold will.

“Here Fellow Daoist Fang is here!”

The will of the dark big ball of light reverberates in the void, faintly permeated with an unnamed sense of panic, countless tentacles interlace, and the big ball of light is tightly sealed, one after another dark mystery and authority flow , Making this unknown Primal Chaos tremble in the void.

“You also deserve to be called Fellow Daoist!”

Extremely gloomy and endlessly cold in the depths of the Primal Chaos, a huge shadow shrouded it, and this void was sealed almost instantly, and the entire Primal Chaos was filled with an incomparably weird aura.

I can’t see the true content, there is only a shadow that is incomparably high and huge, and I don’t know its name or what kind of creature it is. It is full of death and nothingness, or just the incarnation of nothingness.


“I don’t know if you are here, the little god Zi Qianlu excuse me for not going out to meet you, I hope you will forgive me.”

“The little god is just sleeping here, there has not been any cross-line move, Wang Zun let the little god.”

“The little god will immediately withdraw from this Primal Chaos and never set foot there.”

The will of the Dark Lord God is full of panic and restlessness. There is only a trembling feeling from in the depth of one’s soul. How can I imagine that there will be an ultimate existence coming.

Neither the origin of the five ancestors, nor the Thirty Three Heavens, those of the ninety-nine places.

It is an unknown, unnamed ultimate existence.

I am a fallen and dark lord god, and the dark side of the body has turned into a plan, but there is no reason to cause such an ultimate to take action in person.

Where did it come from? The nearest here is Death Ruins…

Is it the ultimate from the dead market?

But how is it possible?

If the death market had an ultimate existence, how could it be such a situation?

“Little girl, don’t even think about leaving when you come. How long have you been coveting the Death Ruins, don’t you have any compelling points in your heart?”

“You have come to the projection body for the first time, and the Avatar was in the Nine Provinces, and you have interfered with the timeline of the death market several times.”

“The lord of the infinite Heaven and Earth Space-Time, the god of all reincarnations of destiny, the name is also quite resounding, I heard that you are still the master of the Divine Realm, the land of origin.”

“Not good staying in the place of origin, ran to the dead market to run wild, really when our dead market is paper.”

“Any messy things, I dare to join in, when my Big Dong brother is a decoration, or when I am the name of the first Gourmet of All Heavens is blown out.”

“tsk tsk tsk! Little girl, Dongge, I have been sleeping for endless years. Zhengshou wakes up from this awakening and has nothing to do with it. You have finally delivered it to the door.”

“Stuff your teeth with a tentacle first!”

“ka cha!”

The huge shadow seems to be a chattering, chattering endlessly in each minding their own business, but when the voice stopped, a shadow hand directly pulled three or four tentacles, even though the tentacles were up and down He wriggled, trying to break free of the shadow’s control, but the next second came a sharp and crisp sound, and the huge shadow was chewing and chewing, like the sound of Old Ox gnawing bean sprouts.


“It hurts, please forgive me, the little god will never dare anymore.”

The dark big ball of light shuddered violently, sending out a painful spirit willpower, because every tentacle is her original evolution, the shadow swallows her physique, and the loss is the original source.

Divine Realm, the dignified place of origin, dominates the body of Evil Thought. She has always regarded all living things, World, civilization, Heaven and Earth as food, and never thought that one day would be regarded as food by people.

And it’s just like this, even the bones of the belt are bitten, this is the rhythm of giving yourself raw.

How miserable and painful.

“shut up!”

“When Dong Ge was eating, only two people in this world dared to interrupt, what thing are you, and dare to come and beg for mercy.”

“The taste is okay, a bit like the spicy noodles made by bastard back then. I really miss the craftsmanship of bastard.”

“I think that bastard called me vulgar, he was a Barbarian of devour raw meat and fowl, and he didn’t know the art of civilization at all.”

“Since Dong Brother, I have eaten spicy strips, I only know that there are such delicacies in the world.”

“This person is getting older and he talks a lot. He always likes to turn over his memories.”

“Little girl, don’t worry, Dong Ge will eat your big braised egg right away.”

The huge shadow was silent for a moment, and the terrifying shadow spread directly to every part of the void. It seemed that countless hands of shadows grabbed every tentacle of the Dark Lord, and just gnawed on the spot.

For a time, the entire void was filled with a sharp, crisp sound, and at the same time the screaming pain of the Lord God spreading darkness, it seemed to converge into a death hymn.

In a short time, all the tentacles of the Lord of Darkness were gnawed clean. Except for the huge shadow, the entire void was left with a large pitch-black ball of light, bald and silent in the void, seemingly incomparably gigantic.

But under the shadow of unknown, there is really the difference between equivalent to Human Race and marinated eggs.

“Great, Immortal, Supreme’s ultimate lord, the little god is willing to exchange a secret for his life.”

“Fuhuang, he is the descendant of the Human Sovereign Jiutou clan, and he is also the sacrifice chosen by the Jiutou clan…”

“Human Sovereign Nine Heads has been deployed for countless years. He wants to sacrifice Fuhuang and Death Ruins to Yongan before the eternal dark catastrophe arrives…”

“Also, the Human Sovereign Nine Heads have been looking for something that can fight the death knell.”

“The name of this device……!”

The Lord of Darkness panicked and tremblingly told the goal of the Human Sovereign Jiutou, and also sold the Jiutou without the slightest hesitation…

“Little girl, this secret is okay, it is indeed enough to buy your life.”

“But there is no way, who made Dongge me too hungry.”

“Your marinated egg is too delicious!”

After saying that, the hand of huge shadow spread out, and in an instant it grabbed the big black ball of light, and bit one of 30% in one bite, and then gnawed it clean without waiting for three or two, finally Only a dark energy core remained.

“Can’t chew, don’t do it!”

The huge shadow backhand throws out the complete core of the dark main god, and then the silhouette slowly disappears, while the dark main god core passes through the light and dark realm and descends into the lost Heaven and Earth, moved towards the universe. The stars in the corner are away…

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