
You can search for “Unparalleled Villain System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


The light and dark realm, the dividing line of black and white, filled with a sense of unparalleled horror, cold, silent, and intertwined like Immortal eternal Sovereign voices, and the entire void was trembling violently When he got up, even the light and dark realm was about to be swallowed, and a single scarlet pupil shone out, as if crossing a boundless void, infinite timeline.

Vast, ancient, horrible, dark, cold…

The extreme hatred, mixed with an extremely terrifying will, seems to sweep the Eternal Immortal, the dimension of Eternal Immortal.

blood light is pervasive, and darkness is shrouded, as if an abyss-like oppression penetrates through it, the entire light and dark realm is directly engulfed by the unnamed eternal darkness, making people full of trembling in the depth of one’s soul.

A silhouette dressed in dark red armor came slowly, full of unparalleled oppression, as if the will of the abyss was manifested, even the face covered the dark red visor, and it was impossible to see who it was. , And there was a blood-colored pupil floating above her head.

“The Will of the Abyss, you dare to come!”

“It seems that you don’t want to keep this one eye.”

The emperor stood with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent and natural, as if he was the ruler of is a Immortal, facing the oppression of the blood-colored pupils, it seemed that he was simply unconscious, even full of ridicule and disdain.

The condensed body of the great will of the Eternal Abyss, the three signs of the Eternal Abyss, almost emptied the abyss, even the will body was blinded.

After waiting for the eternal years of Eternal, it finally emerged.

defeated, what a mess!


“You are still as arrogant as ever. Now, whoever gives you the courage, and who gives you the courage.”

“Do you think it was the emperor who suppressed pluralism and ruled the sky?”

“You…but just trifling.”

The blood-colored eyeballs rolled up and down, and the horrible force of eternal darkness rolled over the void, giving people a majestic and endless coercion, as if the entire abyss was about to sweep over.

This time to kill the emperor!

It’s not a projection, but a real eyeball.

Trifling’s thoughts are only one thought, and there is no doubt that he will die.

No one can save the emperor!

“What about a thought?”

“Enough to kill you!”

“Aren’t you going to take revenge? Let you take action today.”

The emperor is still standing with his hands behind his hands, his silhouette is completely unmoved, his expression is very calm and smiling, it is simply difficult to guess his thoughts.

Brother Gu, it’s time to change your shot in this round.

This mind-body of mine really can’t beat the real gathering of big will.

Big eyes, today is your death date.


“No one can save you today. Others don’t know your details, but I know very well.”

“Everyone knows that you have two lives together, and they all think that you are a reincarnation, but that’s 30% of your soul.”

“Heaven soul is emperor, earth soul is Tianhuang, human soul is Luo Qingchen, and the three souls of Heaven, Earth and Human are 30%. You deceived the Lord of Hongmeng Forbidden Zone, but you can’t deceive me.”

“Only I know you the most in this world…”

“This thought of your body is the heavenly soul. If you cut off your soul, neither the earth nor the human soul can exist. Depending on your current state, what are you fighting against me?”

“Absolutely era, endless years, I don’t want to kill you all the time, finally let me wait until this day.”

“Say any last words!”

The scarlet pupils hang high in the center of the light and dark realm. It is completely a posture of looking down at all living things. It seems to be able to swallow all Heaven and Earth all living things, giving people a terrifying will.

Emperor, we must die now!

This is fate, no one can reverse it.

This is his sinful debt owed to the eternal abyss, and it is also a great cycle of cause and effect.

“You know a lot, but unfortunately your opponent is not me today.”

“My mission has been completed, and it’s time for me to leave.”

“I will not accompany me!”

The emperor has clearly felt the coming of Gu Huang, and naturally there is no need to hide it. The current state is not suitable for long-term battles. The rest is the responsibility of Gu Huang’s brother.

After all, he is better suited to contend with each other than himself.

To be honest, if it were not for the 30% of the three souls of Heaven, Earth and Human, the will of trifling the eternal abyss would be a fart, and he could be killed with bare hands.

“Emperor Brother, just run away, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Brothers, I can’t show up yet, so you have to continue to clean him up.”

“Ten thousand units of Rule Power in the real world are enough to restore Peak.”

