
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Old shameless, you dare to be greedy for ink even my things. If it’s anything else, it’s all. These two 100,000 unit rules are related to my entire series of plans, and there is no difference in it.”

“Stop talking nonsense, hand it over quickly, or else I will exclude you from this big plan.”

Gu Huang has a grin on the corner of his mouth. Naturally, the real world rules of 2100,000 are not a lot, but when killing the hand of the eternal sky, old shameless followed the autumn wind, at least tens of thousands of units of the real world rules were missed , At this time, there is no blackmail and more time.

There is absolutely no burden to squeeze the old shameless.

“Little Demon, your uncle, why has this seat been greedy for ink, don’t spit on people.”

“Is this a person like that?”

“Gu Huang, you Little Bastard, if you are here, Believing or Not, I will break with you.”

The old shameless was so angry that he didn’t hit one place, and his face was almost green. I have seen shameless, but I have never seen such shameless, and risked his own name to kill the hand of the eternal sky. Even if the benefit of this seat has not fallen, it will be blackmailed again. How can World have such a reason.

damn it, his uncle, above heaven under earth Human World, in addition to the number one pit of Tianhuang, there is only this little Demon who dares to squeeze this seat so just and Honorable.

He damn it, this seat is so fate, so bad luck, Zhuxia Human Race is all a bunch of bastards.

“Okay, old shameless, I have already given you the 100,000 unit rule. You should hand it over the 3,000 units quickly.”

“Otherwise, you will really regret it, I can tell you in advance.”

“This time the plan is 10%. By then, it will not only be the return of ten thousand immortals, but the myth has returned.”

“The location of an ancestor in the Divine State mainland, do you still want it.”

Gu Huang slumped the shoulders of the old shameless and dragged it to the side, just whispering in a low voice. The threat was full of threats, and he completely regarded the old shameless as a cash machine.

Don’t blackmail the old shameless, that is absolutely impossible.

The blackest in prehistoric times, how many Supreme Treasures are hidden in his body, I am afraid he can’t even count it himself.

But none of them are as important as the rules of the real world.

“What? Little Demon, you are serious about this!”

“Old shameless, how did this Young Master fool you.”

“Little Demon, there are few of you who lie to this seat. Tianhuang is an old trick, and you are not a good thing.”

“Old shameless, what do you mean by this? This Young Master doesn’t like it. Give you a chance to reorganize the language.”

“Little Demon, don’t come to that set. It’s really that good to fool you when I don’t read too much.”

“Old shameless, so you don’t look down on my position as the ancestor of Divine State. In other words, you don’t give me face anymore. You are going to slap me in the face today, does that mean?”

“Little Demon, what you said is correct. This seat will not give you face today. If there is any way, please mark it down. This seat will continue.”

“Old shameless, you are really floating, this Young Master still can’t lift the knife.”

“Hehe! Little Demon, this seat can’t beat you in the future, can’t you still catch you now? You are not the real body, but just the will. Is it really impossible for this seat to see it?”


“Old shameless, stop beeping! I ask you one last sentence, give or not.”

“Little Demon, this seat just doesn’t pay, how can you drop this seat!”

Gu Huang competes with the old shameless Wang Lan, and the two are big eyes staring at small eyes. Simply let no one else? The one who fought for it was red-faced, all of them rolled up their sleeves, there was a big disagreement, and they had to start their hands.

“Boss, Wang Lu, stop arguing!”

“If there is something that can’t be said properly, wouldn’t it be laughable if it is spread out.”

“We are an alliance after all, how can we fight back.”

“Boss, what do you want to do?”

The spirit of Space-Time saw the attitude of the two people, and “unable to bear” just asked out loud. My heart became more and more curious about what Boss wanted to do. After all, this matter really matters.

The rules of the real world!

Reverse Space-Time is back!

Boss will come!

One pile, one by one, is too unimaginable.

“Old shameless, wait for your return and see if I will not kill you.”

“The Spirit of Space-Time, this time I am back in time, just to find you.”

“These are all the things that happened after the sacrifice. You will read them before you finish.”

Gu Huang’s light of the soul and Space-Time’s spirit are fused to transfer memories of what will happen in the future. In short, everything is very important. Facing Space-Time’s spirit can be described as every One piece, even every detail is not missed.

“Boss, you are…really crazy…is the future so difficult?”

“In other words, the rules sent by Wang Lu will form a perfect closed loop based on the trajectory you walk.”

“It is indeed a shocking idea, the perfect and without blemish plan, and only Boss can make this plan come into being, but there is one biggest problem right now.”

“Where the closed-loop device is built, how long does it take to refining to succeed.”

The spirit of Space-Time looked at Gu Huang in horror. Deep in one’s heart is full of joy. He is indeed the man he likes, and he can surprise himself every time.

The arm that can kill the eternal sky, and kill the Young Emperor.

It’s really cruel.

“Space-Time spirit, now I don’t have time to sacrifice the closed-loop device, and everyone has their own mission to do, I think about it, only you are the most suitable.”

“So I asked the old shameless to send the rules, and this rule contains the essence of the flesh and blood of the six heavens and a finger bone of the eternal sky.”

“And you are leaving me soon, so this matter must be left to you.”

“I will wait for you in the original days. Now I will seal your memory. When you leave me, I will recover on my own.”

“Space-Time spirit, this plan is very important. Only you can help me, and 90% of my hopes are placed on you.”

“I will give you a delay in the beginning, and all the enemies that will be dragged down.”

“Also, when you are born, you will find Martial Goddess siblings, as well as Bai Jinzhen. The ancestors of the ancestral land have descended from the original era in a spiritual way, and will continue to penetrate this timeline. .”

“Let’s see you in Nine Provinces on the day of achievement.”

Gu Huang gently brushed the face of the Spirit of Space-Time, feeling really strange for her. It seems that I have known each other for a long time, and it seems that he is himself…

“Boss, rest assured! I will definitely complete your entrustment.”

“Regardless of the thousand years, ten thousand years, or eternal era, I will be waiting for you.”

“I was born as a human, I am very fortunate to meet you, not a good fortune.”

“Fortunately, Divine State has you, Zhuxia has you!”

“Go! Boss, do what you should do!”

The Spirit of Space-Time stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Huang’s cheek gently, two lines of clear tears crossed his cheeks, how I wanted to tell Gu Huang that I was Qijue, but the timing was still not ah !

Boss, I won’t let you wait too long, please must wait for me.


“Old shameless, what to see, go!”

“Hehe! Little Demon, the rule of 13,000 units is for you, but this seat has a requirement. In the future, when the Spirit of Space-Time is born with a closed loop device, please call this seat.”

“Old shameless, what do you want to do?”

“Little Demon, can’t you take a look at this seat?”

Gu Huang waved his hand to seal the memory of the Spirit of Space-Time. Two 100,000 balls of real world rules were directly absorbed into her body. At the same time, old shameless was also injected with 13,000 real world rules.

At the same moment, Gu Huang’s will dissipated, and the old shameless waved his hand to tear open the void. The silhouette gradually vaporized and disappeared into the depths of a long river of gold…

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