
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Big Void Realm, endless gloom and pitch black, no light and no the ebbing of time, everything seems to be death and nothingness.

“old monster, Great Qin disappeared, and bastard is gone.”

“The female emperor, Tianhuang, Liluo, Liyang, Luo Qingchen, the emperor, all related Great Qin subjects are gone.”

“3000 universe, inside and outside the void, I can’t even see the slightest trace.”

In the depths of darkness and nothingness, a huge shadow shrouded in the sky above the sea of ​​nothingness, seeming to be able to look down on hundreds of millions of all living things, king of Eight Desolates Six Directions, an eternal world.

“Gluttonous food, did you know the bastard bastard the first day? When did he act let me know.”

“Absolutely era, endless years, several scrolls of ancient history, digging pits and dragging the corpse all the way, each step uses blood and life to clear the way, I am afraid how many pits have been dug, even he himself can’t remember.”

“Never believe that this bastard will have a bottom line, and never believe that he has no success.”

“The Great Qin evacuation was expected. Don’t follow the news of the Great Qin Empire. Maybe the bastard doesn’t know where it is?”

“No one in this world knows him better than I, and no one has been in contact with him for longer than me. Even a brother like me can kill him, even more how is someone else?”

“In our big Void Realm, there are dozens of old fart asleep. Don’t forget who saves our lives, no matter what he does?”

“It is up to him to do it. What we owe him is to defend this sea of ​​nothingness, because you and I both know what is hidden inside?”

The voice of mysterious unknown existence resounded, full of incomparable peace, but it contained a trace of desolation. It seemed to cherish the memory of the past, and it seemed to feel the rebirth.

“old bastard, what exactly is bastard going to do? And what is his true identity?”

The huge shadow made a sound again, and it seemed a bit impatient and impatient, because it was really silent for too long, and I don’t know how many years it has been…

“You can’t say it, you can’t say it!”

“Said it will cause a big change. When he remembers his real name, it may be a new era.”

“It is also the hope of all living things…”

“Gluttonous food, don’t question, don’t be confused, it is a bastard, a shameless shameless scam with no bottom line, but such scams have never let us down.”

“One day, you will understand.”

The voice of unknown existence is full of silence, and trust is also invisible. After all, some things are really too important, so important that they are forgotten by the world, and the endless years of silence must be guarded.

“old monster, the eternal dark catastrophe is coming, and those things will come out again.”

“You once said that bastard is the only existence that can be confronted, and that he would rather be the only real world collapsed and guard 3000 universe…”

“The death knell will ring again in the world, and the era will come to an end. There will be no square in the world of 3000.”

“Will he really be hope?”

The huge shadow is not questioning, but full of deep despair, because I have waited for too long, too long, to the point where I have to forget myself. This eternally bright nihility is defended for an unnecessarily promised How many years have passed.


“Dadong, I know everything, but I really can’t say it.”

“I was the first to be rescued by him, and you were the 2nd to be rescued by him, otherwise we would have been reduced to a barren and dead ruins and tombs.”

“Everyone in the world can question, but you and my brothers cannot question it. It is undeniable that he is indeed a bastard.”

“But I can feel that bastard is about to succeed. I am giving him some time.”

“Waiting is also a form of trust.”

The unknown existence sighed and fell into eternal silence, as if this boundless sea of ​​nothingness has never known that nothingness still has life than the world.

“old monster, I don’t believe it, but I’m really confused.”

“We are all Supreme externally, the limit is three and four leaves True Spirit level, but who knows that we are all ultimate creatures.”

“Unfortunately, our real names are in the hands of bastard. Only our real name, bastard summon, can release us.”

“Obviously in many eras, he can summon, as long as we appear in the world, who can stop us.”

“Sometimes I really don’t understand what bastard thinks?”

The huge shadow sighed and fell into a deep sense of helplessness, because it can really sweep all the world, but bastard has never used it.

“Because he is creating the Tao, creating a path that has no one before, no one after, beyond the sides of Heaven and Earth, all living things can be detached from all souls.”

“Dadong, do you understand now?”

The unknown existence finally revealed a hint of secrets. In order to appease this glutton, he had to tell some secrets, otherwise it would not be too foolish.

“Create a road!”

“This bastard, really has great courage and ambition.”

“It is indeed something like that bastard can do. The side chapters he created in the past years brought together our respective strengths and spread them all over the world.”

“On the basis of the twelve sides, we have to find a brand new road. I really look forward to whether he can do it.”

“old monster, if you say that, I can really feel at ease.”

The doubt and anxiety in the heart of the huge shadow disappeared. Since it is looking for a new path, even a way that can detach all living things from all living things, what a vow and determination it is.

Old bastard!

When will you be able to recover your memory, and where do you go.

We are really looking forward to it.

“Dadong, don’t worry about the old bastard, some people have been restless recently and want to break the rules of the road.”

“It’s time to punish you, otherwise you think that the first restricted area of ​​3000 Universe in Death Ruins is a decoration?”

The unknown existence in the depths of the sea of ​​emptiness makes a sound. It is exactly the gesture of a big shot. The rules are always rules. Whoever dares to break the rules will chop off his claws.

“old monster, who broke the rules!”

“It seems Dongge, I’m going to have a full meal again. It’s better to have a generous portion, otherwise it will be really boring.”

The incomparably ferocious shadow of the huge shadow makes people feel trembling from in the depth of one’s soul, especially from the cold will of the body that swallows everything.

“The big marinated egg outside the dead market has been peeping at the dead market for a long time, trying to get it in and eat it.”

“Oh! Is it that fallen big marinated egg? It must taste really unusual, Dong Ge is going to eat meat.”

“Dadong, don’t be poor, go quickly, remember to start quietly, don’t move quietly.”

“old monster, don’t worry! Dude understand!”

The huge shadow disappeared, and the unknown existence of the sea of ​​nothingness was also silent. The entire heavenly realm became empty again, only the sea of ​​nothingness rippled with one after another ripple…

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