Gu Huang came quietly behind the emperor in a spiritualized state. Regardless of whether the emperor agreed or not, 10,000 units of Rule Power of the real world were directly injected into the body. There was still no movement in the whole process. Wait until the emperor has When I noticed it, I already didn’t know where I had escaped far…


“Want to leave, have you asked my opinion?”

“The Light and Dark Realm is your Land of Burial, you are destined to be buried here forever.”

“Why struggle and accept your fate calmly!”

“The end of Zhuxia Human Race is here. Don’t even think about turning over again, just count from your fall.”

The blood-colored pupils are filled with the cold aura, as if it is the master from the end of eternal darkness, this is destined to be a battle without suspense, today is the emperor’s end, who can not save him.

“The will of the eternal abyss, do you know what an old saying in our Zhuxia Human Race is called?”

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, it’s you!”

“My defeated, how dare I be undefeated, it seems that you don’t want to keep this eye.”

“If I want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

“I still let you shoot, but your chance is only this time.”

The face of the emperor is peaceful, with an extremely indifferent posture, but his heart is full of horror. A total of 10,000 units of Rule Power in the real world is converted into 3,000. The void of the universe is 100 million units of principles, authority, and truth Mystery…

Go crazy!

The ancient brothers is really an old yin ratio, even the rules of the real world can be obtained, and there is no trace of the real world rule power in the 3000 universe today.

Where did he get it? The real world rule of 10,000 units is more than the ability to restore Peak, enough to undergo qualitative change. It used to suppress multiple Heaven and Earth, which is civilization all Sovereigns, Yotsuba True Spirit level, naturally It’s 30% of the soul, but now…

Enough to metamorphose, promote from Four Leaves True Spirit to at least Seven Leaves, and directly become a quasi-ultimate.

And what you master is not the power of Taboo Supreme, but one of the twelve rules from the real world.

Old brothers ah! Ancient brothers, I am convinced.

“Get out of here!”

The silhouette of the jet-black armor made a sound, full of coldness and killing, and the veil covering the face slowly fell off, revealing a world-famous face, impressively the plain eyebrows of the Eldest Young Lady of the Star Empire.


The light and dark realm, the dividing line of black and white, filled with a sense of unparalleled horror, cold, silent, and intertwined like Immortal eternal Sovereign voices, and the entire void was trembling violently When he got up, even the light and dark realm was about to be swallowed, and a single scarlet pupil shone out, as if crossing a boundless void, infinite timeline.

Various, ancient, terrifying, dark, cold…

The extreme hatred, mixed with an extremely terrifying will, seems to sweep the Eternal Immortal, the dimension of Eternal Immortal.

blood light is pervasive, dark is shrouded, and it is like an abyss-like oppression that penetrates through, and the entire light and dark realm is directly swallowed by the unknown eternal darkness, making people full of trembling in the depth of one’s soul.

A silhouette dressed in dark red armor came slowly, full of unparalleled oppression, as if the will of the abyss was manifested, even the face covered the dark red visor, and it was impossible to see who it was. , And there was a blood-colored pupil floating above her head.

“The Will of the Abyss, you dare to come!”

“It seems that you don’t want to keep this one eye.”

The emperor stands with his hands indifferent and natural, as if the ruler of is a Immortal, facing the oppression of the blood-colored pupils, it seems that he is simply unconscious, even full of ridicule and disdain.

The condensed body of the great will of the Eternal Abyss, the three signs of the Eternal Abyss that year almost emptied the abyss, and even the will body was blinded.

After waiting for the eternal years of Eternal, it finally emerged.

defeated, what a mess!


“You are still as arrogant as ever. Now, whoever gives you the courage, and who gives you the courage.”

“Do you think it was the emperor who suppressed pluralism and ruled the sky?”

“You…but just trifling.”

The blood-colored eyeballs rolled up and down, and the horrible power of eternal darkness rolled over the void, giving people a majestic and endless coercion, as if the entire abyss was about to sweep over.

This time to kill the emperor!

It’s not projection, but real eyeballs.

Trifling’s thoughts are only one thought, and there is no doubt that he will die.

No one can save the emperor!

“What about thinking about the body?”

“Enough to kill you!”

