
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Brat Gu, what do you want to do for a long time? What do you want to do again?”

“Probably I also know one or two, although I spent in endless sleep, but I have been paying attention to the death ruins.”

“I have to say that your bravery and wisdom are above heaven under earth, and Human World is hard to beat.”

“You are the lord of the Divine State and control the power of the three emperors. It is more suitable than anyone else. Unfortunately, you are too arrogant. This will bring a fatal crisis to Human Race.”

“In the Infinite Era, you have many opportunities to choose, but your arrogance has caused Zhuxia so much suffering and pain. Some things can be solved peacefully, so why go to war.”

“Because you Zhuxia are all enemies in the world, because you have lost the chance of revival, you have considered these, if you are a true emperor, you should consider it from the perspective of race and civilization. Instead of making a decision based on your own preferences.”

“It is for your good to imprison you today, so that you can see clearly what the real emperor is.”

Human Sovereign’s eyes are filled with majesty and coldness, because Gu Huang itself is impeccable. He is suitable to be a pioneer of a race or civilization, but he is definitely not suitable for a race. Emperor.

For the future of all living things, and for the continuation of Zhu Xia, he must be imprisoned.

Whether it is the eternal tribe or the eternal catastrophe.

None of the weaker Zhu Xia can resist.

“I have never been an emperor, and I never expected to be an emperor. I have never been just fiend in human form.”

“Sure enough, Fuhuang is the heir of Your Majesty, but I am really curious about who he Fuhuang is? Let you, the ancestor of Divine State, not hesitate to rebel.”

“Today you behaved like this, how should the Earth Sovereign ancestors and the Emperor’s ancestors explain in the future.”

“Old Ancestor, this is the last time I call you, from now on my Kunlun lineage has nothing to do with Divine State.”

Gu Huang not at all summon Emperor, and no summon system, but calmly accepted the current changes, and at the same time, one after another Soul Seed came back to life.

The original era, Vermilion Bird Saint Race.

Gorgeous peerless, the Vermilion Bird Sacred King, who is gazing at the world, occupies the depths of the Mountain of Flames, and you can see the arrival of the youth of the incarnation, that is, the legendary ancestor full of legendary colors.

“Vermilion Bird Sacred King, change is approaching, leave with me quickly!”

“Leezu, what happened?”

“Sacred King, don’t ask too much, the original era will collapse.”

“Okay, Liezu, I will let you go.”


In the very ancient times, Foreign Domain was empty, wearing a long black clothes dress, and a cool and elegant woman filled with light and shadow from all over the world stared at her, giving people a terrifying will to stand up to 3000 in the world and suppress the eternal void.

A vigorous silhouette came from the void, and I saw it was a young man dressed entirely in western cowboys, with his upper body exposed, engraved with countless mysterious patterns, one hand in his pocket, one hand holding a wine bottle, and shaking , Five steps in a flash, came to the woman in the dark long skirt.

“The Empress, it’s time to go!”

“Is it time?”

“Empress, it’s not the time, but our heads gave up.”

“Who did it.”

“Emperor, besides those few, who else can make our head give up.”

“Unfortunately, it finally broke.”

“Empress, our heads were not expected a long time ago, I still only serve the heads when it comes to cunning.”

“How else is it called fiend in human form?”

“Emperor, we are going to evacuate the Great Qin and evacuate the dead market. It is time to return to the original ancestral land.”

“Farewell to the ancient times!”

The two people in front of me are not others, they are Liluo Paragon and the eternal empress, a fake death circulating in the world, the other guarding the ancients for countless years, and now it is finally time to evacuate.


Dust seal Heaven and Earth, Nine Provinces.

Wearing Tsing Yi, hunting and hunting, Luo Qingchen, filled with infinite coercion, walked on the vast land. At the same time, only an old silhouette emerged.

“Brother Luo, the closed-loop plan has been stopped, immediately withdraw from Nine Provinces and head to the Great Qin Empire.”


“Brother Luo, I was trapped by Human Sovereign ancestor Jiutou…”

“What? Human Sovereign ancestor Jiutou, then your overall layout, isn’t it a failure?”

“Brother Luo, the plan can’t keep up with the changes. On behalf of Kunlun, I have completely broken with Divine State. From then on, I will return to the bridge, return to the road, and stay away from each other.”

“Ancient brothers, I believe you, no matter what decision you make, we will support you.”

“Brother Luo, I will not disappoint any of you. It will not be long before the Human Sovereign Nine Heads will kneel down and beg us.”

“Ancient brothers, if you do not believe in you, my body will not be 30% soul.”

“Brother Luo, go back to Great Qin first and say, we want to escape from the dead market.”

“Ancient brothers, this is a wonderful move, wonderful!”

After that, Gu Huang’s seed of mind has disappeared, and Luo Qingchen also escaped from Nine Provinces quietly. As for Ning Yuan’s incarnation, he is still in a daze, forgetting everything before.


Death Ruins, Great Qin Empire, a vast and endless, seemingly endless city wall, spreading in the depths of the endless void, this is the great wall of the Great Qin Empire.

A skinny old monk stands on its city wall, peering at the end of the endless era, giving people an unparalleled mysterious aura.

“Withered Wood Master, since you merged with the Great Wall, there have been three Eternal eras!”

“Amitabha! Heavenly waste donor, this poor monk have what skills and abilities compared with you.”

“Master, it’s a serious statement. If it hadn’t been for Master to defend the Great Qin in the past, how could the golden age of the Great Qin Empire come to today? Unfortunately, we are about to leave. Your Majesty has already come to the decrees. I really can’t bear it!”

“Heavenly famine donor, this poor monk is unknown?”

“Master, don’t ask, don’t think, do it according to Your Majesty!”

“Heavenly desolate benefactor, it’s not this poor monk who wants to get to the bottom, but where are we going? Isn’t this the Place of Origin of Zhuxia Human Race? Could it be that this is the way to abandon it.”

“Master, who do you think can change the meaning of Your Majesty in today’s World, Master, you can be one of the eight Great Protectors of the Heaven and Earth Alliance…”

“Amitabha! Donor, this poor monk understands, dare to ask where we want to withdraw?”

“Master, I would like to know this question to be honest, but there are only a few places to retreat.”

“Heavenly famine donor, when will you withdraw?”

“Master, we will naturally evacuate together. All Great Qin subjects should evacuate from the dead market.”

“Amitabha! What happened? We are going to evacuate the dead market.”

“Master, get ready! This withdrawal will be permanent. When our Great Qin Empire reappears, it will be the day when the Black Dragon flag will be inserted in the world for 3000 times.”

“Amitabha! Is it going to be an expedition of blood and fire? It’s just a pity for all living things in this world.”

Master withered Wood and Emperor Tianhuang know that this conquest is simply unavoidable. I really don’t know when the next battle will last.

At the same time, the ancient Nine Heavens ten places, the ancient Celestial Court of the monster clan, and the witch clan of the ten places also experienced inexplicable changes. I saw Emperor Hongkong wearing a gold robe and Xing Tian with a bronze tomahawk on his chest. .

“Xingtian, it’s time to go. I really didn’t expect that the two clans of witch and monster will really join hands one day.”

“Di Hongkong, stop talking nonsense, it’s important to run away.”

“Xingtian, it’s no wonder that you will be killed by Haotian. Your character deserves it.”

“Di Hongkong, dare to mention this again, believing or not, I will fight you desperately.”

Di Hongkong and Xingtian are outside the ten places of ancient Nine Heavens, and the two hold the authority of Heaven and Earth. At this moment, when the two powers merge, the ancient Nine Heavens ten places have evolved into a spherical world. Disappeared instantly…

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