“Aren’t you going to take revenge? Let you take action today.”

The emperor is still standing with his hands behind his hands, his silhouette is completely unmoved, his expression is very calm and smiling, it is simply difficult to guess his thoughts.

Brother Gu, it’s time to change your shot in this round.

This mind-body of mine really can’t beat the real gathering of big will.

Big eyes, today is your death date.


“No one can save you today. Others don’t know your details, but I know very well.”

“Everyone knows that you have two lives together, and they all think you are a reincarnation, but that is 30% of your soul.”

“Heaven soul is emperor, earth soul is Tianhuang, human soul is Luo Qingchen, and the three souls of Heaven, Earth and Human are 30%. You deceived the Lord of Hongmeng Forbidden Zone, but you can’t deceive me.”

“Only I know you the most in this world…”

“This thought of your body is the heavenly soul. If you cut off your soul, neither the earth nor the human soul can exist. Depending on your current state, what are you fighting against me?”

“Absolutely era, endless years, I don’t want to kill you all the time, and finally made me wait until this day.”

“Say any last words!”

The scarlet pupils hang high in the center of the light and dark realm. It is completely a posture of looking down at all living things. It seems to be able to swallow all Heaven and Earth all living things, giving people a terrifying will.

Emperor, we must die now!

This is fate, no one can reverse it.

This is his sinful debt owed to the eternal abyss, and it is also a great cycle of cause and effect.

“You know a lot, but unfortunately your opponent today is not me.”

“My mission has been completed, and it’s time for me to leave.”

“I won’t accompany me!”

The emperor has clearly felt the coming of Gu Huang, and naturally there is no need to hide it. The current state is not suitable for long-term battles. The rest is Gu Huang’s brother.

After all, he is better suited to contend with each other than himself.

To be honest, if it were not for the 30% of the three souls of Heaven, Earth and Human, the will of trifling the eternal abyss would be a fart, and he could be killed with bare hands.

“Emperor Brother, just run away like this, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Brothers, I can’t show up yet, so you have to continue to clean up him.”

“Ten thousand units of Rule Power in the real world are enough to restore Peak.”

Gu Huang came quietly behind the emperor in a spiritualized state. Regardless of whether the emperor agreed or not, 10,000 units of Rule Power of the real world were injected into the body. There was still no movement in the whole process. When I noticed it, I already didn’t know where I had escaped far…


“Want to leave, have you asked my opinion?”

“The Light and Dark Realm is your Land of Burial, you are destined to be buried here forever.”

“Why struggle, and accept your fate calmly!”

“The end of Zhuxia Human Race has come. Don’t even think about turning over again, just count from your fall.”

The blood-colored pupils are filled with the cold aura, as if it is the ruler from the end of eternal darkness, this is destined to be a battle without suspense, today is the emperor’s end, who can not save him.

“The will of the eternal abyss, do you know what an old saying in our Zhuxia Human Race is called?”

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, it’s you!”

“My defeated, how dare I be undefeated, it seems that you don’t want to keep this eye.”

“If I want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

“I still let you shoot, but your chance is only this time.”

The face of the emperor is peaceful, with an extremely indifferent posture, but his heart is full of horror. A total of 10,000 units of Rule Power in the real world is converted into 3,000. The void of the universe is 100 million units of principles, authority, and truth Mystery…

Go crazy!

The ancient brothers is really an old yin ratio, even the rules of the real world can be obtained, and there is no trace of the real world rule power in the 3000 universe today.

Where did he get it? The real world rule of 10,000 units is more than the ability to restore Peak, enough to undergo qualitative change, once suppressed the pluralistic Heaven and Earth, which is civilization all Sovereigns, Yotsuba True Spirit level, nature It’s 30% of the soul, but now…

Enough to change, from the four leaves True Spirit to at least seven leaves, directly into the quasi-ultimate.

And what you master is not the power of Taboo Supreme, but one of the twelve rules from the real world.

Old brothers ah! Ancient brothers, I am convinced.

“Get out of here!”

The silhouette of the jet-black armor made a sound, full of coldness and killing, and the veil covering the face slowly fell off, revealing a world-famous face, impressively the plain eyebrows of the Eldest Young Lady of the Star Empire.

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